Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1554 understand the true meaning of the show

In addition to the most basic reason for Yuan Yunpeng to be recognized, there is another important reason, which is to provide him with a stage for this talent.

"The Voice" stage!

Because the stage of "The Voice" is only about sound, and nothing else.

Although the audience did not recognize this before, thinking that this is the fatal flaw of this program.

But "The Voice" only talks about the purpose of sound, but it has buried its roots in their hearts. They already have a subconscious that is suitable for this stage as long as they sing well.

In addition, before the players entered the field, the four instructors turned their backs to the stage, which invisibly deepened this subconsciousness.

The audience will think that when the four instructors selected the students, they really couldn't see the players, and the only criterion for their selection was the voice.

Then, the sound is undoubtedly the next priority.

Will the mentors turn around for the players? Everything depends on the voice of the players, can you impress the instructor?

Under this subconsciousness, the audience will subconsciously listen carefully to the voices of the players on the stage.

As for the looks of the contestants on the stage, are they pretty? When they listen to songs, they don't think much about this issue, and their attention is more on the voice of the players.

And when they are completely infected by the voices of the players on the stage, and then go to see the players on the stage, even if they find out at this time that the players on the stage are not beautiful, it will not affect their recognition and love for the players.

Because, in the final analysis, the most important thing for a singer is his voice. When he impresses others with his voice, his appearance is no longer so important.

For the audience, they finally realized at this time, can a person become a singer? His external conditions are not that important, a good voice and singing are the most important.

Of course, under the premise of good voice and good singing, if the external conditions are also very good, then it will be better.

It's just that extrinsic conditions should be placed second, not first.

And the stage of "The Voice" is the same for the four mentors.

They can't see the players, don't know how tall, short, fat or thin the players are, so they can only focus all their attention,

All focused on the singing of the contestants as the only criterion for their selection.

If they can see the players, their selection criteria will definitely be affected by visual perception. If the players are not good looking, they will definitely lose points.

There is no right or wrong. After all, there is a saying, "Everyone has the love of beauty." Why don't you choose some good-looking students?

And when they were moved by the players' singing, they clicked the button and turned around, and when they finally saw the players' appearance, they found that the players didn't look good.

In this case, not only would they not feel any disappointment, but they would also be pleasantly surprised. They didn't expect this unremarkable player to be able to sing such a refreshing voice.

This is completely different from the situation where they saw the players at the beginning and then listened to the players singing.

This is the magical effect brought by the stage of "The Voice". It may sound mysterious and incredible, but it is the truth.

At this time, Yuan Yunpeng was still singing on the stage, and after Ling Hua and Jiang Huan, Yun Fei and Zhang Yuhan also turned around.

All four mentors turned around for Yuan Yunpeng.

And the four mentors who chose to turn around and saw the players on the stage suddenly fully understood the true meaning of this show.

A good voice, just talking about the voice, only the voice is the essence of this kind of talent show. Only in this way, will you not miss the many "good voices".

Li Fan's show has been ridiculed by countless people, saying that he doesn't understand the market rules of talent shows at all, and is just doing things according to his own wishful thinking.

To be honest, they didn't fully understand Li Fan's show before. They just absolutely believed in Li Fan and thought that the show planned by Li Fan was absolutely impossible.

But now, they finally fully understand, understand the true meaning of this show, understand the mystery of this show.

This program not only restores the essence of a music talent show, but also may at any time make the voices of the contestants heard by the audience and the appearance of the contestants in their eyes form a strong contrast.

This strong contrast makes the show very interesting, and makes the audience exclaim and excited at any time.

This kind of exclamation and excitement that may appear at any time will make them maintain strong expectations for the show at any time!

Of course, the same is true for their four mentors. What awaits them will also be constant surprises and surprises, so that they will always be unable to bear it and look forward to the next player's appearance!

How can the ratings of such a program be simple?

This is an amazing show!

After understanding this, the respect of the four mentors for Li Fan was unprecedentedly improved. Li Fan's eyes were always in front of everyone, and he could always see things that others could not see.

The instructors have already understood the true meaning of the show, but the audience at the scene has not thought of this yet.

However, it doesn't matter, the audience at the scene is very excited now, and the atmosphere at the scene is hot again, which is enough.

The four mentors turned around for the contestants on the stage, which made them feel the charm of this show once again, and once again confirmed that the contestants on the stage really sang very well.

What about the burly man? What if you don't look good? These are no longer important.

The audience was cheering, cheering for the contestants on stage, cheering for all four mentors turning around, cheering for the show.

Yuan Yunpeng was already very excited on the stage. He originally just wanted to cherish this may be the only chance in his life to sing on the stage. He was fully devoted and full of emotion.

He did not expect that the four mentors would turn around for him, and he did not expect that the audience would cheer for him.

Compared with the time when he just appeared, the current situation is simply a world away.

It turned out that this stage could really be his stage, and what Mr. Li Fan said was indeed correct.

His voice was screaming, and his heart was screaming too, and he really did.

At the back of the stage, the other 19 contestants were also quite excited while envious. Yuan Yunpeng was turned around by the four mentors, which made a good start for them and set an example. Their confidence in their hearts has become stronger than before. more adequate.


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