Venerable Baixiong caught up with the four Tang monks, masters and apprentices, and took away the scriptures. Sun Wukong chased after him, swung the golden cudgel and tried to beat him. Seeing this, Venerable Baixiong scattered the scriptures and left.

The scriptures fell from the sky. At this time, the Tang monk, master and apprentice discovered that the scriptures they retrieved were all false scriptures without words.

Sun Wukong wanted to understand the reason, and it must be A Nuo and Jia Ye who asked them for personnel but could not, so they gave them a false scripture without words.

Therefore, the four masters and apprentices returned to Lingshan and informed the Buddha about the matter, hoping that the Buddha would judge and cure the sins of A Nuo and Kaye.

However, Tathagata Buddha said with a smile that he already knew that Anuo and Gaye asked for personnel. He also said that the scriptures should not be passed on lightly, nor should they be taken empty-handed. white book.

In addition, Buddha Tathagata also said something, saying that before the monk went down the mountain, he once recited this sutra with him at the house of the elder Zhao in the State of Shewei, to protect the safety of the living and the detachment of the dead, but only to get Three buckets and three liters of rice grains of gold came back, it was really cheap, and taught future generations to have no money to use.

Afterwards, the Tathagata Buddha asked A Nuo and Gaye to pass on the scriptures with words to the Tang monks, teachers and apprentices.

This time, A Nuo and Jia Ye still asked Tang Seng for personnel.

The Tang monk had nothing else in his body, so he presented the purple-gold bowl presented by Li Shimin, the king of Tang.

A Nuo and Jia Ye received it, and only then did the literal scriptures be passed on to Tang monks, with a total of thirty-five volumes and five thousand and forty-eight volumes.

Afterwards, the four masters and apprentices of Tang Seng left Lingshan again.

After the four monks, masters and apprentices left Lingshan, Tathagata Buddha asked Guanyin Bodhisattva and asked how the four monks, masters and apprentices were doing in their hearts along the way.

The Bodhisattva replied that the four people were devout and sincere, and they had experienced calamities and adversities along the way, starting from the banishment of Jin Chan in the previous life of Tang Seng, and they had gone through a total of 80 hardships.

Jin Chan was demoted first,

The second is the second most difficult after birth,

The third difficulty is when the full moon throws the river,

The fourth difficulty in finding relatives and avenging grievances,

Going out of the city to meet a tiger is the fifth difficulty,

Falling into a pit and breaking from the sixth difficulty,


Xuanyingdong suffered seventy-six hardships,

It is seventy-seven difficult to catch a rhino,

Tianzhu has seventy-eight difficulties in getting married,

Tongtai Prefecture was imprisoned for seventy-nine hardships,

Ling Yundu was born with eighty difficulties.

A total of 80 hardships have been experienced, and the road has traveled 108,000 miles.

Afterwards, the Bodhisattva said, "In Buddhism, ninety-nine return to the truth. The saints and monks have suffered eighty hardships, and there is one less hardship, and they cannot complete this number."

After the four monks, master and apprentice of Tang Dynasty took the scriptures, they were originally rushing back to the Eastern Land Tang Dynasty in Nanzhanbuzhou. The horses fell to the ground together.

After the four fell to the ground, they hurriedly picked up the scriptures, and they were busy.

After busy picking up the scriptures, looking at the vast Tongtian River, what if Zhengchou should cross the river?

At this moment, Lao Yuan, who had asked the four monks and disciples to pass through the Tongtian River a few years ago, reappeared.

The four masters and apprentices were full of joy. A few years ago, they took the old car to cross the Tongtian River, and now they are going to take the old car to cross the Tongtian River again, but they came and went, in exactly the opposite direction.

Lao Yuan took Tang Seng and his apprentice for half a day. When he was about to go to the east bank of Tongtian River, he asked Tang Seng. A few years ago, when he entrusted Tang Seng to cross the river to the west, he asked Tang Seng to ask Tathagata Buddha on his behalf. How many years are left? Can Monk Tang ask for him?

