Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1577 Who is more important, ratings or face?

Countless netizens on the Internet have been discussing, and the members of the South Sichuan Satellite TV and "The Voice" program team are ready to start celebrating.

They have been busy with all the follow-up matters, and Director Meng Tao has already prepared for the celebration.

Li Fan had asked Meng Tao to get ready before, saying that after the first episode of the show was broadcast, a celebration banquet could be held.

Now that the first episode of the show has been broadcast and the ratings are super high, the celebration banquet will naturally be held as scheduled.

All the leaders of the entire TV station, including Meng Tao, came. Except for Li Fan, everyone at this celebration party was extremely excited and laughed.

After this, the influence of South Sichuan Satellite TV will undoubtedly be greatly improved. No one dares to ignore a TV station with a program rating of 15.8.

This time, the celebration feast was staggered, and it didn't end until very late.


The next day, the "Voice" program team went to work on time at the TV station, but Li Fan didn't go anymore.

From now on, Li Fan has decided not to be the general manager of the "Voice" program group, and all matters related to "The Voice" will be handed over to director Wang Pingsheng.

Li Fan explained all the procedures behind "The Voice" to the program team.

Next, Li Fan doesn't plan to ask any further questions about "The Voice". He believes that director Wang Pingsheng and the program crew will be able to do a good job in the following series of programs.

He has been in the crew for nearly 20 days, and it is time to become at ease again.

Director Meng Tao, director Xiang Pingsheng, and the entire program crew were all very reluctant to leave Li Fan. They were extremely eager for Li Fan to stay in the program group for a while.

As long as Li Fan is there, no matter what happens, they can feel at ease. They really can't bear to leave Li Fan.

They wanted to speak to keep him, but they didn't speak out in the end, because they knew that Li Fan, an extraordinary person from the world, couldn't stay in their show group all the time.

Now that he has decided to leave, it is impossible to change it.

Moreover, Li Fan has been in the program group for nearly 20 days. They should feel contented enough and should not continue to ask for extravagance.

what they should be trying to do now,

It is to make the next series of "The Voice" the best according to Li Fan's requirements.

I can't let Li Fan be disappointed, and I can't live up to the fantastic start of "The Voice" and the efforts of the entire program team.

Because of Li Fan's departure, the mood of the "Voice of Good" program crew went down for a while, but fortunately, it didn't take too long for them to readjust and once again became full of energy and enthusiasm.

The first issue of "The Voice" had a fantastic start, which was a big happy event, but it also gave them a lot of pressure.

The first phase was so perfect, the second phase, the third phase... all the way to the final final, it couldn't be worse.

Otherwise, it will give people a feeling of being amazing at the beginning and gradually dull at the end, which is absolutely not allowed in "The Voice".

Therefore, the entire program crew must maintain enough excitement and continue to put forth 12 points of effort.

They came out of the lost mood of Li Fan's departure and started new jobs.


Today, whether on the Internet or everywhere, various topics about "The Voice" are still ongoing.

On the Internet, the discussion among netizens is still in full swing, and the interest is very high.

After the major TV stations went to work today, they all happened to make the same decision.

That is to thoroughly research, analyze The Voice, analyze the process of The Voice, and analyze everything about The Voice.

Why do all their TV people think that a program that does not conform to the rules of the talent show market will achieve such an amazing rating?

From now on, should they completely re-understand the entertainment market?

How should the future talent show be positioned? Should we continue to follow the previous market rules, or follow the example of "The Voice" and accept Baichuan in the choice of players in Shanghai?

The success of "The Voice" is just due to the selection of players, or are there other factors involved?

Can The Voice's success be replicated? How should it be replicated? If they plan a show similar to "The Voice", is there any chance of success? If so, how likely is it?

There are too many problems that need to be carefully studied and analyzed by major TV stations, and these problems cannot be clearly analyzed in a short period of time.

Therefore, the major TV stations have made the same decision again. No matter how long it takes, they must thoroughly analyze these issues related to "The Voice" and come up with feasible conclusions.

"The Voice" has a terrible rating of 15.8, so they have to take it extremely seriously.

Among all the TV stations, Magic Capital TV is the most special one.

In addition to researching and analyzing various issues of "The Voice", they have one very important thing that needs to be decided as soon as possible.

That is the second issue of "Dream Singer". Do you still choose to broadcast at the same time as "The Voice"?

This is a difficult decision to make.

Because if the second issue continues to be broadcast at the same time as "The Voice", then the ratings of the second issue will also be greatly affected by "The Voice". It looks like it might even be lower.

If the broadcast of "The Voice" is staggered, the ratings will definitely increase a lot, not to mention the previous normal level of about 8.0, and to about 7.0, there should be no big problem.

The benefits of staggering are obvious, but the key is that if they actively choose to stagger "The Voice", then they will lose the face of Magic Capital TV completely this time.

Their Magic Capital TV is the No. 1 TV, and South Sichuan TV is the last TV. The gap between the two can be described as a gap between heaven and earth.

Of course, after "The Voice", the influence of South Sichuan Satellite TV will definitely increase greatly, and the ranking will definitely rise sharply. If you don't say it, you will be squeezed into the famous satellite TV, but it can no longer be regarded as an ordinary satellite TV.

However, the impression of the audience now will definitely stay temporarily, and South Sichuan Satellite TV is the last satellite TV.

The No. 1-ranked Magic Capital TV took the initiative to avoid the last-ranked South Sichuan TV, which was a loss of face.

Besides, the outside world knows that it was their Magic Capital TV that took the initiative to choose "Dream Singer" and "The Voice" to be broadcast at the same time. What's the purpose? The outside world knows it.

Now, their "Dream Singer" was turned over by "The Voice", and they hurriedly avoided it. It was too useless.

So, what is the importance of the ratings of "Dream Singer"? Or is the face of Magic Capital TV important?

This is indeed an extremely difficult choice, and Modu Guardian has launched a heated debate on this.

Some people think that the ratings are more important, and some people think that the face is more important, and the two sides are arguing.

The debate started in the morning and continued into the afternoon, and finally came to a conclusion when it was almost time for get off work.

Ratings are more important!

Then, I have to lose face and choose to avoid the broadcast time of "The Voice".

This is indeed a very difficult decision!


The fifth update, for the tiger's roar and the lion's roar (8/10), please recommend a ticket!


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