Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1569 Lost a God-given opportunity

on the stage.

The "different" man is called Liu Fei, and when he came to the stage of "The Voice", he mustered up his courage.

Before taking the stage, he had been very uneasy, not because of nervousness, but because he was afraid that the audience would not accept him and would not listen to him sing.

Now, hearing the continuous applause from the scene, his uneasy heart gradually calmed down, replaced by moving and excitement.

The audience did not reject him, and there was nothing strange in their eyes, which made him finally sure that his participation in "The Voice" was a very correct decision.

In order to thank the stage of "The Voice" and to thank all the people who supported him, he wanted to sing his best.

Then, when the music started, the scene became quieter than before. All the audience were full of expectations, looking forward to the players on the stage, what kind of voices could they sing?

Liu Fei slowly put the microphone to his mouth and sang the first lyrics...

The audience's eyes widened, Liu Fei's voice was ethereal, and it was very comfortable to listen to.

At this time, they were also relieved, they knew that with such a voice, there would definitely be a mentor to turn around for him.

They saw Liu Fei smiling brightly and living an optimistic life even in a wheelchair before, so they hoped that a mentor would turn him around.

It's just that they are not sure whether Liu Fei sings well or not? So they were a little worried, worried that Liu Fei's singing could not impress the four mentors.

But now after hearing Liu Fei's singing, they were relieved.

The following facts also proved that their reassurance was correct.

When Liu Fei sang the first chorus, Ling Hua was the first to turn around, and the audience cheered.

When Ling Hua turned around and saw Liu Fei on the stage, he was also taken aback. The contestants on the stage were indeed "different".

After that, Ling Hua stretched out his hands and gave a thumbs up to Liu Fei on the stage.

After that, Jiang Huan and Yun Fei also chose to turn around. When they saw Liu Fei on the stage, they were equally surprised, and then they also gave their thumbs up.

When Liu Fei finished singing, a total of three tutors turned around for him. Liu Fei was excited, and the audience at the scene also seemed excited.

After some competition, Liu Fei finally chose Ling Hua.

After expressing gratitude and gratitude many times, Liu Fei rolled his wheelchair and slowly exited the stage.

The dust of Liu Fei's participation in the competition was settled, but the hearts of the four mentors and all the audience could not be calm for a long time.

A player with inconvenient legs and feet in a wheelchair appeared on the stage of the talent show. Not only was he recognized and supported by all the audience, but he was also valued by his mentor and successfully advanced.

This was something that no one could imagine before.

Before, if they heard a wheelchair-bound person saying that he was going to participate in a talent show, they would definitely laugh out loud.

Under these conditions, you still go to the talent show? It was almost like daydreaming.

There is no program that will allow such a contestant to pass the audition, and no audience will support it. If it is good, it may be comforted and encouraged. If it is not good, it will definitely be ridiculed and sneered.

But now, Liu Fei not only passed the preliminary selection of "The Voice" and appeared on the stage of the live broadcast, but also received the support and applause of all the audience at the scene, and finally received the approval of the tutors. He successfully advanced and entered the The next stage of the game.

What made all this change? Did the instructors and the audience change their previous perceptions?

The same can be said, but what made the instructors and audiences change their previous views?

There is only one answer, it is the stage, and it is the stage of "The Voice" that changed everything!

Everyone's heart is difficult to calm down, and they have a deeper understanding and understanding of "The Voice".

On the stage, the next player has already appeared, and the game continues...


Wei Xiangyang, director of Magic Capital TV, watched the scene of "The Voice" on TV, and his mood became more and more complicated.

He finally knew the reason why the ratings of "The Voice" would soar. It wasn't an accident at all, but "The Voice" was so attractive.

Even he was attracted to the show, and he was absolutely reluctant to admit it, but it was true.

He knew that this time, he had misunderstood. The talent show may indeed have its market rules, but this is not surprising. All talent shows must follow this law.

The premise is that someone can see through this market law, and plan a program that does not need to follow this market law with a higher and farther vision.

Wei Xiangyang never believed that there would be such a person and such a program.

But now, the facts in front of him tell him that such people and such programs really exist, but they just couldn't see through them before.

Wei Xiangyang sighed heavily. He knew that the ratings of "The Voice" would continue to rise, and the rise would not be low.

He only hopes now that the ratings of "The Voice" will not exceed that of "Dream Singer" in the end.

In this way, their Magic Capital TV and "Dream Singer" can still save a little face.

Otherwise, they will lose face.

In the chat group of senior leaders, Ma Zhe, Wang Ke, Liu Yang and others also sighed.

They also know that they have misunderstood this time. They originally had the opportunity to choose to cooperate with Li Fan on "The Voice", but they never thought of cooperating with Li Fan, and they didn't even hesitate.

Later, they deliberately chose to broadcast "Dream Singer" at the same time as "The Voice", which now seems to be an extremely unwise decision, even a stupid decision.

But regretting is useless now, and there is no other way. They can only hope in their hearts that the final ratings of "The Voice" cannot surpass that of "Dream Singer", so that they can save a little face.


The leaders of Magic Capital TV knew that they had missed "The Voice", and the leaders of dozens of other satellite TVs naturally knew the same.

They once had the opportunity to choose to cooperate with Li Fan on "The Voice", but they did not seize the opportunity.

It is useless to regret it now. They can only hope that the final ratings of "The Voice" should not be too high, preferably below 5.0.

In this way, their regret will not be so strong.

Among all the satellite TVs, Funan TV is the one that regrets the most. They are the first satellite TV to contact "The Voice".

If they had chosen to cooperate with Li Fan, the other satellite TVs would not even have a chance.

It's just that they did not choose to cooperate with Li Fan in the end, and gave up the opportunity to other satellite TVs, and finally gave South Sichuan TV a chance.

Director Ye Chu let out a long sigh. Before watching "The Voice", he had a faint feeling that he had lost a good opportunity.

Now, with the facts in front of him, he has indeed lost a God-given opportunity!


At this moment, there is only one sigh!


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