Everyone from all walks of life is very concerned about Gu Yong's next work.

In the next few days, many people are speculating and discussing, and they are also waiting for Gu Yong to release news about the new book.

And they didn't wait long, Gu Yong really posted news about the new book on Weibo.

The gist of it is that, "Eternal Dragon Slayer" is over, the story of the Eagle Shooting Trilogy is over, and the next work will be a brand new story. The new work "Tianlong Babu" will be officially serialized in "Xiaojianghu" magazine starting on June 7, and everyone is welcome to read it.

As soon as the news came out, it quickly became the focus of heated discussions from all walks of life.

The content of Gu Yong's Weibo is very simple and the expression is very clear. The next work "Tianlong Babu" is a brand new work and will be serialized in "Xiaojianghu" magazine.

However, such a Weibo with simple content and clear expression has caused a lot of discussion and controversy in all walks of life.

And the focus of everyone's discussion and controversy is what type of work is "Dragon Babu"?

Some people are extremely surprised to say, is "Dragon Babu" still a martial arts work?

The proof is that "Tianlong Babu" is still serialized in "Xiao Jianghu" magazine. Everyone knows that "Xiao Jianghu" is a martial arts magazine, and Gu Yong's serialized works in "Xiao Jianghu" magazine are all martial arts works.

However, this claim was opposed by many.

The reason for the objection, first of all, naturally, as everyone has analyzed before, Gu Yong will not launch the next martial arts work in the near future.

The second is the title of "Tianlong Babu", which does not look like a martial arts, but more like a god and demon.

Soon, relevant experts analyzed the reason why "Dragon Babu" should be a gods and demons.

The term "Dragon and Eight Parts" comes from Buddhist scriptures. Many Mahayana Buddhist scriptures describe the Buddha's teachings to various bodhisattvas and monks, and the eight parts of heaven and dragons often participate in listening to the Dharma.

There is such a record in Buddhist scriptures, "Eight dragons, humans and non-humans, all saw the dragon girl become a Buddha from a distance."

Humans and non-humans, the "non-humans" here refer to all living beings who look like human beings but are not actually human beings.

"Dragon and Babu" are all "non-human", including eight kinds of Shinto monsters, namely: one day, two dragons, three Yaksa, four Gan Dhava, five Asuras,

Six Garudas, seven Kinnaras, and eight Maharajas.

With "Tian" and "Dragon" at the top, it is called "Tianlong Babu".

It can be seen that "Dragon Babu" is a work of gods and demons.

In addition, there is a very important supporting evidence that Gu Yong is also good at the creation of myths and legends.

In the previous Myth and Legend Creation Grand Prix held by the Ministry of Culture, Gu Yong launched two myths and legends, "Kuafu Chasing the Sun" and "The Legend of Yinglong", and Li Fan's two works "Hou Yi" Shooting the Sun" and "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" can be said to go hand in hand.

It can be seen that in the creation of gods and demons, Gu Yong may not necessarily be worse than Li Fan, even if it is worse, it is definitely not much worse.

Now Li Fan has "Fengshen Romance" and then "Journey to the West". Both works can be called absolute classics, especially "Journey to the West", whose influence has now reached the world.

Under such preconditions, Gu Yong will naturally be unwilling to be lonely, and choose to create a work of gods and demons to fight with Li Fan, which is very normal and reasonable.

As for why it was serialized on "Laughing Rivers and Lakes"?

This is just because Gu Yong is too lazy to change other serial carriers, and there is no rule that the gods and demons cannot be serialized in martial arts magazines.

The above analysis starts from the title of the book, until Gu Yong has the absolute strength to create gods and demons, as well as the reasons for Gu Yong to create gods and demons.

People from all walks of life saw it and nodded in agreement.

From this point of view, "Dragon Babu" should indeed be a gods and demons.

Of course, not everyone agrees with this statement, and a small number of people still insist that "Dragon Babu" should be a martial arts.

They naturally have their reasons.

First of all, they also agree with Gu Yong's statement that the next martial arts work will not be released in a short period of time, but agree to agree, the fact is not necessarily so.

After all, he is ancient and often cannot be speculated with common sense.

Secondly, they also agreed with the expert's explanation of the title of "Dragon Babu".

However, Gu Yong is also very likely to use "Dragon and Babu", a Buddhist term that contains all living beings, to symbolize all kinds of characters in the world of martial arts.

From this, it can also be concluded that if "Dragon Babu" is a martial arts work, it will definitely be a magnificent and magnificent system with all living beings.

Finally, there is another most important reason, that is, if "Tianlong Babu" is really a work of gods and demons, then Gu Yong will definitely not choose to serialize it on "Xiaojianghu", but will also choose to serialize it on Weibo.

You know, the pioneering work of serializing on Weibo was created by Gu Yong.

Gu Yong's "The First Intimate Contact" was the first to be serialized on Weibo.

If "Tian Long Ba Bu" is really a work of gods and demons, Gu Yong has no reason not to serialize it on Weibo.

Now that "Dragon Babu" is serialized on "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", it means that it is a martial arts.

After seeing this statement, many people feel that it seems to be equally reasonable. It is really possible that "Dragon Babu" is really a martial arts.

Although everyone thought that Guyong would not release the next martial arts work in the near future, as those people said, what everyone thought was not necessarily true.

Moreover, Gu Yong used to make some things that were unexpected to the outside world. This time everyone thought that he would not launch martial arts works, but he just wanted to launch martial arts works, and it was not impossible.

"Tian Long Ba Bu" is an analysis of martial arts works, and it does make sense.

Of course, there are still a small number of people who think that "Dragon Babu" will be a martial arts work.

Most people still insist that "Dragon Babu" is a work of gods and demons.

Because, comparing the analysis of the two viewpoints, it is still the analysis that "Dragon Babu" is a work of gods and demons, which is more persuasive.

Controversy continues on the Internet for this, and it is very lively.

And the major theaters and pure love fans across the country are very depressed and regretful.

Because, judging from the current situation, "Tian Long Ba Bu" is not a work of gods and demons, but a work of martial arts. There is no hope for the drama and pure love they hoped for.

Depressed, very depressing!

Sorry, very sorry!


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