Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1584 The sale begins

in the activity room.

The heads of the film and television companies were all surprised when they heard that Li Fan had entered the activity room.

They thought that with Li Fan's identity and status, when they came in, there would definitely be a grand entrance ceremony.

At that time, they would also stand up to welcome them as a sign of respect.

But I never thought that Li Fan just walked in without making a sound. It seems that Li Fan's behavior is exactly as rumored.

So, who is Li Fan?

Because there were many people on the scene, there were also staff walking back and forth in the front court, and they were all young people. The heads of various film and television companies did not know which one was Li Fan?

While they whispered to the people around them, they looked in the direction of the front court.

I couldn't tell at the beginning, but as the time got closer and closer to 10 o'clock, everyone gradually came to know who Li Fan was?

In front of the table in the center of the podium, a young man appeared, as if he was about to start speaking.

"He should be Mr. Li Fan, right? Of course, he may also be the host." Everyone thought so in their hearts.

Then, the young man said, "Please calm down, everyone. I'm Li Fan. I'm very grateful for your trust in my work "Journey to the West". I sincerely welcome and thank everyone for coming."

After speaking, everyone at the scene was stunned for a second or two, and then there was a sudden burst of extremely warm applause, which lasted for a long time.

There was no host at all. The young man was Li Fan. Everyone applauded and looked at Li Fan. Except for a few people, the vast majority of people saw Li Fan for the first time.

The brief contact with Li Fan made them feel that Li Fan was like an expert outside the world, and they were all thinking, "Mr. Li Fan is as rumored, not like a mortal."

The applause didn't stop for a long time, and Li Fan waved his hand, indicating that everyone didn't need to applaud anymore.

The applause gradually stopped.

Afterwards, Li Fan said: "Everyone is here for the film adaptation copyright of "Journey to the West". I am here to express my gratitude to you again for your trust in "Journey to the West". Everyone came to buy the film adaptation copyright, Its purpose is to make profit, which is very natural. And the film and televisionization of "Journey to the West\

,"It also has a very important positive meaning for me to further promote "Journey to the West". Therefore, rather than saying we are a buyer-seller relationship, it is better to say that we are a cooperative relationship. "

As soon as the words fell, the audience applauded again, and many people also shouted:

"Mr. Li Fan said it well, we are very willing to cooperate with Mr. Li Fan."

"Mr. Li Fan said it well!"


Li Fan waved his hand and continued: "Since it's a partnership, then I won't set the price of the copyright fee too high..."

Hearing this, all the film and television companies are overjoyed. The copyright fee will not be too high, which means that they have less risk and greater profits.

"However," Li Fan continued, "I have a requirement, that is, when everyone adapts a movie, they must respect the original work, not maliciously distort the meaning of the original work, not spoof, and must film with all their heart. This is a hard requirement, yes What you have to do. Of course, it is possible to adapt in a light-hearted and funny style. You have to think about it first, and you can do it before participating in the purchase. If you can't do it, please don't participate in the purchase. Once you participate in the purchase, It means that you can meet the requirements I just made. If the works you shoot violate the requirements I just made, then I will talk to your company. "

Li Fan said it lightly, but when everyone heard Li Fan's last sentence, they shivered for no reason.

Being said by Li Fan, it means that the film and television company is in big trouble, and no one dares to doubt Li Fan's ability.

However, the requirements mentioned by Li Fan are actually nothing. Respect the original work, don't maliciously distort the meaning of the original work, don't spoof it, and shoot with all your heart. These are absolutely what should be done.

Even if Li Fan didn't mention it, they would never dare to spoof "Journey to the West".

If it is really a spoof, not to mention the troubles here with Li Fan, even those famous celebrities and countless book fans will definitely criticize them. How dare they?

Therefore, all the film and television companies on the scene did not hesitate, and they all said that they would never dare to spoof, and they would definitely respect the original work and go to the filming with all their heart.

Li Fan nodded and said with a smile: "I believe everyone. Then, we won't do any other delays, and now let's get into the theme. Every story in "Journey to the West" must be familiar to everyone. I this time There are 28 stories ready to sell the movie copyright. Now everyone can watch it on the big screen. All 28 stories are on it, and the copyright price is also on it. You can browse it in a unified way and prepare in your heart. When the time comes, one story is one The story is sold separately. If only one film and television company is interested in a story, then the transaction will be made directly at the marked price. If there are two or more companies interested in the same story, then the price will be higher through bidding. get it."

Having said this, Li Fan paused and continued: "You can communicate with each other in advance. Well, now I'll give you 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the sale will officially start."

Li Fan's last sentence made the person in charge of a large film and television company stunned for a second, and then burst into extremely warm applause again, and his heart was full of gratitude.

Li Fan's meaning is obviously to say that if you are worried that the price after the auction is too high, then you can negotiate in advance.

For example, the strength of your three companies is similar, and the positioning of the story in your heart is similar. Then, if there are exactly three stories that meet your positioning, then you can agree, one story per family, without competing or bidding with each other, and winning directly at the lowest price marked.

This is naturally a great thing for major film and television companies.

Of course, this does not mean that there will be no bidding at all in this way. The bidding will definitely still exist, but it will be much better than before.

"Well, first look at the big screen, which 26 stories are for sale? What is the price? Then look for allies." Everyone thought so.

So, everyone looked up and looked carefully at the name and price of the story on the big screen.

"Havoc in Heaven": 10 million yuan.

"Three Dozens of White Bone Spirits": 10 million yuan.

"Interesting Girl Country": 10 million yuan.


"The Monkey King Comes Out": 7 million yuan.

"Avalokitesvara Academy": 4 million yuan.


Li Fan walked to the front desk of the activity room and sat down. The reason why he just said that the major film and television companies can negotiate in advance is because he does not care how high the copyright fees for these stories can be sold.

As long as you sell it at the price he marked, the price he marked is not high, but it will not make the classics of the previous life dusty.

What he values ​​more is the quality of the filming of the major film and television companies. In this way, it may be possible to make the major film and television companies shoot more attentively to a certain extent.

As for the extra money that might be obtained after bidding, Li Fan didn't care at all.

For Li Fan, money has long been just a number, or an astronomical number that he himself does not know the exact number.

More or less, what does that matter?


The fourth update is to add more updates to Tiger Roar and Lion Roar (8/10), please recommend tickets!


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