Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1576 Discussion

The leaders of the major companies were completely stunned.

The audience rating of "The Voice" is actually as high as 15.8, and this audience rating, Yisale Electric only spent 50 million to get the exclusive naming rights, this Nima is simply...

The leaders were completely mad. They knew that the audience rating of "The Voice" could reach 15.8, not to mention the 50 million title fee, even the 500 million title fee, they would also like it!

That's 15.8 ratings, and the 500 million title fee is absolutely worth it!

But now, Yisale Electric only spent 50 million to get the naming rights worth 500 million, which makes people jealous enough to go crazy.

They were still waiting to see the joke about Yixing Appliances, but now they are watching the joke of an egg.

Not only is it not a joke, these companies will also become a joke to the outside world, saying that their eyesight is not as good as other people's easy-to-sell electrical appliances, but they also laugh at people's shortsightedness.

Alright now, it turns out that it was them who were really shortsighted.

Thinking of this, the mood of all the business leaders is extremely irritable and complicated, and it is a little regretful. If it is their company's exclusive title, how good it would be?

It's just that even regretting it is useless now, and the missed opportunity will never come again.

They can remedy that, though, and that is to buy commercials for The Voice.

Before, the "Voice of Good" program team also sold advertisements, but because the asking price was not low, no company was willing to buy them. The program team followed Li Fan's suggestion and refused to lower the price, which resulted in the advertisement not being sold.

Now, the situation is far different from before. After the leaders of major companies reacted, they immediately contacted the "Voice" program group and expressed their desire to buy advertisements for the "Voice" program.

Of course, they know that if they buy it now, the price will definitely not be the same as the previous offer, but they still can't wait!


South Sichuan TV.

Director Wang Pingsheng approached Li Fan and said that many companies called the program team, hoping to buy advertisements in the "Voice" period, and asked Li Fan how to quote?

Li Fan smiled and replied that the previous quotation was increased by five times, and the advertisements at all price points were increased by five times.

Businesses can buy what they want,

If you don’t want to buy it, it will still be empty. If there are multiple companies competing for the same advertising space, it will be sold to the first company that decides to buy it.

After listening to this, Wang Pingsheng nodded again and again, and the operation went on happily. As soon as these commercials were sold, the TV station would make a profit in an instant. There is nothing more gratifying than this.


The major companies received replies from the program team that the advertising price was five times higher than the original price.

After hearing this, the major companies felt a pain in the flesh. This Nima is simply a lion!

However, now that the ratings of 15.8 are placed there, what if the lion opens its mouth?

Buy it if you want, leave if you don't, don't talk too much! The confidence is enough, the momentum is different!

Some businesses hesitated again, raising prices fivefold, and they had to think again.

However, some companies did not hesitate to buy it this time. They also bought it at a price that was five times higher. They decided to buy it at the first time and won it smoothly.

When the hesitant companies, after hesitating for a while, call to express their willingness to buy, the reply they get is embarrassed, and the advertisement in that position has been sold.

This Nima is also sloppy enough. They just hesitated for a while, and Nima is gone.

Those hesitant companies can be described as extremely depressed, but they have no choice but to sigh.


The audience rating of the final stage of "The Voice" was released, 15.8, and this audience rating spread all over the Internet at the first time.

Those who sigh sigh more, those who are jealous are more jealous, and those who are excited are more excited.

Just like the iron root fans of the four mentors, they never imagined that it would end like this, it was simply amazing.

In addition to being excited, they are still excited now.

Afterwards, among the die-hard fans of the four mentors, they began to discuss excitedly, who is the strongest among the students selected by their idols in this issue? Who is likely to impact the final championship and so on.

The discussion was intense and exciting.

They are discussing, and countless netizens are also discussing, but the netizens are discussing together.

Which student has performed the most so far? Which tutor's students have the strongest overall strength? Which student is likely to hit the final championship and so on.

Since there has been a heated discussion on the Internet, the popularity of each student is gradually reflected.

Those students whose names are repeatedly mentioned by netizens are naturally more popular. After a period of discussion, the most popular students are:

The last one to appear, Wang Na, a girl singing male voice, Xie Shiyu, who looks very beautiful and can sing well, Guo Sheng, a farmer uncle who speaks with a serious accent but sings but can pronounce accurately, and Liu who is confident and optimistic with a disabled leg, appeared in a wheelchair. Fei, Yuan Yunpeng, who was the first to appear with vicissitudes written on his face, etc.

These students have gradually gained some fans of their own.

"So far, among all the students, I like Wang Na the most. Although she is not beautiful, she completely amazed me."

"My favorite is naturally Xie Shiyu. She looks beautiful and sings well. The key is that she is so beautiful, and she came to participate in "The Voice", which was previously underrated by the outside world. It can be seen that her vision is extraordinary."

"I like the uncle Guo Sheng the most. He is an absolute professional singer. I am optimistic that the uncle will hit the final championship."

"I like Liu Fei, the always sunny smile on his face, and his positive and optimistic attitude."


Netizens were very excited to discuss, and sometimes there was a quarrel.

Of course, what they discussed was not just the students who had been promoted, but also the players who had been eliminated.

"Alas! That player named Chen Xue is such a pity. I think he sings very well. I thought there would be a mentor to turn around for him."

"I think Pu Wenli, the No. 15 player, sings very well, why didn't the mentor turn around?"

"I think it's really a pity that Yang Wenjun, the eleventh player, was eliminated. When I heard him sing, I felt very much."


The contestants who can stare at the live TV stage of "The Voice" are naturally of a certain strength. There will definitely be audiences who think they sing well and they are eliminated. Naturally, those audiences who like them will feel very Pity.


The fourth update, for the tiger's roar and the lion's roar (7/10)


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