Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1580 The Wordless Sutra

When Li Fan walked into the village and near the vegetable area of ​​the farm, he saw four old men, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin, taking a walk.

The four old men also saw Li Fan, and Qin Lie said, "You came back just in time, come here, come here, I will ask you."

Li Fan agreed, walked over quickly, and said with a smile, "Hello, the four old men. I haven't seen you for a long time. The four old men are much younger again."

Qin Lie laughed and scolded after hearing this, "You don't have to be glib here. Let me ask you, do you really plan to sell the movie copyright of "Journey to the West"?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "Of course, the time has been set. At 10 am the day after tomorrow, and there are more than 10 film and television companies, they have already arrived in the village."

Qin Lie said, "It's a good thing that so many film and television companies are interested in film rights, but can those film and television companies make it?"

Li Fandao: "It's hard to say, I'm actually a little worried."

Su Yilin said, "Aren't you planning to make a TV series yourself? And he said that you will definitely be able to do it well. Then you can ask those film and television companies to start filming movies after the TV series you've filmed is released, so that they can have a reference. ."

Li Fan shook his head and said, "I also think about this question, but I don't think it's good. First of all, if everyone follows my model to shoot, everything will be the same, and there will be no bright spots, and the audience will look at it. It's boring. Secondly, each crew has a different understanding of "Journey to the West". It is better to let them play and imagine themselves, and there may be a lot of bright spots. Each film and television company has a different feeling, and the audience seems to be There will also be constant freshness. In the end, movies and TV series are different in many aspects, and there is no need to follow my model. As long as major film and television companies can do it, they will shoot with heart, respect the original work, and not spoof. That's alright, let the other major film and television companies play by themselves."

After listening to Su Yilin, Qin Lie, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng, they thought for a while, and then all nodded, Qin Lie said, "Well, what you said is indeed reasonable, as long as they can pay attention to the original work and respect the original work, no It's a spoof, and the works produced are still worth looking forward to."

Li Fan nodded and said, "I hope there will be some eye-catching works."

Afterwards, Li Fan chatted with the four old men for a while, and asked Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng and his wife to go home for dinner at night, and then bid farewell to the four old men and walked towards the house.

In the evening, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng and his wife, as well as the third uncle, Sanniang, and the little girl all ate at Li Fan's house.

Li Fan has been out for nearly 20 days this time, and now everyone is very happy when he comes back.


Silent all night,

By the second day.

Today is a very important day for Li Fan and countless fans of "Journey to the West".

Because "Journey to the West" will end today.

One of the four famous novels of the previous life, on the first day of serialization in this world, it quickly attracted a large number of book fans.

With the continuation of the serialization, its fame and influence have grown, and it has now become a booming trend.

Originally, a lot of media have tried their best to contact Li Fan, hoping to cooperate with Li Fan to hold a closing ceremony for "Journey to the West".

Countless book fans also expressed the same wishes on the Internet, but Li Fan declined.

Li Fan didn't plan to do any closing ceremony. In his opinion, there was absolutely no need for that.

He won't do it now, and he won't do it when his works are finished in the future.

Of course, "Journey to the West" will end today, and Li Fan is also quite emotional, feeling that this work is equally brilliant in this world, and it is also destined to become an eternal classic.

Li Fan sighed, and on the Internet, countless book fans also felt the same.

At 9:50 in the morning, there are still ten minutes before today's finale serialization, the voice on the Internet about the end of "Journey to the West" set off a high dynasty.

"The finale is about to end. I want to see it but I don't want to see it. Alas! Contradictory!"

"I really hope Mr. Li Fan can continue to write, I haven't read enough!"

""Journey to the West" is really wonderful, and it is destined to become an eternal classic. Its conclusion is a significant event for the entire literary world. Unfortunately, Mr. Li Fan kept a low profile and declined many media. The cooperation request. Otherwise, we can still see the closing ceremony of "Journey to the West" today."

"I guess Mr. Li Fan will decline. In my opinion, Mr. Li Fan is already an extraordinary existence, so why should he care about the ending ceremony?"

"That's right, but for us fans, it's still a pity."


Fans of the book are discussing that the time has arrived at 10:00 in the morning, and Li Fan's Weibo has been updated on time. The latest chapter of "Journey to the West" is also the final chapter of "Journey to the West".

"The chapter of the finale has been updated. As soon as Mr. Li Fan updated it, I absolutely couldn't wait to click in. Now, I am a little reluctant to click in."

"Yeah, I'm also reluctant to click in, because entering this point means that I will never see the new chapter of "Journey to the West" again."

"Oh! I can't bear it, I really can't bear it!"

"Forget it, it's over, let's go in and watch it. We can still look forward to the TV series and movies of "Journey to the West" in the future."

"That's all I can think of, then click in and see."


Even if they are extremely reluctant to give up, today's finale of "Journey to the West" has become a fact. Even if they don't click into it, they can't make "Journey to the West" a big ending.

In that case, click in and watch it, and enjoy the excitement brought by the last "Journey to the West".

Yesterday, it was said that the four monks, masters and apprentices of Tang Dynasty had gone through untold hardships and finally reached the Holy Land of Lingshan and met the Tathagata Buddha.

The Tathagata Buddha gave Tang monks three sutras, including Fa Yizang, talking about heaven; On Yizang, talking about the earth; Sutra Yizang, saving ghosts. A total of thirty-five volumes, 15,144 volumes.

Afterwards, the Tathagata Buddha asked A Nuo and Gaye to take the four Tang monks, masters and apprentices to fast food, and then opened the treasure pavilion to present the scriptures.

Before giving the scriptures, A Nuo and Gaye asked Tang Seng for personnel, but Tang Seng said that they had come a long way and they were not prepared.

After A Nuo and Jia Ye heard this, they laughed and said, "Okay, okay, okay! Passing down the scriptures from nothing, the descendants will starve to death!"

Afterwards, the two presented the scriptures to Seng Tang. After the four teachers and apprentices thanked Tathagata Buddha, they carried the scriptures down Lingshan Mountain.

However, the four monks and disciples of Tang Dynasty did not know that the scriptures given to them by A Nuo and Gaya were not genuine scriptures, but false scriptures without words.

Yesterday's serialization ends here, and today's serialization continues.

At the beginning of today's serialization, the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp summoned Venerable Baixiong, and asked Venerable Baixiong to catch up with the four Tang monks and his apprentice. Lingshan came to fetch the scriptures with words.

Venerable Bai Xiong led the way.


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