Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1602 The cast of Pig 8 Rings is confirmed

A prop processing factory on the outskirts of the provincial capital.

A person in charge said: "Mr. Li Fan, according to your design requirements, all the props have been preliminarily completed. You can take a look. If there is something wrong, we will modify it immediately."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, hard work."

Afterwards, Li Fan checked all the masks and all the rest of the props. He was quite satisfied with the effect. There were almost no problems, and it achieved the effect he expected.

He especially focused on the masks of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, and pointed out some details that need to be revised.

These two masks are only preliminary effects now, and further adjustments will be made according to the faces of the two actors.

The person in charge carefully recorded the points that Li Fan pointed out that needed to be revised. He knew the importance of these masks and did not dare to neglect them in the slightest.

After explaining everything, Li Fan left the props factory.

Outside the processing plant, I took a car and went directly to the downstairs of Xiaojianghu Studio, went upstairs, walked into the studio, and outside the audition booth, I heard Lin Xin's voice, "I'm very sorry, Mr. Ma, except for Tang Seng Except for the roles of Zhu Bajie and Zhu Bajie, the actors for all the other roles have been confirmed."

Another voice said: "Director Lin, I know this, I just want to join the crew, can you let me play a ghost or something? Even those characters without a character name are fine, you can see my physique, I feel It's still quite suitable for playing ghosts and ghosts."

Lin Xindao: "This is okay, but Mr. Ma, it's not much different from group performances. You are a sixth-tier star actor, are you sure?"

Another voice said again: "OK, sure, as long as I can join the crew, I can play anything. I can play different roles in different scenes."

When he heard this, Li Fan had already walked into the audition booth. Lin Xin saw it and said quickly, "Mr. Li Fan, you are back."

Opposite Lin Xin, there was a 35-year-old man with a strong physique, a big belly and a round waist, a national face, and a height of about 175 cm. He should be the sixth-tier star actor who wanted to join the crew just now.

Hearing Lin Xin's words, the man's heart jumped wildly. He didn't expect Li Fan to appear. He was completely prepared and seemed very nervous. He looked at Li Fan who came in, and said a little embarrassedly, "Mr. Li Fan, hello!"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Hello!"


He glanced at the man carefully, his eyes lit up slightly, and seemed to be quite interested in the man. Lin Xin saw it and introduced: "Mr. Li Fan, this gentleman is called Ma Tinghua, a six-tier star actor, and wants to join the crew. , I am willing to play a character without a character name, such as ghosts and monsters."

Li Fan nodded and said, "I heard it outside just now."

Then he said to the sixth-tier star actor named Ma Pinghua in front of him, "Which role did Mr. Ma originally plan to audition for?"

Ma Leihua quickly said: "Mr. Li Fan, I originally planned to audition for Buddha, but before it was my turn to audition, the actor of Buddha had already been confirmed. I felt very regretful, so I didn't come to audition. However, I Then I found out that I still really want to join the crew, so I'll take a look today and see if I can play some characters without a character name?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "So that's the case, then, why didn't Mr. Ma try other roles?"

Ma Leihua smiled bitterly and said, "I just wanted to audition for the Buddha, because I felt that my body type was quite suitable for the Buddha. Later, when I thought about trying other roles, I found that all the roles had already been confirmed. Actors. I just want to be able to join the crew and play roles that don't have a character name."

After listening to this, Li Fan smiled and said, "Not all the roles have been confirmed as actors."

Ma Lianhua was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said, "I know, Mr. Li Fan, and the cast of the two leading roles, Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie, have not been confirmed, but for me, it is obviously impossible."

Ma Lianhua was thinking about auditioning for the role of Buddha, and then he thought that he could also audition for some other supporting roles. Now he thinks that as long as he can join the crew, he will play some roles without a role name.

As for the two protagonists Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie, Ma Lianhua never thought about it.

Li Fan looked at Ma Tiaohua again, nodded secretly, and said, "It's not impossible, but I think the role of Zhu Bajie is very suitable for Mr. Ma to play. Mr. Ma can try it."

This not only made Ma Leihua stunned, but Lin Xin, who was beside him, was also stunned. He had no idea that Li Fan would let Ma Leihua try the role of Zhu Bajie.

However, Lin Xin knew that since Li Fan let Ma Conghua try it, it meant that Ma Conghua was really suitable. For Ma Conghua, it was really skyrocketing.

Lin Xin was only stunned for a moment, but Ma Tinghua was completely stunned, and did not respond for a long time.

It was difficult for him to react, but he refused to believe his ears. He must have heard it wrong just now. Li Fan asked him to try the corner of Zhu Bajie. How could this be possible?

Ma Tinghua shuddered and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li Fan, did you just tell me to try the role of Zhu Bajie?"

Li Fan smiled slightly, nodded, and said, "Yes, that's right."

This time, there is no need to doubt his ears anymore. Ma Tinghua suddenly became very excited and excited. This was not just a simple surprise, but a completely unexpected blessing.

Ma Lianhua said excitedly, "Mr. Li Fan, I... can I really do it?"

Li Fandao: "If I'm not mistaken, you really can. Of course, it takes a long time to wear a mask to play the role of Zhu Bajie. During the filming process, you have to travel through mountains and rivers. It's very hard, and Mr. Ma needs to seriously consider it."

As soon as the words fell, Ma Leihua couldn't wait to say: "Don't think about it, Mr. Li Fan, don't think about it, no matter how hard I work, I'm not afraid, and there will never be any complaints."

Li Fan nodded and said, "I believe Mr. Ma."

Li Fan believed what Ma Pinghua said, otherwise he would not let Ma Pinghua try to play Zhu Bajie. Has the actor's character passed the test? It is Li Fan's first criterion for selecting actors.

Then, Li Fan said again: "Then, please prepare Mr. Ma, and then have a simple audition."

Ma Leihua said: "Okay, okay, Mr. Li Fan, there is no problem, I will prepare now, I will prepare now."

After trying hard to adjust his emotions, after pondering and speculating on the script fragments of the audition, Ma Leihua was completely ready and started the audition performance.

Lin Xin was pleasantly surprised to see this performance. Ma Tinghua was really suitable for the role of Zhu Bajie, which felt very good.

Lin Xin once again sighed at Li Fan's way of looking at people.

Li Fan was also quite satisfied. Although Ma Tinghua's performance was still some distance away from Li Fan's request, it felt right.

As long as it feels right, it doesn't matter if there is a distance in the performance. As long as Li Fan's guidance is given, he can reach the perfect image of Zhu Bajie in Li Fan's mind.

Then, as the actor of Zhu Bajie, it is natural that Ma Leihua will play the role.

As soon as I came back from the props factory, the cast of Zhu Bajie was confirmed, and Li Fan was also very happy.

Next, only Tang Seng's actor has not been determined.


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