Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1570 The ratings soared

The live game of "The Voice" continued, with players appearing one by one.

The people in the TV station circle have stopped talking, and the players of "Dream Singer" have stopped talking. They already know that it is not an accident that the ratings of "The Voice" have skyrocketed.

They all watched silently as the contestants of "The Voice" appeared one after another.

They also just hope that the final ratings of "The Voice" will not be too high.

It didn't take long for the ratings of the third stage to be released, "Dream Singer" 5.9, "The Voice" 3.6.

Not surprisingly, the ratings of "Dream Singer" continued to decline, and the ratings of "The Voice" continued to rise.

Moreover, the increase is larger than in the previous period.

Leaders of major TV stations, people in the TV circles, contestants of "Dream Singer", etc., who hope that the ratings of "The Voice" will not be too high, are getting more and more nervous.

All of them are praying in their hearts that the increase in the ratings of "The Voice" will be lower and lower.

The ratings of "The Voice" have soared again, and it has also caused an uproar on the Internet. If the soaring ratings of the previous stage were an accident, then the continued surge now proves that it is not an accident.

A large part of those who still insisted on watching "Dream Singer" finally couldn't help being curious and switched the TV channel to South Sichuan Satellite TV.

And this switch, the TV channel will not be switched back to Magic Capital TV, just like those people before.

This situation caused the ratings of the two programs to further shrink when the fourth stage ratings were released.

"Dream Singer" 5.2, "The Voice" 5.1, the gap is already very small, it can be said to be evenly divided.

Wei Xiangyang, Ma Zhe, Wang Ke, Liu Yang and other leaders of Magic Capital TV sighed, and the thing they were most worried about finally happened.

The ratings of "The Voice" will surpass that of "Dream Singer", which has become an unchangeable fact.

They don't know the ratings of "The Voice" now, how much will it eventually reach? I can only hope that the ratings of "Dream Singer" will not drop too low.

Ye Chu of Funan Satellite TV, and the leaders of other David TVs also sighed, and a god-given opportunity just passed them by.

They had hoped that the ratings of "The Voice" would not exceed 5.0,

But I never thought that this wish has been shattered in such a short period of time, except for a sigh, or a sigh.

All the people in the TV station circle remembered what Li Fan said before, the ratings of "The Voice" will surpass that of "Dream Singer".

At that time, they ridiculed this sentence a few times, thinking that Li Fan was too confident and too natural, and thought it was an impossible decision.

Now, this sentence is about to become a fact, and they dare not say a word except sigh.

At this time, there was an uproar on the Internet again, and the audience rating of "The Voice", which was extremely underrated by the outside world, reached 5.1 in a short period of time.

Moreover, it also forced the viewership rating of "Dream Singer", which was broadcast at the same time, to drop from 8.0 to 5.2 in a short period of time.

What's even more frightening is that this is obviously not over yet. In the next stage, the ratings of "The Voice" will definitely counterattack perfectly and surpass it in one fell swoop.

This made those who didn't watch "The Voice" extremely surprised and incredulous, while those who watched "The Voice" thought it was normal, and it was already in their expectations.

On the Internet, many such voices suddenly appeared.

"'The Voice' is definitely a hall-level existence in music talent shows. Those who haven't watched it, watch it now. Although you have missed some exciting things, there are more exciting things waiting for you."

"Yeah, hurry up and watch it, the show is not over halfway through, and there are still more exciting things to come. I'll definitely regret not coming."

"Those who have watched "Dream Singer", I advise you to switch to South Sichuan TV immediately, or you will definitely regret it. And those who have not watched "Dream Singer" or "The Voice", I also advise you to hurry up Turn on the TV and choose South Sichuan TV, you will never regret it after watching it!"

"Yes, those of you who don't watch "Dream Singer" or "The Voice", you may not have liked watching talent shows before, but what I want to say now is that "The Voice" is definitely different from the previous ones. You will definitely like to watch those talent shows, so hurry up and watch them."

"'The Voice' is an amazing show, a show that you absolutely regret not watching. I can only say this. Do you choose to watch it or not?"

"'Dream Singer' is really wonderful, but what I want to say is that 'The Voice' is much more exciting than 'Dream Singer'!"


Viewers who are still watching "Dream Singer" saw these voices, and some of them quickly switched their TV channels to South Sichuan Satellite TV.

However, there are still many diehard fans of "Dream Singer" who disdain those voices. No matter how boastful those voices are, they will definitely stick to watching "Dream Singer" and will never waver.

Therefore, those voices that have the greatest influence are not actually the audience of "Dream Singer", but those who don't like to watch talent shows.

They have no interest in talent shows. In those talent shows, there are some young handsome guys and beauties. The little fresh meat sings and dances. From time to time, there will be a "moving" story, sensational and so on. They are really Don't know what to watch for those shows?

Therefore, during this period of time, whether it was "Dream Singer" or "The Voice", they didn't pay attention to it, they didn't dare to be interested, and they didn't plan to watch it.

Of course, even if they don't pay attention, they can passively see the news and news that appear frequently on the Internet.

Like those voices popping up on the web right now.

After watching it, they all thought to themselves, "The Voice is definitely different from previous talent shows? We will definitely like to watch it? Is it true or false? Impossible, right?"

"Do you think what those people say is true? Is The Voice really different from other talent shows?"

"The Voice is a program planned by Mr. Li Fan himself. I heard that when selecting contestants, only the voice is concerned, and nothing else. Is it really just about the voice? If that's the case, it might be a little different."

"If it's really different from other talent shows, you can really watch it."

"Well, since there are so many people saying this, and the ratings are also rising rapidly, maybe it's really not the same, then go take a look, it's not too much trouble anyway."

"Well, let's take a look then."


People who didn't like to watch talent shows before turned on the TV suspiciously and chose South Sichuan Satellite TV.

At a glance, they suddenly had a feeling that "The Voice" is indeed different from other talent shows.

This surprised them suddenly.


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