Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1562 is a means of deception

"The Voice" show.

Hearing a "pop", the four mentors took the turn button almost simultaneously.

As soon as the tutor chair started to rotate, the four tutors couldn't wait and turned to look at the stage.

They finally saw the appearance of the contestants on the stage. It was indeed a man of a certain age, but he looked very strange.

Moreover, based on the life experience of the four mentors, they could faintly feel that the contestant on the stage should indeed be a peasant. He said that he was from Muniu Village, Xinqiao Town, which should be true.

That is to say, it is impossible for him to be a professional singer who came to experience life.

It is truly unbelievable that a peasant of a certain age can sing to such a level.

"Could it be that he has received professional training? It is indeed very possible." The four mentors thought so in their hearts.

At this time, all the audience still couldn't believe their ears. When they saw the four mentors turning around at the same time so quickly, they couldn't help being excited and excited.

It seemed that even the four mentors thought that the uncle on the stage sang very well, so he couldn't wait to turn around so quickly.

well! No, the key is is this song really sung by the uncle? They are always unbelievable.

However, they seem to have to believe that at the beginning, they really thought that the program team made a mistake and released the original sound?

But now they can hear it, this voice is somewhat different from Liu Ji's original voice in memory.

Of course, this difference only means that the timbre of the two people is different, and the uncle sings almost as well as the original.

It's unbelievable, but I have to believe it, this feeling is really amazing and so cool.

"The Voice" is such a magical stage!

All the audience is more and more surprised and excited.

Of course, there is another possibility that the uncle is indeed a farmer, but he is also a professional singer.

Singers are not necessarily famous, and the two identities do not conflict.

Is this possible? After the uncle finished singing,

Just know the answer, all the audience are looking forward to it!

Now, let's listen to the uncle's singing first, they are very comfortable, very enjoyable, and very kind.


New Bridge Town.

Residents in the town looked at Guo Sheng on the stage on the TV and listened to Guo Sheng's songs, and their faces were also full of disbelief.

"Guo Sheng can sing so well? It's impossible." Everyone thought so.

Those who had heard Guo Sheng sing before thought again, "When I heard him sing before, it was good, but it wasn't so good. How could he sing so well as soon as it came on TV?"

They were very puzzled.

Afterwards, those who supported Guo Sheng felt happy and excited in their hearts. They never thought that in Xinqiao Town, there were still people who could sing so well, and it sounded better than many stars.

And those who are jealous and expect Guo Sheng to sing in a mess, are even more jealous at this time.

The four mentors turned around for him almost at the same time. It seems that Guo Sheng is afraid that he is going to be a star. Why can he be a star?

The more jealous people think, the more unhappy they are, and they only hope that they made a mistake at the scene and released the original sound of the song. In fact, it was not sung by Guo Sheng at all.

It's just that their idea is doomed, and they will be more unhappy and more jealous later.

Some people in the whole town are happy, some people are excited, and they are in a good mood. Some people are jealous, some people hate it, some people are in a bad mood, and it's terrible.

Different people have two completely different moods, which makes people feel helpless.


Gadfly Village, in the courtyard of Guo Sheng's house.

The black and thin man, the old fifth, was shocked: "Lao Guo can sing so well? I don't usually hear it!"

The rest of the villagers also said:

"Yeah, I often hear him roar twice. Although it feels good, how can it be so good?"

"Didn't Lao Guo say that he had been training professionally the week before? Could it have something to do with it?"

"Maybe it has something to do with it, but no matter how you train for a week, it can't make such a big difference. I'm thinking, Lao Guo should have sang so well, but when he usually sings, because there is no stage, no microphone, no Sound, can't sing feeling, doesn't sing his true strength."

"Well, that should be the reason. I heard Lao Guo say that the stage of "The Voice" is the top stage in the world and has the best equipment. Singing on such a stage will naturally be able to show his true spirit. strength."

"It turns out that Lao Guo's strength is so strong that the four mentors have all turned around. Lao Guo is afraid that he will become a star in the future."

"Let's not talk about it, Lao Guo is probably already famous now. This is a live broadcast. There must be a lot of people watching it, and everyone has seen it."

"Old Guo is famous, then our Gadfly Village will also become famous. This is a big happy event!"

The villagers in the yard were all excited. They originally only wanted to be able to watch the neighbors who have lived together for decades on TV, but how could they have imagined that Lao Guo could sing so well? .

Lao Guo is famous, and their Gadfly Village is afraid that they will also become famous, which makes them feel very surprised.


At the scene of "The Voice", Guo Sheng on the stage has finished singing "Yaoka" for the first time.

Some viewers in front of the TV thought for a while, and then said something on the Internet, "Those who are watching "Dream Singer", hurry up and watch "The Voice", there are surprises, just say it once, if you don't come, it's definitely you Loss."

There are naturally a lot of people who are watching "Dream Singer". Many people are used to watching it over and over and discussing it on the Internet. Naturally, they saw that sentence at the first time.

After seeing it, they were puzzled and laughed dumbly.

"What's the situation? Watching "The Voice"? And a surprise? Are you sure it's a surprise, not a shock?"

"Cut! This is obviously a deliberate tactic used by those who watch "The Voice". The ratings of "The Voice" are too low, and they should still be seriously declining. They want to fight to the death. Trick us to add a little more ratings to The Voice."

"That is, how can we not see such an obvious means? Think we are stupid? If you want to deceive us to contribute to the ratings, there is no way!"

"How wonderful "Dream Singer" is, tsk tsk, this girl who is singing now is really beautiful, and she can sing well, it's really cool to watch! How can we have time to watch "The Voice"?"

"Can't those people use a smarter method? Really."

"I really planned to take a look just now, but, listening to you, I found that what I saw in the past should not be a surprise, but a shock. Forget it, forget it, let's continue to watch "Dream Singer"."


Many people think that sentence is a means used by those who watch "The Voice" to trick them into contributing a little viewership to "The Voice" in the past.

Where will they be fooled?

However, not all people think so. Although they don't think "The Voice" can have any surprises, it only takes one or two seconds to switch the TV channel to South Sichuan TV.

Switch to the past to take a look, what does it matter? You can switch back after watching it.

As a result, some people switched the TV channel to South Sichuan Satellite TV.

And this switch, I'm afraid it will be difficult to switch back to Magic Capital TV.


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