Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1599 What do you do when you are angry?

As a third-tier star, Zhang Yuanming's Weibo attention is naturally not low. It didn't take long for his Weibo to be updated, and someone found out.

Then, because of the content of this Weibo, it spread all over the Internet in a very short period of time.

The vast majority of netizens both understand and do not understand after reading it.

The understanding is that everyone can understand what Zhang Yuanming wants to express, but if they don’t understand, why did Zhang Yuanming post such a Weibo?

This is obviously to say that Li Fan and the crew of "Journey to the West" have a very high attitude and are very arrogant, and they don't look down on him as a third-tier star. It's just a dragon role, and it's very arrogant, giving only one minute of consideration to one of the three stars.

Why did Zhang Yuanming post such a Weibo? Does he still think that he is a third-tier star, even in the "Journey to the West" crew, in front of Li Fan, should not be treated like this?

On the Internet, Zhang Yuanming's Weibo immediately sparked heated discussions.

"Damn it! Zhang Yuanming is also a third-tier star, how can he feel that his IQ is completely off the line! Don't say that no one will believe that Mr. Li Fan is an arrogant and very high-profile person, even if it is true, Mr. Li Fan There are also absolute qualifications to be arrogant in front of you Zhang Yuanming. No, no, it should be said that Zhang Yuanming does not even have the qualifications to make Mr. Li Fan arrogant. "

"How did this guy Zhang Yuanming become a third-tier star? Comparing your third-tier star with Mr. Li Fan is like the gap between fireflies and the sun, moon and stars. If people give you a minute to think about it, that's already a big deal. You still feel wronged, and you really take your status as a third-tier star seriously."

"I finally understand what Zhang Yuanming means. What he means is that as a third-tier star, he condescended to play the role of Taibaijinxing. Li Fan and the crew should be grateful to him and persuade him to accept it. How about giving him a minute to think about it? I'm really convinced by this IQ, I really don't know how he rose to the third-tier star?"

"In the end, that guy also suggested very 'sincerely' to ask Mr. Li Fan and the crew to lower their stance and not be so arrogant to their star actors. Can a play be successful? It all depends on how well they act. Okay? I mean, who the hell gave him the confidence to say that?"


The vast majority of netizens really don't understand why Zhang Yuanming posted such Weibo? Have such an idea?

Even Zhang Yuanming's few die-hard fans can only sigh softly. They don't understand. Zhang Yuanming, who usually feels pretty good, how can his IQ be so offline this time?

On the contrary, there are very few

The people who have been hiding in the dark all the time, after seeing this Weibo, seem very excited, as if they came back to life in an instant, and they are full of fighting power.

"Mr. Zhang Yuanming finally said something fair. Li Fan's attitude has always been very high. Before, everyone was afraid of Li Fan's reputation, and no one dared to say it."

"Praise Mr. Zhang Yuanming, and express the thoughts of countless people who were despised by Li Fan but had to swallow it up."

"Mr. Zhang Yuanming is right, if Li Fan doesn't lower his profile, the "Journey to the West" TV series will not be successful."

"It is absolutely impossible to make Li Fan lower his profile, because he is used to being high above. Therefore, everyone should not have expectations for the "Journey to the West" TV series."

"That's right, everybody, don't hold out your expectations."


Are these words of any use? Anyway, they said it very comfortably. After waiting for so long, they finally got another chance, and they naturally couldn't let it go.

And after these words were seen by other netizens, they were ignored directly, no one cared, and no one refuted them.

Everyone just thought in their hearts, "I haven't seen these people for a long time, and I almost forgot about them."

They now know that those people have always been there, but they usually hide in the dark and hardly make a sound.

Only when they wait for the opportunity, will they come out to jump around and have a good time, that's all.


Wang Zhongxin, a second-tier superstar who is about to play Taibaijinxing, saw Zhang Yuanming's Weibo, and after reading it, he also didn't understand it, and then said the word "ridiculous", and finally sighed again and shook his head.

Although he and Zhang Yuanming can't say how good their relationship is, they know each other and can be regarded as friends. Seeing Zhang Yuanming's Weibo, he can only sigh lightly, feeling very regretful and pity.

Fourth-tier star Liang Luping also saw Zhang Yuanming's Weibo, and also sighed softly. He was also a star actor, and he felt very sorry.

Many other stars also saw Zhang Yuanming's Weibo, including star actors who have auditioned for the "Journey to the West" crew, star actors who are going to audition, and other categories of stars.

Most of the stars expressed their incomprehension. They didn't understand Zhang Yuanming's fault today, so he would have such an idea? So stupid and ridiculous.

However, there are also a very small number of celebrities who express their approval. They not only reprinted Zhang Yuanming's Weibo, but also liked it and sent articles to support it.


After Zhang Yuanming posted this Weibo, he felt much more at ease, and all the resentments in his heart were vented.

He actually knew that if his Weibo was posted, it would definitely be opposed by many people and offended Li Fan, but he did not regret it.

These were originally the real thoughts in his heart, and he didn't vomit unhappily. Even if he offended Li Fan because of this, there was nothing he could do.

It's a big deal in the future, just don't participate in Li Fan's film and television works, and it's not only Li Fan's film and television works in the whole country.

He has never participated in Li Fan's film and television works before, and he has not reached the position of a third-tier star.

It's a pity to offend Li Fan, but in Zhang Yuanming's view, it's no big deal.

However, Zhang Yuanming obviously did not realize that with Li Fan's status, as long as Li Fan said hello, Zhang Yuanming was afraid that it would be difficult for him to get the chance to appear in the works in the future.

Even Li Fan doesn't need to say hello deliberately. He only needs to show some dissatisfaction with Zhang Yuanming.

Because, the vast majority of directors will definitely be very happy to take this opportunity to submit a nomination certificate to Li Fan.

Li Fan is dissatisfied with Zhang Yuanming, so they don't need Zhang Yuanming, what a good chance to vote for the name.

So, will Li Fan be dissatisfied with Zhang Yuanming because of this?

The answer is, no.

Xiaojianghu Studio Audition Studio.

Taking advantage of the free time for the actor's audition, Li Fan, Yang Jie, Liu Yu, and Lin Xin also saw Zhang Yuanming's Weibo.

Yang Jie, Lin Xin, and Liu Yu immediately frowned, feeling very angry.

Yang Jie said, "What does Zhang Yuanming mean? He really thinks his status as a third-tier star is great, doesn't he?"

Lin Xin said: "He really treats himself as a character, really."

Liu Yu said: "I really didn't know before, he turned out to be a person like this."

Afterwards, the three of them all looked at Li Fan. When they wanted to come, Li Fan should be even more angry.

Because Zhang Yuanming's Weibo is aimed at Li Fan everywhere.

However, they were stunned to find that Li Fan's face was calm, and there was no change in his mood, just like he didn't see Zhang Yuanming's Weibo.

Hmm, did you really not see it?

Yang Jie asked tentatively, "Mr. Li Fan, have you seen the Weibo that Zhang Yuanming just posted?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "I see."

Yang Jie, Lin Xin, and Liu Yu were shocked, and Yang Jie said tentatively, "Then Mr. Li Fan, you...Aren't you angry?"

Li Fan said with a smile: "What am I doing when I'm angry? Whatever he wants to say, let him go."

"This..." Yang Jie, Lin Xin, and Liu Yu looked at each other and suddenly thought.


The fourth update, add more updates for Herodotus (2/3), ask for a monthly pass! Recommended ticket!


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