Tang Seng was shocked when he heard this, but did not answer.

It turned out that he forgot about it, he didn't ask for Lao Yuan at all, and he couldn't make lies, so he stayed silent.

Seeing that Tang Seng didn't answer, Lao Yuan knew that Tang Seng didn't ask questions on his behalf at all, so he shook the four off his body, dived into the water, and walked away.

As soon as Lao Yuan left, Tang Seng and his apprentice, including horses and scriptures, all fell into the water.

Fortunately, it was very close to the east bank at this time, and the four of them tossed and finally managed to get to the east bank, but the scriptures were all wet.

As a last resort, the four of them could only wait until the sun was shining, put the wet scriptures on the high cliff, and unpack them to dry.

However, when the scriptures were collected, several volumes of the "Buddha's Xingjing" were stained on the stone for drying the scriptures, and the end of the scriptures were damaged, making the "Buddha's Xingjing" incomplete in the end.

There is a village near Tongtian River called Chenjiazhuang. When Tang monk and his apprentice came to Chenjiazhuang, they subdued the monsters in Tongtianhe and saved the villagers from the torture of Tongtianhe monsters.

Therefore, after the villagers of Chenjiazhuang found that Tang Seng and his apprentice had come back from the scriptures, they warmly invited Tang Seng and his apprentice to rest in the village and accept the offerings.

After a delay in Chenjiazhuang, the four masters and apprentices left quietly at night. Now that the eighty-one difficulties are full, the four masters and apprentices arrived at Chang'an in the Eastern Land Tang Dynasty in less than a day.

Li Shimin, the king of Tang, led a hundred officials to greet him, and asked in detail the hardships of the monk Tang's 14-year journey of learning scriptures.

Tang Seng will tell you what he has seen and heard on the road and what he has experienced...

After a few days in Chang'an City Panheng, after everything was in order, the Tang monk and his apprentice returned to Lingshan with the Eight Great King Kong.

The merits of the master and the apprentice were complete, and they were awarded one by one. Tang Seng was awarded the Buddha of Tantan merit, Sun Wukong was awarded the Buddha of Fighting Victory, Zhu Bajie was awarded the messenger of the Pure Altar, Seng Sha was awarded the Golden Body Arhat, and the White Dragon Horse was awarded the title of Eight Heavenly Dragons.

Sun Wukong became Zhengguo, and the golden hoop fell off naturally.

Since then, the Sandalwood Buddha, the Fighting Buddha, the messenger of the pure altar, and the golden-bodied Arhat have all attained their status, and the Heavenly Dragon and Horse have returned to their true self.


One is really like turning dust, and the four elements are combined to restore the body.

The Five Elements are still silent in color emptiness, and there are always no excuses for a hundred strange names.

Zhengguo Zhantan converts to great enlightenment, and completes the devotion of morality.

The scriptures say that the world is full of grace, and the five saints are the best.

The magnificent "Journey to the West" is over!

"Journey to the West" is finally over. Looking at the three words "Complete the book", the mood of countless book fans has been difficult to calm down for a long time.

From the beginning of the first chapter to the present, every story has left a deep memory for them, and every time they read a story, they will have endless expectations for the next story.

But now, they can no longer continue to look forward to the next new story, it is a feeling of extreme loss, like a person who has kept them in their dreams and can never appear again.

On the Internet, such sentiments can be seen everywhere.

"Alas! It's over, it's over, it's over at last."

"I'm really reluctant to have a new story of "Journey to the West" in the future!"

"Nine-nine-eighty-one hardships, before you know it, Tang Seng has gone through so many hardships. Maybe, it's time for the finale."



Sansheng Village.

Li Fan looked at the emotion and reluctance of countless book fans on the Internet, and he was also very emotional.

In any case, "Journey to the West" is finally over.

Of course, although the serialization of "Journey to the West" has ended, the related aspects of "Journey to the West" are far from over, and will never end.

TV, movies, games, animations, peripherals, etc. about "Journey to the West" are destined to be endless.


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