Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1586 Recommend a director

In Xianyuan Building.

Li Fan invited all the directors of the film and television companies present to dinner. The food and wine were the most beautiful delicacy in the world. Coupled with the excitement of the directors, this meal was the most delicious meal they had ever eaten.

During the banquet, all the responsible persons toasted Li Fan one by one, and Li Fan also toasted them one by one, which made all the responsible persons feel flattered. Li Fan toasted them personally.

Those in charge who failed to win the copyright, how can there be a little bit of depression and regret at this time? Some are just excited.

While they were eating, news about the copyright sale of the movie adaptation of "Journey to the West" had already been uploaded on the Internet.

All book fans know that at 10 o'clock this morning, the sale of the film adaptation rights of "Journey to the West" will be held in Xianyuan Building, Sansheng Village.

For the final result, they have long been waiting for news on the Internet.

At the end of the noon sales, Li Fan announced the specific sales situation on Weibo. At the same time, major film and television companies also announced on their official channels which story of the copyright they purchased?

Therefore, the relevant news quickly spread on the Internet, and countless book fans talked about it.

The serialization of "Journey to the West" has ended, and now they can only shift the goal to the film and televisionization of "Journey to the West".

I don't know what the works produced by major film and television companies will look like? Book fans are all looking forward to it.

"The film copyright has been determined so soon, yes, yes, I hope the major film and television companies will shoot soon, I can't wait."

"A total of 28 stories will be made into movies, which feels a bit small. Why doesn't Mr. Li Fan sell the copyright of some stories? Of course, 28 stories are a lot, and the most classic stories are also there. That's enough."

"Giant Films and Television is going to shoot "Havoc in Heaven", I hope it can be done better, don't ruin "Havoc in Heaven" in my mind."

"My most anticipated Rolling Stones movie "The Love of the Book of Girls", my majesty!"

"I look forward to every one, wow ha ha!"

""Journey to the West" is not easy to shoot. I hope that the major film and television companies will work harder and be more attentive, so as not to ruin our "Journey to the West"."


I am a little worried. Of course, the expectations far outweigh the worries. "



In the Xianyuan Building, a meal was eaten for a long time, from 12:00 noon until 3:00 in the afternoon.

The heads of major film and television companies have always said goodbye to Li Fan. When they said goodbye, they also said that Li Fan should rest assured that they will do their best to film the stories in "Journey to the West".

Li Fan said that he is very looking forward to it. This is not a polite word. Li Fan is really looking forward to it. He wonders what the film and television companies in this world will make of "Journey to the West".

After the leaders said goodbye to Li Fan, they left the village one after another. They did not make any other delays. They planned to go back as soon as possible and start the shooting plan as soon as possible.

Now the topic of "Journey to the West" is in full swing, and they all plan to strike while the iron is hot and let the work be released as soon as possible.

After the person in charge of the film and television company left, Li Fan slowly walked towards the house.

The film copyright has been sold, and major film and television companies will start filming projects. Li Fan is pondering that the filming of his TV series should also start.

First of all, it's the same question as before. He has to determine the director first. Who should he choose? This is a problem.

Li Fan was not too familiar with the director's circle, so he decided to ask Hu Fei and Gu Yuan to see if they had any suitable candidates to recommend.

Without hesitation, Li Fan first called Hu Fei.

"Haha! Brother Li, long time no see."

"It's been a long time indeed, Brother Hu, I'm going to shoot the "Journey to the West" TV series. Do you have a director recommendation?"

"Brother Li really wants to shoot the TV series by himself. Almost all TV drama directors in our country have no experience in filming TV series of gods and demons, but it is really not easy to find."

"I know this. I don't ask him to have much experience in filming TV series of gods and demons. What I want is someone who can endure hardships and have strong comprehension. As for experience, I will communicate with him when the time comes."

"Haha! I forgot about this, but if you are here, Brother Li, there will be no problem. As long as you can endure hardship and have strong understanding, this will be much easier. Brother Li, I really have one person here. I can recommend it to you."

"Oh, who is it?"

"This person is not well-known, his name is Yang Jie, he is 36 years old this year, and he is a good friend I have known for many years. He is very hard-working and comprehensible. Brother Li, do you want to meet him?"

"Yang Jie?" Li Fan thought, and continued: "Okay, I trust the person recommended by Brother Hu, let me see him."

"Okay, then I will let him come to Sansheng Village to find you. After that kid knows the news, he will definitely faint with excitement."

"Okay, then thank you Brother Hu."


Then, after talking for a while, the two hung up the phone.

"Yang Jie? Could it be that there is freedom in the sky?" Li Fan thought so in his heart, and was very interested in Yang Jie.

Back at home, Qin Lie was tinkering with something in a field beside the pond. When he saw Li Fan coming back, he asked, "Have you finished the film adaptation copyright?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "It's all done. The 28 stories were bought by 28 film and television companies."

Qin Lie said: "Okay, I'll wait to see how they will turn out? What about your TV series? When are you going to start filming?"

Li Fandao: "It's almost too soon. Director Hu Fei just recommended a director to me. After I met him, if there is no problem, then it's not far from the official start of filming."

Qin Lie said: "Okay, I'll wait and see, you kid can do your work."

Li Fan agreed, walked into the yard, and went about his own business.


After a night of silence, at 11 am the next day, Li Fan received a call from Li Ru, "Brother Fan, there is a Mr. Yang Jie looking for you, saying that it was introduced by Director Hu Fei."

"Yang Jie?" Li Fan was slightly taken aback, came so quickly? That kid flew over overnight, right?

Then, Li Fan said, "Okay, let him wait for a while, and I'll come here."

After hanging up the phone, Li Fan walked towards the entrance of the village. Yang Jie arrived so soon, which was a bit unexpected.

Obviously, Yang Jie should have flown to the provincial capital overnight last night, and then arrived here early this morning.

It seems that he is a person worthy of cooperation, Li Fan nodded secretly.


I'm very sorry, today is late because of a temporary emergency, I'm sorry!


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