Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1561 This is a professional singer, right?

"The Voice" show.

Guo Sheng stood on the stage. To be honest, he was really nervous and excited. He had grown crops all his life. How could he have thought that one day he would stand on such a stage and sing?

He felt that he should say hello to the four mentors, the audience at the scene, and the audience in front of the TV before singing.

Although the contestants generally bowed and saluted and started singing without speaking, the program did not stipulate that they could not speak before singing.

"Hello everyone, my name is Guo Sheng, I come from Niu Miao Village, Xinqiao Town, and the song I sing is "Mountain Hill"." Guo Sheng said.

It's just that with his opening, everyone on the scene and all the audience in front of the TV were stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help laughing out loud.

Of course, their laughs were not malicious, but they really couldn't help but want to laugh.

Because Guo Sheng's accent is very heavy, although everyone can understand the meaning, the difference between Guo Sheng's pronunciation and Mandarin is too great.

Is it really okay to sing with such a heavy accent?

Everyone put a question mark in their hearts. It was really hard for them to believe that a rural uncle with such a heavy accent could sing any good songs.

Did the show team make a mistake? Shouldn't this uncle be on stage?

Although it was hard for everyone to believe that the program team would make such a serious mistake, they had to be suspicious, because it was really hard for them to believe that this uncle could sing well.

Don't say that the accent is so heavy when singing, even if there is a little accent, it will sound weird.

And more importantly, the song "Yaoka" that Uncle wants to sing is still a very difficult song.

Its original singer, Liu Ji, is a well-known domestic singer who is almost eighty years old.

An uncle with such a heavy accent wants to sing "Yaoka", which has high requirements for singers. Isn't this a bit too much nonsense?

Not to mention the suspicions of the audience, even the four mentors have some doubts in their hearts. Although they can't see the appearance of the contestants, they can judge from the words of the contestants just now that the contestants who are standing on the stage at this time, It should be a farmer of a certain age.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether you are a little older or a peasant, none of these matters.

The stage of "The Voice" is wide-ranging, as long as the singing voice is good.

The point is that someone who speaks with such a heavy accent can his voice be good when he sings?

The four mentors also had to be suspicious.

Ling Hua said, "What do you think?"

Yun Fei said: "I'm worried that his accent is also heavy when he sings, so I can only say sorry."

Jiang Huan said: "I am very confused now. It stands to reason that he can pass the primary election, and his voice should at least be good. How can he have such a heavy accent?"

Ling Hua added: "The key is that the difficulty of the song "The Hill" is still very high. He chose to sing this song..."

Zhang Yuhan said: "Forget it, don't think about it so much. You'll know the situation after he starts singing. If it's really not ideal, then he can only be eliminated."

In a corner of the scene, Li Fan smiled lightly. He naturally knew that Guo Sheng had a very heavy accent when he spoke, and that day he imitated his accent and had a conversation with Guo Sheng.

However, just speaking with a heavy accent does not mean that he also has an accent when he sings. After he starts singing, everyone will be stunned.

This is exactly the effect the show needs, and Li Fan is looking forward to it.

On the stage, Guo Sheng didn't realize that his accent caused so much confusion to everyone, and he was ready.

Thumbs up to the band, the prelude music played.

With the prelude music, Guo Sheng suddenly relaxed a lot, not so nervous.

"Yamaoka" is a very old song and a very classic song that almost everyone is very familiar with.

The moment the prelude music played, many people had a feeling that time was passing, and they had not heard this song for a long time.

Now that I hear it again, it is still so familiar and so kind.

The four instructors could not help but narrow their eyes slightly when they heard the prelude music, and they also felt cordial.

However, when they thought of the person who was going to sing this song with such a heavy accent, everyone shuddered unconsciously.

They were suddenly apprehensive and afraid. They were afraid that when the uncle on the stage opened his mouth, the singing with a heavy accent would instantly shatter the familiarity and intimacy that surged in their hearts.

If so, it must be a very uncomfortable experience, and they don't want to have such an experience.

As the prelude continued, and the time for the first lyric got closer and closer, everyone's anxiety became stronger and stronger.

They stared closely at the uncle on the stage, watching the uncle slowly raise the microphone to his mouth, their hearts were about to jump to the throat.

Although the four instructors could not see the movements of the contestants, they were very familiar with the songs. They knew that when the prelude was here, it was time to sing the first lyric, and their hearts were equally tight.

On the stage, Guo Sheng didn't know the nervousness of the four mentors and the audience at this time. He had adjusted his emotions to the best and sang the first lyric.

"At a glance in the early morning, the hills in the distance are adorned with rays of light.

Green pasture, with endless expectations.


When Guo Sheng's first line of singing came out from the audio equipment at the scene, it passed into the ears of everyone at the scene, and into the ears of all the audience in front of the TV.

Whether it was everyone at the scene or all the audience in front of the TV, they couldn't help exclaiming.

"God! This must not be true." This was the only thought in everyone's mind at this time.

After the exclamation, all the audience at the scene were stunned, all the audience in front of the TV were stunned, and many people were still shaking their heads while stunned.

They never seemed to believe that the singing they heard at this time was sung by the uncle with a very heavy accent on the stage.

This Nima is the original sound!

The singing they heard not only did not have a trace of accent, but the pronunciation was very precise, with a wide range of voices, and the singing was mellow, clear and high-pitched. This Nima is the level of professional singers!

You told me it was sung by the uncle on the stage? Are you sure you're not kidding me?

No one wants to believe it, nor dare to believe it.

The four mentors also had shocked expressions on their faces. Ling Hua and Jiang Huan shook their heads in disbelief. Yun Fei and Zhang Yuhan lightly covered their mouths with both hands.

The four of them looked at each other, in addition to disbelief, they still couldn't believe it.

Which professional singer is this Nima, disguised and ran to the stage, right? He also deliberately added a thick accent when speaking.

However, that thick accent is a little too real.

The four mentors couldn't believe it, and at the same time were very curious, who is this? Wouldn't it be a singer who came to experience life?

They wanted to go back and see who the hell was on stage?

But the program has regulations, they can't go back to see the players, they can only listen to the voice.

Suddenly, the four instructors suffocated at the same time, and they suddenly remembered that if they turned around for the players on the stage, wouldn't they be able to turn around?

It's really Nima grass, and I almost forgot.

So, just listening to the sound of "pop", the four tutors took the turn button almost at the same time.


The fifth update, for the tiger's roar and the lion's roar (5/10)


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