Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1607 What type of work will the next one be?

Zhang Wuji's handling of emotions has attracted many martial arts fans to complain, and "Eternal Dragon Slayer" is one of the vulture trilogy.

Naturally, some people will compare Zhang Wuji's choice of relationship with Guo Jing and Yang Guo's choice of relationship.

Yang Guo's love for Xiaolongnu was unswerving, and he regarded social norms as nothing. Guo Jing's swing between Huang Rong and Princess Huazheng was purely out of moral values. He absolutely only loved Huang Rong emotionally.

Zhang Wuji, however, was always dragging his feet. He clearly knew that he had an unforgettable love for Zhao Min, but he could never forget the love of Zhou Zhiruo, Yin Li, and Xiao Zhao for him.

This is indeed because Zhang Wuji is a good person and doesn't want to see the three girls sad, but from a certain point of view, he actually still loves those three girls, but his love is not as deep as Zhao Min.

Of course, this is not to say that Zhang Wuji is wrong to treat his feelings like this. Martial arts fans just think that this kid can't handle their feelings.

And this obviously has something to do with Zhang Wuji's character.

As Yang Qiming, director of the Times Literary Award Office, said on his Weibo, "In the Shooting of the Condor Trilogy, the characters of the male protagonists in the three works are completely different. Guo Jingcheng is simple and simple, Yang Guo is affectionate and wild, while Zhang Wuji's personality is more complex and also relatively weak.

Because he grew up on the Ice and Fire Island since he was a child, he didn't know the dangers of the world, and he didn't pay attention to his own interests, so he was always able to help others regardless of his own life. This makes him generous, generous, benevolent, and arrogant, but he also has shortcomings, lacks assertiveness, and is easily influenced by others.

This is completely different from Guo Jing and Yang Guo. Yang Guo is absolutely proactive. Guo Jing is also determined to be firm and unwavering in major joints. Sometimes Huang Rong needs to push for small things. However, Zhang Wuji's life was always influenced by others, dominated by the environment, and could not be freed from the bondage. To some extent, Zhang Wuji is closer to ordinary people. "

Countless martial arts fans agree with this Weibo post by Yang Qiming. Zhang Wuji is indeed relatively lacking in opinion.

And when he finally has his own opinions sometimes, he gives people a more "stupid" feeling.

For example, when the six major sects were besieging the Bright Summit, Zhang Wuji, who was not yet the leader of the Ming sect, was willing to receive three palms from Shi Tai, and he was willing to be stabbed by Zhou Zhiruo's sword instead of evading. Go out and fight against the six major factions.

The reason why he did this was neither to seek fame nor to be brave, but just because he felt that he should do it.

If it weren't for the fact that at this time he had already achieved great success,

There is also the protagonist's halo body protection, I am afraid that it has already been hung up.

If Zhang Wuji at this time already had the unfathomable martial arts in his later period, there would be no problem in doing so, but the key point is that Zhang Wuji's martial arts are not very good now, and he will die if he is not careful.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Zhang Wuji at this time is a bit "stupid".

Of course, if Zhang Wuji doesn't do this, then he is not Zhang Wuji.

Countless martial arts fans have talked a lot. The three works of the Condor Shooting Trilogy are in the same line, and they are in the same world. However, the characters of the three protagonists are completely different, and there is no repetition at all. People have to sigh. The depth of Yong's writing power has left all the other martial arts writers behind.

The end of "Eternal Dragon Slayer" is a big event for martial arts fans, and it is also a big event for all martial arts writers.

In their own circles, they are also discussing "The Legend of Heaven and Slaying the Dragon" and the trilogy of shooting the vultures.

"The three works are in the same line and have many common characters, but the feeling of each work is completely different. Gu Yong's brushwork is really unmatched."

"The Condor Shooting Trilogy is enough for us to study for a long time. If we can study the Condor Shooting Trilogy thoroughly, we must be able to write a very good work."

"I don't know what kind of martial arts work Gu Yong will create next? I remember him saying that he will continue to create several martial arts works."

"He did say that "Eternal Sword and Dragon Slayer" should not be his last martial arts work. However, the Condor Shooting Trilogy has reached the peak of martial arts, and it should be the peak of Gu Yong's creation. I am afraid that it will be difficult to reach such a peak level. Therefore, I think it is impossible for Gu Yong to create martial arts works in a short period of time, and there is a big gap with the shooting and vulture trilogy. He should be separated by a paragraph. In a short time, we will continue to launch the next martial arts work."

"I also think it should be like this. Guyong is the first person in martial arts, pushing martial arts to the peak, but he does not only write martial arts. I think he may create some other types of works in the future, and wait until later. Continue to create martial arts."

"This choice is indeed the right one. So, what do you think his next work will be?"

"In addition to martial arts, he also created pure love. However, I remember last time after he wrote "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", he said that he would not continue to create pure love. Except for pure love In addition to love, I am also very good at writing dramas. For this reason, I think he should be able to create dramas, "Dou E's Injustice", "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", "The Peony Pavilion", "The Story of the West Chamber" are all too classic already."

"Yeah, the drama adapted from his four works has reactivated the already crumbling drama market, giving the drama market a new lease of life. Now it is a thriving market, which is a very important historical turning point."

"Indeed, these four works have saved my country's drama market, and their contribution to the drama market may not necessarily be lower than his martial arts, and their contribution to the martial arts market."

"That is to say, Gu Yong's next work will be a drama?"

"It should be the most likely. However, it is not necessarily. I remember that in the last interview with Gu Yong, he said that he would create a new type of work in the future. I don't know if he will launch this time. His new type of work?"

"A new type of work? I've always said to him that a new type of work is very curious. If he really launches a new type of work this time, it would be great."

"A new type of work is indeed possible, but the most likely one is drama."

"Whether it's a new type of work or a drama, it's possible, but it's definitely not a martial arts anyway."

"Yeah, it will definitely not be martial arts. We know this, and martial arts fans should also know."

"Definitely should know."



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