Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1617 The crew

A "Dragon Babu" is a heroic epic full of human nature and full of sadness.

When I read it, while my blood is boiling, I often sigh with embarrassment, my heart is sad, and I lament that fate makes people, and everyone is burdened with unknown suffering.

Li Fan sighed lightly, put down his mobile phone, and stopped looking at all kinds of praise and comments about "Dragon Babu" on the Internet.

Sitting on the canopy, looking down at the film crew not far ahead, the entire crew can be seen at a glance.

The crew is now in the trial shooting stage. Both the director and the actors need to constantly find the feeling of shooting "Journey to the West" with the help of Li Fan.

Only after the effect of the shooting has fully met Li Fan's requirements, will the official shooting take place.

After a few days of hard work, the filming effect of the crew can barely meet Li Fan's requirements.

In this regard, Li Fan is still very satisfied. He can't ask the crew to achieve the most perfect level all at once, which requires a certain accumulation of experience.

It is believed that as the filming continues, in a few days, the effect produced by the crew will be able to fully meet Li Fan's requirements.

In the past few days, every actor has worked very hard, and the hardest actor has to count the monkey baby. This is not because the monkey baby is more enthusiastic than others.

But because Houwa knows that among all the actors, his foundation is the worst. He has never been involved in filming and does not understand everything. He has to put in more effort than others to not give The drama is dragging its feet, and after the official shooting, it will not delay the shooting process because of myself.

In fact, at the very beginning, the monkey baby was really slow. He never had any contact with filming, and he didn't even have a sense of the position of the camera. He reshots again and again.

However, Li Fan and Yang Jie didn't care about it, so the monkey baby didn't have to be nervous and take it slow.

The rest of the people also did not feel impatient, and they also shared their shooting experience with the monkey baby.

Maybe it's because of everyone's active and enthusiastic help, or because the monkey baby itself is very talented. After a few days, the monkey baby has made great progress and has almost reached the level of ordinary professional actors.

In the next few days, the entire crew, whether it is the director or the actors, will make obvious progress every day, and the effect produced is getting closer and closer to the effect Li Fan requires.

On this day, Li Fan once again went up to a towering tree to observe the filming of the entire crew.

The big tree is condescending, and all the situation is at a glance, which is convenient for them to observe.

His eyesight and hearing are far superior to ordinary people. Even if the distance is far apart, he can see and hear everything that is happening at the scene very clearly.

And today is a day that makes Li Fan very happy.

From the canopy, he watched the monkey baby's performance from a distance. He had the exact same shape and mask as the previous life Liu Xiaoling children's version of Sun Wukong, and his movements, demeanor, eyes and other aspects were almost the same as the previous life Liu Xiaoling children's version of Sun Wukong. level.

If you add the later dubbing, it is like a six-year-old version of Sun Wukong, who traveled through time and space and came to the screen of this world.

Monkey King, played by Monkey Baby, finally succeeded in "apprenticeship", and the crew was finally able to officially shoot.

This makes Li Fan very fulfilled, excited and looking forward to it!

Of course, this does not mean that as long as the Monkey King played by Monkey Baby "apprentices" alone, the crew can officially start filming, and there are no requirements for others.

In fact, before the monkey baby, the rest of the crew had already "graduated" one after another, and the monkey baby was the last one to graduate.

After all, the role of Monkey King has the highest requirements on actors, and Monkey Baby was also the actor with the least acting experience before.

Now, Monkey King played by Monkey Baby gives people a feeling of traveling through time and space, Zhu Bajie played by Ma Hua, Sha Seng played by Yan Huaili and Tang Seng played by Wang Shaorui also give people the illusion of traveling through time and space.

Li Fan looked at the four masters and apprentices of Tang Seng at the filming scene in front of him, and he seemed to see that the four masters and apprentices in Liu Xiaolingtong's version of "Journey to the West" in the previous life were perfect enough.

Director Yang Jie is also very excited at this moment. He has a strong feeling that the Monkey King played by Monkey Baby today can meet Li Fan's requirements, and the filming will finally start officially.

The crew entered the rest stage, he looked up at the direction where Li Fan was, and hoped that Li Fan would show up sooner.

And Li Fan didn't make him wait long, and soon fell from the canopy and came to the filming location of the crew.

When Yang Jie saw it, he hurried up to meet him, and shouted from a distance, "Mr. Li Fan, how is Monkey King's performance today?"

Li Fan said with a smile: "It's very good, that's the feeling, starting from tomorrow, but the filming will officially begin."

Yang Jie laughed and said, "I knew it was like this, it's really great, I can't wait."

Li Fan said: "Then, we will have to work hard for Director Yang next."

Yang Jie waved his hands again and again and said, "I am very excited, how can I feel hard?"

Li Fan smiled and said nothing.

At this time, the assistant directors Lin Xin, Liu Yu, the leading actors Houwa, Wang Shaorui, Ma Hua, Yan Huaili, and the rest of the actors also gathered around.

The faces of each and everyone are extremely excited, excited and expectant.

Obviously, they also know that they have officially passed the test, and from tomorrow, they can officially embark on the "path of learning".

Among them, the most excited person is Monkey Baby. He is grateful to Li Fan and everyone in the crew.

Of course, not all the cast members are here.

In fact, only the actors who had a role in the filming of Dashi Town came here.

The rest of the actors will also meet with the crew at the filming locations where they have their scenes. They will also need to spend some time to make their performances meet Li Fan's requirements, but the time spent is obviously far from being needed here. many.

Starting tomorrow, the crew will officially start filming, and the scene can be completely handed over to three directors, Yang Jie, Lin Xin, and Liu Yu.

In other words, Li Fan doesn't need to stay at the filming site all the time, and his happy days are back.


Li Fan's happy days are back, and "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", which countless martial arts fans are looking forward to all the time, has also released two more issues.

Duan Yu also became extremely deep in his internal strength because he learned the Beiming Magical Art, and because he learned Lingbo Weibu, his own movement style was the only one.

Countless martial arts fans are excited and excited!


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