Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1585 all sold

The heads of major film and television companies are all staring at the big screen, and they are watching very carefully.

While watching, I still pondered in my heart, which story should the company take as its first target? That one story as a secondary target? Which companies should I look for?

In addition, each story marked, the price of the film adaptation copyright is indeed not high, the highest price is 10 million yuan, and the lowest price is 2 million yuan.

This is slightly lower than the price they expected, and Li Fan did not set a high price.

After familiarizing all the story names and prices, major film and television companies began to look for partners.

They may or may not be able to reach cooperation, which is hard to say.

The whole room was buzzing.

Li Fan didn't care about the discussions between the major film and television companies. He was talking to Li Ru at the front desk. Li Ru seemed very excited today, chatting non-stop.

The 20 minutes was not long, and it passed quickly. Li Fan walked to the table in the center of the rostrum again and said, "Okay everyone, the 20 minutes are up, let's start the official sale."

Hearing Li Fan's voice, the heads of the major film and television companies quickly quieted down.

Some people looked happy and seemed to have a good conversation, while others were quite frustrated and regretful, and it was obvious that the conversation was not good.

But no matter whether they negotiated or not, the film copyright sale officially started, and Li Fan personally presided over it.

The first story sold is also the starting story of "Journey to the West", "The Monkey King Comes Out", and the price is 7 million yuan.

There is only one film and television company that made an offer for this story, Yunfei Film and Television, and no other film and television company competed for it.

It seems that this is a successful agreement. Li Fan smiled lightly and announced that the copyright of the film adaptation of "Monkey King First Comes Out" belongs to Yunfei Film and Television, and the price is 7 million yuan.

The person in charge of Yunfei Film and Television was overjoyed and stood up. One was to congratulate, and the other was to thank him. He thanked Li Fan and his temporary partner.

Now there is also warm applause, mixed with some congratulations.

Next, began the sale of the second story, "Three Dozens of White Bone Spirits".

This story is one of the most influential,

And this story is of great significance to the entire "Journey to the West" work, and the price is 10 million yuan.

This time the atmosphere was not as harmonious as before. As soon as Li Fan's words fell, there was an offer from the TV station that couldn't wait.

After this TV station made an offer, another TV station made an offer soon, raising the price to 12 million.

Obviously, the big film and television companies are all competing for this story, and they don't seem to have a good deal.

This is actually normal. Big film and television companies have deep pockets. If they don’t agree on the stories they like, they don’t recommend getting them through bidding.

Now, three film and television companies have joined the competition, and the price has been rising all the way.

15 million, 18 million, 20 million, 22 million...

In the end, when the price reached 35 million, two companies chose to withdraw. The influence of "Three Hits of White Bone Spirit" was great, but there were also stories whose influence was not lost to it. They decided to shift their targets to other stories. superior.

In the end, the copyright of "Three Beats of White Bone Spirit" was auctioned by Shanghai Film and Television at a price of 35 million.

Li Fan also smiled faintly, followed by the third story "Four Exploring the Bottomless Pit", priced at 2 million yuan.

The atmosphere this time is still not very harmonious. The influence of "Four Exploring the Bottomless Pit" is relatively small, but it is a story that some small film and television companies are bound to win.

Of course, when it is said that it is a small film and television company, in fact, compared to those big film and television companies, their strength is still good.

Otherwise, they would not dare to participate in this sale.

After some competition, the copyright of "Four Exploring the Bottomless Pit" was won by Huafeng Film and Television at a price of 3.5 million yuan.

Next is "Fighting the Three Monsters", priced at 7 million yuan.

This time, the atmosphere became harmonious again. Except for the quotation from Fengxing Film and Television, there were no other quotations from film and television companies.

Obviously, a successful agreement was reached this time, and the result was that Fengxing Film and Television obtained the film adaptation copyright of "Fighting and Three Monsters" at a price of 7 million yuan.

Continue, the next is the super popular "Havoc in Heaven", the price is 10 million yuan.

If you have to choose the most influential story in the story of "Journey to the West", it should be "Havoc in Heaven".

In the story, Nezha, Erlangshen, Li Jing, Taishang Laojun, Jade Emperor, Guanyin, Tathagata Buddha and other famous people appeared one after another.

When it came to "Havoc in Heaven", the heads of several powerful film and television companies were all refreshed, and the competition began immediately, and it was very fierce.

20 million, 25 million, 30 million, 40 million...

The heads of the film and television companies who did not participate in the competition looked at each other with a wry smile, but the wealth and wealth were different.

This situation is also expected by them. It is impossible for the story of "Havoc in Heaven" to reach an agreement among those big film and television companies.

50 million, 55 million...

The fight continues.

In the end, the strength can be regarded as the strongest giant film and television, and the price of 65 million was shouted, which finally ended this fierce competition.

This made the heads of the film and television companies all said in their hearts, "Sure enough, the goal of Giant Film and Television is really "Havoc in Heaven"."

Moreover, his strength can be regarded as the strongest, and he successfully won it.

Next, the sales continued, one story after another was sold, and the atmosphere was sometimes harmonious, sometimes intense.

When the atmosphere is harmonious, the stories sold are basically medium-priced or above-average.

And the story of low price and high price, rarely when the atmosphere is harmonious, more or less will go through some bidding.

Time gradually passed, and when it was nearly 12 noon, all 28 stories were sold.

A total of 48 film and television companies have arrived, and there are only 28 stories.

Well, there are 20 film and television companies, and this time it will come back in vain.

The person in charge of the film and television company that successfully bought the story couldn't help but be overjoyed, and the person in charge of the film and television company who was about to return without success was full of regret.

Li Fan smiled and said: "This time, a total of 28 stories have been sold for film adaptation copyrights, and there are also copyrights for some stories. This time they have not been sold, and they may continue to be sold in the future. Therefore, today I did not succeed in purchasing the copyright of the story. My friends, we should still have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.”

The eyes of those in charge of the company who were full of regret lit up, yes, this time the cooperation was not successful, there is still a chance next time.

Thinking of this, my mood suddenly improved a lot.

Afterwards, Li Fan said again: "It's almost noon, I have prepared the wine and food, and I am preparing to entertain every friend on the scene at noon today, and I hope everyone can enjoy it."

Hearing what Li Fan said, everyone was overjoyed. What an honor Li Fan invited them to dinner? Is there any reason not to go?

Those in charge who failed to win the copyright were even more elated. In their opinion, it is regrettable that they failed to win the copyright, but now that Li Fan wants to invite them to dinner, there is no regret.


The fifth update, for the Tiger Roar and Lion Roar (10/10), please recommend a ticket!


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