Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1627 galloping like a tiger

Thinking of Zhuang Juxian's infatuation, all martial arts fans could not help but sigh, Zhuang Juxian is undoubtedly the most infatuated person in the whole work.

But infatuation is infatuation, Zhuang Juxian is now the identity of the beggar gang leader after all, he himself and the whole beggar gang, now it is estimated that he will be despised by the crowd at the scene.

A group of martial arts fans sighed again in their hearts, and couldn't help thinking in their hearts, if only Xiao Feng was here at this time.

Of course, this is just a thought, and continue to look down.

After Zhuang Juxian kowtowed to his teacher, he turned a deaf ear to all the sounds around him. He only had A Zi in his eyes, and all he wanted was that A Zi would not be hurt by Ding Chunqiu.

Then, Ding Chunqiu asked Zhuang Juxian to do the second thing for him, killing Xuanci, the abbot of Shaolin.

Zhuang Juxian and Xuanci have no grievances or enmity, this time to fight for the leader of the martial arts alliance, and there is no need to hurt people's lives. He didn't want to kill Xuanci, but Ding Chunqiu used Azi as a threat, and Zhuang Juxian ignored it.

Zhuang Juxian challenged Xuanci, which can be regarded as today's business. Whoever wins is the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Xuanci didn't intend to compete with Zhuang Juxian, but Quan Guanqing, Ding Chunqiu and others came up with a set of statements, Xuanci had to fight, saying that he would let him experience it, the Beggar Gang's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palm and dog stick method.

These words made Zhuang Juxian hesitate a bit, because he neither knows how to subdue dragons or fight dogs.

Of course, Zhuang Juxian just hesitated for a while. Since it was a martial arts competition, Ding Chunqiu also asked him to kill Xuanci, so what kind of martial arts could be used? No matter what martial arts you use, if you win, you will be the boss.

So, Zhuang Juxian resorted to the evil attack of the constellation faction to attack Xuanci. His powerful martial arts were all the martial arts of the constellation faction.

However, his action immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the crowd at the scene. The Shaolin monks and the crowd shouted, saying that since he was challenging Xuanci, he should use the martial arts of the Beggar Gang and the dragon subjugation of the Beggar Gang. Eighteen palms and dog-fighting methods, no matter how bad they are, they can't use the evil arts of the Constellation Sect.

Some members of the beggar gang also shouted, "Headmaster, you should use the eighteen palms of subduing the dragon, use the martial arts of the evil sect, you will lose the face of the beggar gang" and so on.

Only the disciples of the constellation sect shouted, saying that the eighteen dragon subduing palms of the beggar gang are far worse than the martial arts of the constellation sect, let Zhuang Juxian use the martial arts of the constellation sect, and the old bald donkey's life ended, what else?" Constellation magic, the best in the world, invincible in battle, invincible in power. Subduing the dragon and stinking palm, it's not worth it!" and so on.

When they saw this, all the martial arts fans only felt very aggrieved. The eighteen palms of the dignified beggar gang were so insulted by those disciples of the Constellation who only slapped horses. It was really annoying.

They only have one wish now, and that is that Xiao Feng suddenly appears, and then uses the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon to slap the faces of those Constellation Sect disciples so that they know why Hua'er is so red?

It's a pity that Xiao Feng is far away in the Liao Kingdom, so he can't slap his face.

This feeling of being unable to slap in the face made all martial arts fans feel very aggrieved and unhappy.

Unhappy, very unhappy!

The martial arts fans continued to look down with a feeling of suffocation and unhappiness. This time, they instantly became excited and excited, and the previous suffocation and unhappiness also disappeared without a trace in an instant.

In the midst of the uproar, a majestic voice from the foot of the mountain was suddenly heard saying, "Who said that the martial arts of the Constellation Sect surpassed the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms of the Beggar Gang?"

The voice came in clearly, and in the ears of everyone at the scene, everyone was stunned.

The sound of hoofs was like thunder, and more than a dozen horses rolled up the mountain like a gust of wind. The passengers on the horses were all dressed in black thin felt cloaks with black cloth inside. The people were like tigers and horses like dragons.

There were a total of 19 cavalry, although the number was not very large, the momentum was strong, but it seemed like a thousand troops.

Exactly, Yanyun's eighteen flying cavalry, galloping like a tiger's wind and smoke!

The first eighteen cavalry rushed to the vicinity, pulled the horses to each side, the last cavalry galloped out, and the person on the horse was Xiao Feng!

It turned out that Azi suddenly went out that day and did not return,

Xiao Feng was very anxious and sent a large number of spies to look for it.

After searching for several months, she finally got a return, saying that she was trapped in a beggar gang and was with the iron-headed man.

Xiao Feng was worried about A Zi's safety, so he immediately took 18 Khitan experts, left Liao and headed south.

On the way, he asked a disciple of the Beggar Gang, saying that Azi is now blind, and has been with the new gang leader all day, and now he has gone to Shaolin Temple with the new gang leader.

Xiao Feng was shocked after hearing this, worried that the blind A Zi would be bullied by the beggar gang, and immediately chased after Shaolin Temple again.

Walking down the mountain, I happened to hear a disciple of the Constellation Sect shouting that the martial arts of the Constellation Sect was far superior to the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and I couldn't help but get angry, how could the dignified Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms be so humiliated? He shouted out the words just now.

Xiao Feng suddenly appeared, and shouted the domineering and heroic words just now, coupled with the momentum like the arrival of thousands of horses, which surprised and delighted all the martial arts fans, only feeling bursts of excitement and excitement.

Xiao Feng is Xiao Feng after all, his martial arts may not be the strongest in "Dragon Babu", but his aura is definitely the first in "Dragon Babu".

When Xiao Feng is here, he can use the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to slap the faces of those constellation sect disciples who do not know how high the sky is.

Cool! It's so cool!

The face-slapping has not officially started yet, just thinking about it like this, all the martial arts fans feel very cool.

Then, the face-slap officially started.

Xiao Feng saw a purple-clothed girl in Ding Chunqiu's hand, with a graceful figure and a snow-white face, it was A Zi.

And her eyes were dull, her pupils were destroyed, and she was already blind.

Xiao Feng was both regretful and angry. He strode forward, and with a palm of his right hand, he hit Ding Chunqiu.

The palm strength has not disappeared, and after grabbing the close distance, it is another palm, three consecutive palms, the palm strength is superimposed, layer upon layer, overwhelming.

Ding Chunqiu was shocked, and did not dare to confront Qiqiu directly, so he let go of A Zi in a panic, and fled three feet away, very embarrassed.

Xiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms shot, not only rescued A Zi immediately, but also made Ding Chunqiu very embarrassed.

Most of the beggar gang members are also obviously excited, this is how their beggar gang leaders should have the momentum.

The martial arts fans were even more excited, and the feeling of slapping the face was really cool.

They watched the part where Xiao Feng slapped Xiao Feng back and forth several times before continuing to look down.

Xiao Feng originally wanted to come to the Shaolin Temple and leave after rescuing A Zi from the Beggar Gang.

In the battle of Juxianzhuang that day, he killed and injured a lot of people, and he has a deep grudge with the Central Plains martial arts. In addition, the outside world still thinks that he is the murderer who killed his parents and murdered his master. Today, I am afraid that It is not easy to walk down Shaoshi Mountain.

While the fans of martial arts were excited and excited, they could not help but feel a little worried.


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