Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1603 He's Right Behind You

After Ma Lianhua confirmed that he was going to play Zhu Bajie, he was so excited that he thanked him for a long time, and then left excitedly.

At this time, Yang Jie also came back from outside. He was very excited when he heard that the actor of Zhu Bajie had been found.

Next, just need to find Tang Seng's actor again, this drama can start filming.

And he already had a goal. He found Li Fan and said excitedly, "Mr. Li Fan, good news, good news!"

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "Director Yang is so happy, could it be that Tang Seng's actor already has a goal?"

Yang Jie laughed and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from Mr. Li Fan. Indeed, I went to Luofeng Film and Television Base for inspection today, and I really found an actor. I feel that it is quite suitable for the role of Tang Seng. Mr. Li Fan, do you want to go and have a look? "

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, let's take a look. Since Director Yang thinks it's okay, there shouldn't be a big problem. What's the situation with the actor?"

Yang Jie said: "It's a dragon actor. I don't know his name yet. I haven't bothered him yet, but I just observed him secretly for a long time."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, it's still early, the actor should still be at the film and television base, let's go there."

Yang Jie said: "It should be still there at this time. I have inquired about it. The play he participated in has still shooting tasks at night, and he should not leave now."

Li Fan said: "Okay, let's go."

Then, the two went downstairs, took a car, and went straight to the Luofeng Film and Television Base.

Luofeng Film and Television Base is located 20 kilometers west of the provincial capital. It is the largest film and television base in the southwest and is also quite famous in the country.

About an hour later, Li Fan and Yang Jie walked into the film and television base.

"Mr. Li Fan, it should be over there." Yang Jie pointed in one direction and said.

Li Fan nodded, and the two walked towards the direction that Yang Jie just pointed.

Not long after, when he arrived at a filming site of a crew, Yang Jie looked around for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, he secretly pointed to a young actor in his twenties, and said, "Mr. Li Fan, that is the actor, wearing a gray ancient costume the one."

Li Fan looked at it carefully for a moment, nodded slightly, he really felt okay, but that was not enough, so he said: "It looks okay,

Let's observe again. "

Yang Jie said: "Okay, Mr. Li Fan."

The play being filmed is a costume play. The actor is playing a refugee. Although he is a dragon, there are many scenes and a few lines.

Li Fan carefully observed the actor's demeanor, movements, expressions, etc. From these, he could see many things, not just acting skills.

After observing for a while, Li Fan nodded again and said, "Director Yang, I feel pretty good. After they have finished, you can invite him to audition in the studio tomorrow. Of course, if he doesn't want to go, that's fine. "

Yang Jie smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Li Fan, I don't think he would refuse."

Li Fan smiled and said, "I hope so."

Afterwards, the two continued to watch the scene. At about six o'clock in the evening, the crew ended today's daytime shooting, and the actors left.

After returning the props and putting on his own clothes, the young actor whom the two were interested in began to walk outside the film and television base.

Li Fan and Yang Jie nodded to each other and followed.

After not walking far, Yang Jie took a few steps quickly, pushed the actor and said, "This actor, please stay."

The actor was stunned for a moment, looked at Yang Jie who stopped him and said, "Hello, sir, what's the matter with you?"

Yang Jie smiled and said, "I'm Yang Jie, the director of the "Journey to the West" TV series. I stopped you because I wanted to..."

Before Yang Jie finished speaking, he saw the actor whisper and said in disbelief, "Are you Director Yang of the "Journey to the West" TV series?"

Yang Jie nodded and said, "Exactly, our crew is recruiting actors these days, you should know?"

The actor was a little excited and said, "I know, how could I not know about such a sensation?"

Yang Jie said again: "Then why don't you come to our crew to audition? You are filming in this film and television base, and it is very close to Xiaojianghu Studio."

The actor said: "Of course I want to audition, but I'm just an actor who does everything, so dare to audition for "Journey to the West"?"

Yang Jie said: "The actor who plays the role is also an actor. If you don't try it, how will you know if it will be successful?"

The actor sighed: "Having said that, but an actor who plays tricks, where can... eh? Director Yang, you are looking for me..."

It was only at this time that the actor realized that Yang Jie took the initiative to stop him, so he should have something to do with him. He couldn't help but feel very strange, how could the director of "Journey to the West" have something to do with him?

Yang Jie smiled: "I want to invite you to audition at the studio of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" tomorrow? Are you interested?"

"Audition?" the actor said, "Of course there are, but, apart from Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie, haven't all the characters in "Journey to the West" already been cast?"

Yang Jie said: "Now the cast of Zhu Bajie has been confirmed, and only the cast of Tang Seng has not been confirmed."

The actor said, "The cast of Zhu Bajie should have been decided just today. Director Yang, since there is only one role left for Tang Seng, then you asked me to audition. Which role is it? There are no other roles."

Yang Jie said: Of course, it was the audition for the role of Tang Seng. "

"Tang Seng?" The actor was startled and wondered if his ears had heard it wrong? Tang Seng is the protagonist, how could he let him be an actor who plays tricks to audition? It's impossible.

Yang Jie was not surprised by the actor's surprise, smiled and said, "It's just the role of Tang Seng, it's not surprising, you should know the story of the monkey, he's not even a dragon actor. . This is a program filmed by Mr. Li Fan himself. We only look at whether the actors are suitable for a certain role? We don't look at other factors. "

Hearing what Yang Jie said, the actor nodded slowly with all his thoughts.

Then, he suddenly became very excited and excited, and said, "Director Yang means that I am very suitable to play Tang Seng?"

Yang Jie nodded and said, "That's true. Of course, the most important thing is that Mr. Li Fan also thinks that you can try it out."

"Mr. Li Fan?" The actor became even more excited and said, "Has Mr. Li Fan met me too?"

Yang Jie nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Li Fan saw your performance just now."

The actor became more and more excited and said, "So, is Mr. Li Fan here now?"

Yang Jie smiled and said, "He's right behind you."



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