Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1621 2 male protagonists

A group of martial arts fans had a hunch that things might be very troublesome, and they continued to look down in concern.

The thing they were most worried about finally happened. Qiao Feng resigned as the leader of the Beggar Gang, and he was going to solve the mystery of his own life experience.

At that time, the beggar gangs were divided into three factions. One faction supported Qiao Feng to continue to be the gang leader.

But in the end, Qiao Feng decided not to be a gang leader anymore. He always thought he was a Han Chinese, and it was his duty to protect the Han people and eliminate the Khitan people. Now that he was suddenly accused of being a Khitan, how could he still have the heart of being a gang leader? He is going to find out the mystery of his own life.

In the end, Qiao Feng left behind "The green hills will not change, the green water will flow forever, all the good brothers, let's see you again. Whether Qiao is a Han or a Khitan, he will never hurt a Han's life in his lifetime. Violating this oath, there is such a knife." After such an oath, he left.

All the martial arts fans sighed in their hearts, this is really the result they least want to see, when Qiao Feng appeared, what kind of heroic heroism? After learning that Qiao Feng was the head of the Beggar Gang, they were even more excited and excited.

But who knows, things have changed dramatically. A past 30 years ago revealed a secret that had been hidden for 30 years. Qiao Feng was also half coerced and half he didn't want to be the leader of the beggar gang anymore. Be a gang leader again.

All of this happened so fast that before all the martial arts fans had time to cheer for the leader of Qiao Gang on the Internet, Qiao Feng was no longer the leader of the Beggar Gang.

The world is impermanent, nothing can be done.

Fortunately, what happened next can make all the martial arts fans become excited again.

After Qiao Feng left, the masters of Xixia Yipintang suddenly arrived and surrounded the beggar gang.

In the Xixia Yipin Hall, a master also said, "I heard that the Central Plains Beggar Gang has two stunts, one is the cat-beating stick method, and the other is the eighteen palms of the snake, and I want to see it."

"The cat-fighting method? Eighteen palms to subdue the snake?" The martial arts fans were stunned for a moment, and then excited again.

Those who are familiar with "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", naturally know that these two martial arts should be the dog-fighting stick method and the eighteen palms of subduing the dragon, but this bullshit master from Xixia Yipintang deliberately said it was the cat-fighting stick method and descending Eighteen snake palms, its purpose is self-evident.

The beggar gang has two stunts, which means that Qiao Feng can also play the dog stick method and the eighteen palms of subduing the dragon. The guesses of the martial arts fans before finally have the answer, and it is the answer they most want to see.

Qiao Feng can really subdue the dragon with eighteen palms, which shows that they can really appreciate the style of the eighteen palms of subduing the dragon once again in the world of "Dragon Babu".

This made a lot of martial arts fans get excited again.

It's just that this bullshit master of Xixia Yipintang deliberately said that it was the cat-fighting method and the eighteen palms of subduing snakes, which is really maddening.

The best way to slap the face at this moment is naturally that Qiao Feng is here, let the bullshit master of Xixia Yipintang learn what is the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms? To let him know that the eighteen palms of subduing the dragon are not something he can insult as a master of shit.

It's just a pity that Qiao Feng has already left, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are only used by the beggar gang leader. How should this be done?

Even if someone in the beggar gang took the shot and beat the master of the bullshit to the ground, it still made people feel uncomfortable.

Because if you shoot the beggar gang to beat that shit master down, he will definitely not use the eighteen palms for subduing the dragon. That shit master doesn't know what is the eighteen palms for subduing the dragon, so there is no effect of slapping the face, so naturally will not feel refreshed.

All the martial arts fans were indignant. If these guys in the beggar gang hadn't forced Qiao Feng away, and now let Qiao Feng use eighteen palms to subdue the dragon, it would be so cool!

All right now, what do you do?

When the beggar gang members heard the words of the bullshit master, they were all furious and shouted and cursed one after another. All the martial arts fans rolled their eyes.


What followed the words of the two elders of the Beggar Gang made the eyes of the martial arts fans brighten, and they felt a lot better.

I saw Elder Xu say: "You all want to see the cat-fighting stick method and the eighteen palms of subduing snakes of our gang, it is not difficult, as long as there are simmering cats and skin snakes, it will be fine. Then, your Excellency is simmering cats. What? Or a mangy snake?"

Elder Wu also laughed and said, "If the opponent is a dragon, we will naturally subdue the dragon. But if the opponent is a snake, then we can call Huazi to catch the snake.

Although these remarks are not as cool as a direct face slap with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, they are already very good and cool enough.

The mood of the martial arts fans was much relieved, and they praised in their hearts, worthy of being a beggar gang, this is quite a level.

The next thing went through several twists and turns, and the serialization ends here for the time being.

On the Internet, various discussions about Qiao Feng once became the main theme. At this time, Qiao Feng's popularity and limelight once overshadowed the protagonist Duan Yu.

"Qiao Feng is really an upright man, this is the real hero!"

"Have you noticed a problem, these recent chapters seem to feature Qiao Feng as the protagonist? The role of the protagonist Duan Yu has become less and less."

"Indeed, from the first time Duan Yu met Qiao Feng in the restaurant, to the end when Qiao Feng stopped being the head of the beggar gang and left Xingzilin, Qiao Feng was the protagonist."

"Hey! That's good. It shows that Qiao Fengfeng is a very important person, and I don't think there will be less writing in the future. Isn't this what we want?"

"No, I mean, I have a bold idea, and Qiao Feng is also the protagonist of this work."

"This... Qiao Feng is also the protagonist? Does this work have two male protagonists? I have never seen a work with two male protagonists before!"

"I haven't seen it before, don't I have it now? Let's think about it, Qiao Feng is going to find out his life experience. If the past 30 years ago is true, it means that Qiao Feng is really a Khitan. He grew up in the Song Dynasty and regarded himself as a Han Chinese, but he was a Khitan. The Han, the Khitan, the Song Dynasty, and the Liao were the contradictions between the nations and the contradictions between the countries. Such a character, It shouldn't be just a supporting role, no matter how important it is."

"So, this work really has two male protagonists. Well, it's entirely possible to think that its author is Gu Yongda."

"The question I am concerned about now is not whether Qiao Feng is the protagonist? It is the analysis upstairs. Qiao Feng will not really fall into the contradiction between the nation and the country, right? If that is the case, how should Qiao Feng choose? ?"

"Oh! I hope not. I feel that the work of "Dragon Babu" is getting more and more complicated."

"Yeah, I'm feeling more and more complicated too."



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