Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1582 Evaluation of

"Journey to the West" officially ended. Although Li Fan declined the request of the major media to cooperate with the completion ceremony, the major media still carried out a lot of reports on the conclusion of "Journey to the West".

"The four of Tang Seng and his apprentice have finally finished their journey. The difficult and dangerous journey of learning the scriptures. Mr. Li Fan's work "Journey to the West" officially ends today!"

"The journey of Tang Seng's master and apprentice has come to an end, and "Journey to the West" officially ends today!"

"Nine-nine-eighty-one difficulties, the difficult and bumpy road to learn from the past has finally drawn a successful end!"

"The conclusion of "Journey to the West" is of extraordinary significance to our entire literary world!"

"Journey to the West, a work destined to go down in history and become an eternal classic!"

"The end of "Journey to the West", countless fans have expressed their reluctance to part!"


The major events reported by the media made all book fans feel even more difficult to let go of the end of "Journey to the West".

Not to mention ordinary book fans, even many celebrities and famous people, have some reluctance to end "Journey to the West".

It also includes two boss-level characters, Cen Geng and Shen Cong.

During the period of "Journey to the West" serialization, the two bosses were just like two ordinary book fans, chasing the update of "Journey to the West" every day.

In the eyes of the two bosses, "Journey to the West" is undoubtedly better and more significant than Li Fan's previous work "Fengshen Romance".

One wonderful story after another, the two bosses often couldn't help but applaud, and they were very pleasantly surprised.

During this period of time, the two met and chatted, and the most talked about was "Journey to the West".

Now, "Journey to the West" has officially ended, which makes the two bosses feel a little reluctant.

Cen Geng said with emotion: "After chasing for so long, it's finally over. To be honest, I'm really not used to it."

Shen Cong smiled lightly and said, "It has become a habit to watch "Journey to the West" every day during this time. Now that I suddenly don't have to watch it, I will naturally be a little unaccustomed to it."

Cen Geng said: "Yeah, it has become a habit. I didn't expect that we would chase another one, which is really incredible."

Shen Cong said: "But no matter what,

"Journey to the West" has also ended. However, the expectations for "Journey to the West" are far from over. "

Cen Geng said: "It's true, let's not say anything else, the movie "Journey to the West" should start shooting soon, and the filmed "Journey to the West" is equally exciting!"

Shen Congdao: "Also, Li Fan seems to be preparing to shoot a TV series himself, which is the most anticipated."

Cen Geng said: "That's true, but it will take a certain amount of time for them to be put on the screen. Now, maybe we should write something for "Journey to the West"?"

Shen Cong said: "I also have this intention."

Therefore, Cen Geng wrote on his Weibo: "Mr. Li Fan's "Journey to the West" officially ended today, which is a major event in the literary circle of our country. "Journey to the West" is an extremely outstanding work full of whimsy. Whimsical gods and demons. The author uses romantic techniques to fly with imaginative wings, depicting a colorful, magical and magnificent fantasy world. He has created a series of interesting and fascinating myths. He has successfully shaped Sun Wukong, Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, Sha Seng and other characters are vivid on the paper and come to life.”

Shen Cong also wrote on Weibo: ""Journey to the West" is fantastic and interesting. Through bold and rich artistic imagination and fascinating storyline, it creates a magical and gorgeous fantasy world. In this fantasy world, there are There are all kinds of strange and interesting monsters, all kinds of strange and colorful. And its romantic and rich fantasy comes from real life. It reflects the world's human feelings and worldly feelings in twists and turns, expressing the vivid wisdom of the world, and has full flesh and blood in reality. With its unique thought and artistic charm, "Journey to the West" brings readers into a beautiful art palace and feels its artistic charm."

After Cen Geng and Shen Cong, many other celebrities also expressed their views on "Journey to the West" on Weibo.

Yu Qiu, the chairman of the Writers Association and a famous scholar, wrote: "The artistic charm of "Journey to the West", in addition to bizarre imagination, is also super interesting and entertaining. It is endless and thrilling, but readers' reading experience is always very relaxed and full of joy, with almost no tension and heaviness."

Yi Tian, ​​a professor of Jingcheng University and a famous historian, wrote: "Journey to the West spreads its wings of fantasy and gallops in the wonderful fantasy reverie. Its fantasy art is a precious wealth of thinking and richness. "Journey to the West" is undoubtedly a treasure of Chinese literature."


Many celebrities and famous people have praised "Journey to the West", and these comments have been circulated on the Internet, making many book fans slowly get out of their extremely lost emotions and become excited.

The various discussions on "Journey to the West" on the Internet have once again reached a new high.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan naturally also saw that the evaluation of "Journey to the West" by celebrities made Li Fan very proud. It is indeed one of the four masterpieces of the previous life.

And "Journey to the West" really deserves such an evaluation.

Qin Lie laughed and said, "Everyone's comments on "Journey to the West" are very high."

Li Fan said proudly: "Of course, "Journey to the West" is a magical work."

Qin Lie laughed and scolded: "I said you can't be a little more humble? How can you comment on your own work like this?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "I'm actually speaking with modesty."

Qin Lie: "You kid..."


Tomorrow is the sale of the copyright of the movie adaptation of "Journey to the West". The heads of many film and television companies have arrived in Sansheng Village one after another since yesterday.

As of 2:00 this afternoon, according to Li Ru's statistics, 32 film and television companies have arrived in Sansheng Village.

And, it's still early, and a few more film and television companies are expected to arrive.

So many film and television companies are interested in the copyright of the film adaptation of "Journey to the West". While Li Ru was speechless, he was also very proud. It is indeed Li Fan's work.

The heads of the 32 film and television companies that have arrived are now wandering in the village. For them, going to Sansheng Village on business is simply a very pleasant business trip.

The beauty of Sansheng Village is intoxicating, and the food in Sansheng Village is the best in the world, and there is only one family in the world. There is no semicolon in the whole world.

Coming here on business is definitely a pleasure.


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