Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1571 The person who really regrets and wants to cry

More and more people who have never watched entertainment programs before choose to watch "The Voice", and the number of viewers of South Sichuan Satellite TV is increasing.

It didn't take long for the ratings of the fifth stage to be released. "Dream Singer" continued to decline, but the arc of decline became smaller, from the previous 5.2 to 4.8.

And the audience rating of "The Voice" once again shocked everyone's attention. From the previous 5.1, it soared to 7.0, which blinded everyone's eyes!

The 7.0 ratings not only made "The Voice" reverse, but also left "Dream Singer" far behind.

And this is not over yet, the ratings of "The Voice" are still soaring.

The sixth stage 10.8, the seventh stage 12.2, the eighth stage 13.4, and the ninth stage 14.5.

When the ratings of the ninth stage were released, the 18th contestant of "The Voice" had already appeared on the scene, and the show was drawing to a close.

And the ratings of 14.5 shocked everyone, and everyone felt unbelievable.

This viewership rate is too high, ridiculously high, and frighteningly high. This viewership rate has broken the ratings record of entertainment and talent shows in one fell swoop.

Even for all TV programs, the ratings are higher than 14.5, only a few programs such as CCTV News Network and Spring Festival Gala.

It's a rating that drives all TV people crazy.

What's even more frightening is that the ratings of 14.5 may not be over yet. Although "The Voice" is drawing to a close, its ratings have been on the rise.

In this final stage, the ratings of "The Voice" will probably continue to rise, which is simply terrifying.

The leaders of the major TV stations, all the people in the TV station circle, have completely fallen into the whirlpool of deep regret.

Over 14.5 ratings, this is a miracle, an absolute miracle, they all had a chance to create this miracle, but none of them were able to grab it.

regret! Deep regret!

Those die-hard fans of "Dream Singer" were also completely frightened. Nima is really scary.

However, despite being frightened, they still remained firm and chose to watch "Dream Singer", which made the ratings of "Dream Singer" decline all the way.

But the final figures are not ugly.

At the ninth stage, "Dream Singer" still has a rating of 4.2.

This rating is actually not bad, but "Dream Singer" was at its peak before, and the ratings in the first stage were as high as 8.0.

Looking at it this way, the ratings of 4.2 are too bad.

What's more, "The Voice", which was broadcast at the same time as it, had a viewership rating of 14.5. Looking at it again, the viewership rating of 4.2 was really miserable.

Fortunately, after the ratings of the ninth stage were released, the first episode of "Dream Singer" has all ended, and the lowest rating has been fixed at 4.2, and it will not continue to decrease.

It's just that, in the view of Magic Capital TV, the first phase of "Dream Singer" ended a little too late. If it ended earlier, the ratings could be even higher.

They even thought about cutting the show again to shorten the time so that the show could end earlier.

But in the end, it was not done, because if this matter was exposed later, it would be even more embarrassing than the low ratings.

Being scared by "The Voice" and cutting the show directly, just to keep the show short and to end it early, Nima is really embarrassing.

Magic Capital TV is the No. 1 satellite TV, how dare they take this risk?

Fortunately, it is finally over now. The leaders and employees of Magic Capital TV all breathed a long sigh of relief, and it is finally over.

"Dream Singer" is over, those die-hard fans of "Dream Singer", after thinking about it, finally switched the TV channel to South Sichuan Satellite TV.

They want to see, what kind of charm does "The Voice" have? Can do to create such terrible ratings.

The contestants who participated in "Dream Singer" just wanted to cry and cry at this moment. The result of the incident made them too unexpected, and the accident was unacceptable.

And especially those players who had hesitated whether to participate in "The Voice", it was even more difficult for them to accept such a result.

But how hard can it be to accept?

If they choose the wrong one, they can't start all over again. Now they can only sit in front of the TV and watch with envy and jealousy. On the stage of "The Voice", one contestant after another.

Almost all the contestants were not very good-looking, even ugly. They used to laugh at those contestants, laughing at them for what they looked like, and they still had the courage to participate in the talent show.

I also laughed at those contestants, laughing at many of them for failing to pass the "Dream Singer" audition and being eliminated by "Dream Singer". There is no way but to participate in "The Voice". Even if they participate, it is useless. Not many viewers can watch to them, but in the end it's better than nothing.

In their opinion, the players of "The Voice" are a notch lower than them.

But now, when they look at those players, they have turned into envy and jealousy. It can be said that things are impermanent.

At this time, on the stage of "The Voice", the eighteenth contestant retired and the nineteenth contestant appeared.

When they saw the appearance of the nineteenth player, their mood instantly became more complicated.

They have already guessed the name of the nineteenth player, Xie Shiyu!

That's right, they had already guessed it, because the nineteenth player who appeared was so beautiful, both in body and face, they were all perfect.

Such a beauty appeared on the stage of "The Voice", you don't have to guess, you know that it is Xie Shiyu who everyone mentioned before.

Why did Xie Shiyu choose to go to "The Voice"? Did she already see that the ratings of "The Voice" would be very high?

This is impossible, she is not Li Fan, how could she have such a vision?

In the exchange group of "Dream Singer" contestants.

"She is Xie Shiyu, she is really beautiful, how did she know that the ratings of "The Voice" would be so fierce?"

"No, she didn't know the ratings of "The Voice" would be so high. The reason why she went to "The Voice" should be the same as Sichuan Southern TV's choice to cooperate with Li Fan on "The Voice"."

"You mean, she just absolutely believes in Li Fan, and believes that the show planned by Li Fan will never have a low ratings?"

"That's true, and now the fact is in front of us. Why is the audience rating of "The Voice" just not low? Nima is crazy high. Alas! Our eyes are not as good as hers."



Seeing Xie Shiyu appearing on the stage of "The Voice", all the contestants of "Dream Singer" had mixed feelings and lamented.

They once laughed at Xie Shiyu for being dazed, affected by Li Fan's fame, and lost his judgment, and also concluded that Xie Shiyu would definitely regret it and wanted to cry.

Now, it turns out that Xie Shiyu's choice was correct, and Xie Shiyu saw it better than them.

They are the ones who really regret and want to cry!


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