Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1579 girl, slow down

The serialization of "Journey to the West" will end the day after tomorrow, and Li Fan made a preview on Weibo a week ago.

It is precisely because of this notice that the major film and television entertainment companies have become eager to move again. Li Fan thought that the time was almost up, so he updated a Weibo again.

The main content is that the film copyright sale of "Journey to the West" will take place three days later, that is, the day after "Journey to the West" ends, at 10:00 a.m. on May 24, at the Xianyuan Building in Sansheng Village. Please come to the scene on time if you are interested in this.

During this period of time, all major film and television companies have been following Li Fan's Weibo all the time. As soon as Li Fan's Weibo was posted, it was immediately seen by all major film and television companies.

After seeing the content of Li Fan's Weibo, the major film and television companies were overjoyed and finally waited.

Subsequently, major film and television companies started to purchase the copyright project for the film adaptation of "Journey to the West", prepared funds, and sent relevant personnel to Sansheng Village to make all preparations.

In addition to major film and television companies, Li Fan's Weibo naturally attracted the attention of countless "Journey to the West" fans.

The serialization of "Journey to the West" is about to end, and the fans are very reluctant to part with it. They are really reluctant to end "Journey to the West" so soon, and they want to continue watching all kinds of wonderful stories.

But they also know that since Li Fan has already designed the finale, it is naturally impossible to change it. Even if they are reluctant, "Journey to the West" is about to end.

Now, seeing the news that the film adaptation copyright of "Journey to the West" is about to go on sale, the mood of book fans finally becomes excited again.

They have long expected that "Journey to the West" will be filmed, and now they have finally waited.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and book fans expressed their excitement and anticipation.

"The film and television adaptation is finally about to start, I'm looking forward to it, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"This is a movie adaptation. I wonder what stories will be adapted into movies?"

"Which stories? I think any story in "Journey to the West" can be adapted into a movie."

"That's right, the stories in it are all wonderful, and they can all be adapted, such as "Havoc in the Sky", "Three Beats of White Bone Spirits", "Stealing the Fruit of Life", "War of the Red Boys", "Three-tone Banana Fan", "The Story of the Girl" and so on. Damn it! There is nothing that is not exciting, in my opinion, all the stories in it can be adapted."

"It's unlikely that all of them will be adapted, right?"

"Why is it impossible? In my opinion, it is very possible,

I heard that there are a lot of film and television companies that are interested in the copyright of the film adaptation of "Journey to the West". One film and television company can adapt a story. In this way, there is no fierce competition between them, which is great. "

"That's true, but even so, the competition will definitely still exist. Of course, this has nothing to do with us, we just need to wait for them to shoot, and we can pay to go to the cinema to see it."

"This is a movie adaptation. What I'm most looking forward to is the TV adaptation. I heard that Mr. Li Fan does not plan to sell the TV adaptation copyright, but plans to shoot it himself. I don't know if it is true?"

"It should be true. Mr. Li Fan personally filmed the TV series. It can be seen that Mr. Li Fan attaches great importance to the "Journey to the West" TV series!"

"Mr. Li Fan will definitely attach great importance to classic works like "Journey to the West", which is also our blessing. The effect of "Journey to the West" shot by Mr. Li Fan himself is definitely worth looking forward to!"

"When it comes to the effect, this is what I'm worried about. I don't know how the effect of the major film and television companies will be produced? There are too few movies and TV series of gods and demons, and the directors are inexperienced. In addition, "Journey to the West" "It's very difficult to film, especially the Monkey Brother Monkey King, the requirements for actors are very high, and people have to worry."

"The effect is indeed a little worrying, but it does not affect our expectations. In addition, I am wondering if this is also one of the reasons why Mr. Li Fan plans to shoot the "Journey to the West" TV series in person."

"It must be one of the reasons, that is, I don't know when Mr. Li Fan plans to start shooting the "Journey to the West" TV series. This is what I am most looking forward to."

"Nonsense, the "Journey to the West" TV series filmed by Mr. Li Fan himself is of course the most worth looking forward to."


On the Internet, book fans have been discussing a lot, and they are looking forward to the film and television adaptation of "Journey to the West".

Among them, the most anticipated is naturally the TV series version that Li Fan will personally shoot.


After a day's delay in the provincial capital of southern Sichuan, Li Fan returned to Sansheng Village the next day.

At this time, some directors of film and television companies had already arrived in the village and lived in the Xianyuan Building.

The copyright sale of the film adaptation of "Journey to the West" will not start until 10 am the day after tomorrow, but some film and television companies are obviously very impatient and come to the village early.

The sale will take place in an event room in Xianyuan Building.

When Li Fan walked downstairs to the office building of the village entrance farm, Li Ru's voice came from the second floor of the office building, "Brother Fan, you are back."

Li Fan looked up, smiled, and said, "I'm back."

Li Ru said again: "Brother Fan, wait for me, I have something to tell you."

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly ran down.

When Li Fan saw it, he hurriedly said, "Girl, slow down."

"Hey! Got it." Li Ru's response came during the building.

Not long after, Li Ru ran out from the stairs, still holding a document in her hand.

Li Ru is a tall girl, with a good figure and beautiful appearance. Many times, she plays the role of Li Fan's assistant. Li Fan is very satisfied with this girl.

Seeing that Li Ru was out of breath and her chest was undulating, Li Fan said helplessly, "You girl, didn't you want to slow down, why are you running in such a hurry? It's down the stairs again, don't fall."

Li Ru patted her chest, stuck out her tongue, blushed slightly, and said in a low voice, "I see."

Then he raised his voice and said: "Brother Fan, the activity room in Xianyuanlou for the copyright sale of the movie adaptation of "Journey to the West" has been prepared. In addition, so far, 15 film and television companies have arrived in the village. This is the film and television company. Take a look at the company list."

After speaking, he handed the document in his hand to Li Fan.

Li Fan took it, looked at it carefully, and then nodded. The 15 film and television companies that have arrived are large and small, some domestic first-class film and television companies, and some small film and television companies that have not been heard of much.

Big film and television companies will naturally not miss such a hot film and television theme, while small film and television companies want to seize this opportunity and seek new development for the company.

Each film and television company has its own purpose and positioning.

After reading it, Li Fan handed the document back to Li Ru, and after talking with Li Ru for a while, he separated from Li Ru and walked towards the village.


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