Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1598 Resentment

Next, the actor audition continued, and the auditioned actors appeared one after the other.

At this time, the topic of auditions for actors in the TV series "Journey to the West" is also very hot on the Internet.

Netizens all know that the audition for the actors of the "Journey to the West" TV series starts today.

So, which actors will play which roles? Netizens are all very curious and looking forward to it!

In the downstairs of Xiaojianghu Studio, many entertainment media reporters squatted here, looking for opportunities to interview the star actors who came to audition.

After they interview relevant news, they will publish it on their media as soon as possible.

Therefore, to a certain extent, these squatting entertainment media reporters have become the broadcasters of the selection of actors for the "Journey to the West" TV series this time.

Countless netizens are on the Internet, waiting for their first-hand news.

And the news they broadcast can often make netizens sigh.

"Second-tier superstar actor Wang Zhongxin appeared at Xiaojianghu Studio, and the role he was going to audition for was Tang Seng."

"Exclusive interview: Liang Luping, a fourth-tier star actor, failed to audition for the role of Bodhi Patriarch. However, he still joined the crew of the "Journey to the West" TV series, and he will play some small dragon roles in the play."

"Exclusive: Zhang Yuanming, a third-tier star actor, failed to audition for the role of Zhu Bajie. According to Zhang Yuanming, Mr. Li Fan suggested that he play the role of Taibaijinxing, but only gave him one minute to think. In the end, he declined."

"The first-line superstar actor Huang Yang appeared on the scene, and he doubted the role of the audition."

"Latest: The actor of Taibaijinxing has been confirmed and will be played by second-tier superstar actor Wang Zhongxin."


The relevant news of the audition scene was constantly reported by the entertainment media, and netizens sighed with emotion and discussed it.

"Haha! The influence of "Journey to the West" is different. The second-tier and third-tier stars simply get together to audition, and there are also first-tier superstars."

"Nonsense, "Journey to the West" is such a great work, and now Mr. Li Fan is in charge of filming, which actor doesn't want to play a role in it?"

"Zhang Yuanming actually refused,

Mr. Li Fan asked him to play Taijinxing's suggestion. Gee! This is to look down on the role of Taibaijinxing! "

"Hey! I guess the reason why he refused is probably because Mr. Li Fan only gave him one minute to think, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. After all, he is also a third-tier star, and he only has one minute to think about a role. time."

"Cut! The third-tier stars are indeed famous, but it also depends on who they are compared with, and what kind of role they are in the work. Mr. Li Fan is willing to give him a minute to think, which is enough for him. In front of Mr. Li Fan, he really takes himself seriously."

"That's right, this is the role of Taibaijinxing in "Journey to the West". It is definitely his honor to be a third-tier star of him. Looking at his interview, he seems to have been wronged."

"He probably thinks that he is a dignified third-tier star, and now he is going to play a dragon role, and the crew should try to persuade him."

"Wait, the latest news, the actor of Taibaijinxing has been confirmed and will be played by second-tier superstar Wang Zhongxin."

"Isn't Wang Zhongxin going to audition for Tang Seng? Why is he playing Taijinxing?"

"It's very simple. It must be that Tang Seng, who was auditioned by Wang Zhongxin, failed. Then Mr. Li Fan felt that he could play Taibaijinxing, so he suggested him to play Taibaijinxing. The situation is estimated to be similar to that of Zhang Yuanming before. The difference is that Zhang Yuanming felt wronged. , I felt uncomfortable and did not accept it, but Wang Zhongxin accepted it."

"Well, it should be like this. Second-tier superstars can accept it, but he still feels wronged as a third-tier star, which is probably the reason why he can only be a third-tier star, and he doesn't think about it, that is Mr. Li Fan's "" Journey to the West!"

"That's right, look at the former fourth-tier star Liang Luping. In order to join the crew, he is willing to play the role of a small dragon. It is estimated that it is not much different from the group acting. I estimate that after "Journey to the West", Liang Luping's reputation will increase. already."

"The latest news comes again. It's an interview with Wang Zhongxin. The situation is exactly as we guessed just now. It was Mr. Li Fan who suggested him to play Taibaijinxing, and he agreed after a little hesitation. He thought that he could play Taibai. The corner of Venus is already an honor. Look, look, Wang Zhongxin’s realm is different, no wonder he can become a second-tier superstar.”


The latest news of the audition scene came out one after another, and netizens were sometimes excited, sometimes emotional, and happy.

Third-tier star Zhang Yuanming failed the audition and rejected the role of Taibaijinxing. He walked out of the Xiaojianghu studio and was interviewed by several entertainment reporters downstairs before leaving.

After leaving, he also followed the audition situation on the Internet. When he saw that the second-tier superstar Wang Zhongxin was about to play the role of Taibaijinxing, he was in a strange mood, and suddenly felt unhappy and irritable.

It seems that the role of Taibaijinxing, which should have been played by him, has now been replaced by someone else.

Then, he thought that if Li Fan was willing to let him go back and think about it, he should also accept it.

However, Li Fan only gave him one minute to think about it.

This made Zhang Yuanming feel that it was because of Li Fan that he did not choose to accept the role of Taibaijinxing. It was Li Fan who caused him to lose the opportunity to play Taibaijinxing.

The more Zhang Yuanming thought about it, the more upset and irritable he became, and then he saw the comments on the Internet about his refusal to play Taibaijinxing, and he was even more annoyed.

Slowly, a resentment developed towards Li Fan in his heart. In his opinion, all this was caused by Li Fan only giving him one minute to think about it.

This kind of resentment is getting deeper and deeper, and if it is not vented, I am afraid it will cause internal injuries.

So, Zhang Yuanming wrote on his Weibo: "Today I went to the "Journey to the West" TV drama crew to audition for the role of Zhu Bajie. Unfortunately, I didn't succeed. It was nothing. Later, Li Fan suggested that I play Taibaijinxing. Third-tier stars, now playing a dragon role, naturally have to think about it.

However, Li Fan only gave me one minute to think about it.

Originally, I actually planned to accept the suggestion and play the role of Taibaijinxing, but because of Li Fan and the crew's arrogant and inflated attitude, I politely declined the "Journey to the West" TV series.

What I want to say is that although "Journey to the West" and Li Fan are very famous, they should lower their posture.

After all, it will be played by us actors, and only when our actors perform well will the "Journey to the West" TV series succeed. "


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