Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1633 1 Everything is wrong

Li Fan sighed in his heart, and after a few days, the serialization of "Dragon Babu" continued.

After the battle of Shaolin Temple, the turmoil in the martial arts was temporarily suspended, and at this time, news came from the Xixia Kingdom that the Xixia Emperor made a list to recruit his son-in-law, and sincerely invited the heroes of the world to go to Xixia.

Duan Zhengchun asked Duan Yu to go to Xixia to recruit a son-in-law, trying to find a way to marry Princess Xixia to enhance the strength of Dali Kingdom. Duan Yu did not want to marry Princess Xixia, but he needed to do something.

Xiao Feng, Xuzhu, Zhong Ling, A Zi, You Tanzhi and others also went to Xixia together. On the way, they met Mu Wanqing, who was disguised as a woman and also went to Xixia.

In addition, in order to use the power of Xixia to restore the country, Murong Fu is bound to marry the princess of Xixia.

Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, Xu Zhu and his party, after arriving in the territory of Xixia, met the three villains Duan Yanqing, Yue Laosan, and Yun Zhonghe on the edge of a cliff.

And this time they were doing a good deed, saving Wang Yuyan who jumped off a cliff and committed suicide.

It turned out that after Wang Yuyan accompanied Murongfu to Xixia, she learned that Murongfu was going to be the concubine of Xixia, and she jumped off a cliff in despair.

Fortunately, the three wicked people who were passing by saw them and came to the rescue, so Wang Yuyan did not disappear.

Then, due to various reasons, Duan Yu, Wang Yuyan, and Jiu Mozhi fell into a dry well one after another.

In the dry well, Duan Yu's spring finally came, Wang Yuyan's heart finally shifted from Murong Fu's body to Duan Yu's body, and Duan Yu finally embraced the beauty.

On the other hand, Jiu Mozhi went into trouble, and disaster was imminent. Not long ago, the monk's advice to Jiu Mozhi became a reality.

Seeing that Jiu Mozhi was about to die because of his infatuation, Duan Yu was passive.

The Beiming Divine Art began to operate, absorbing all the inner strength of Jiu Mozhi.

As a result, Jiu Mozhi lost all his martial arts skills and became an ordinary person, but his life was safe.

After the next battle, Kumozhi became enlightened and finally became a real monk of a generation.

Duan Yu, Xiao Feng, Xuzhu, Murong Fu, and a group of young talents who came for Princess Xixia gathered together to wait for Princess Xixia's question.

Princess Xixia has a total of three questions, namely, where is the happiest place in her life? What is the name of the person you love the most in your life? What does your favorite person look like?

Everyone's problem is the same, Duan Yu, Murong Fu and others have returned to the problem one after another.

Xuzhu also answered the same question. His answer was that the most happy place is in a dark ice cellar. I don't know the name of the person I love the most in my life, and I have never seen that person's appearance.

Xu Zhu's answer made a group of young talents burst into laughter, but Princess Xixia was surprised and delighted, excited.

It turned out that this Xixia princess was Xuzhu's dream aunt, and that day, Tianshan child grandma threw Xixia princess on Xuzhu's bed.

The reason why Princess Xixia asked Xixia Emperor Zhang Bang to recruit her husband and asked these three questions was to find her Menglang.

But I never thought that she really let her find it.

A lot of martial arts fans are amazed by this, Xuzhu's blessing is really not shallow, his Menggu turned out to be Princess Xixia, and he reunited with Menggu in this way, which is definitely a strange fate.

Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xu Zhu traveled from Shaoshi Mountain to the Xixia Palace. Although some things happened, although they were not ups and downs, they were not thrilling, but a group of martial arts fans were very comfortable. .

Because along the way, the three brothers and the rest of the group traveled while traveling, and when they were tired, they stopped to rest, stayed at the restaurant, ate meat, and drank in large bowls. There was no intrigue, and there was no grievances in the rivers and lakes. Happy and happy.

And when they arrive at their destination, what they have to do is also very easy, watching Princess Xixia choose a concubine, drink and drink, and it is lively.

This part of the journey is the most leisurely and relaxing time in the whole work, and it is also the most comfortable time for martial arts fans.

And such a time is destined to be short-lived. After Princess Xixia recruited her son-in-law, Duan Yu received news from the subordinates of Lingji Palace of Misty Peak, saying that a deadly enemy had designed a trap, which would be detrimental to Duan Zhengchun.

Duan Zhengchun's nemesis was naturally Duan Yanqing, so Duan Yu was very worried, and with Wang Yuyan, Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling, Zhu Danchen and others, hurriedly said goodbye to Xiao Feng and Duan Yuxuzhu and left.

While chasing Duan Zhengchun, Duan Yu and his party fell into a trap designed by Wang Yuyan's mother, Mrs. Wang Li Qingluo, and they were caught.

The trap designed by Li Qingluo was originally to lure Duan Zhengchun into taking the bait, but he never thought of capturing Duan Yu and his party.

It turned out that Li Qingluo was also one of Duan Zhengchun's lovers. He set up a trap to lure Duan Zhengchun into the bait, precisely to let Duan Zhengchun go to Mantuo Villa with her to live with her.

Since Li Qingluo is also Duan Zhengchun's lover, all the martial arts fans can't help but think in their hearts, isn't Wang Yuyan also Duan Zhengchun's daughter?

The truth is, Wang Yuyan is indeed Duan Zhengchun's daughter. Like Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing, they are Duan Yu's sisters.

Duan Yu has been infatuated with Wang Yuyan for so long, and finally he can hold the beauty back, but now he still can't hold this beauty.

"May all lovers in the world be brothers and sisters." This sentence was repeated over and over again by Duan Yu. Apart from being speechless, all the martial arts fans could only sigh.

After Li Qingluo captured Duan Yu and his party, Murong Fu arrived. Murong Fu said that Duan Zhengchun and his four lovers had been captured by Duan Yanqing, and offered a plan that Li Qingluo could invite Duan Yanqing to come, and then exchange Duan Yu for it. Duan Zhengchun said so.

Li Qingluo was moved, but they had not yet started to act. Duan Yanqing had already come, and he also brought the restrained Duan Zhengchun along with his several lovers.

Everyone sat in the same room, Li Qingluo ordered the five flowers to be tied up, and Duan Yu, who was immobile, was brought to the crowd. The Nanhai Crocodile God saw that Duan Yu was being controlled, and regardless of the boss Duan Yanqing's stop, he was determined to save Duan Yu.

Duan Yanqing was afraid of Duan Yu's six-pulse sword, fearing that after Duan Yu got out of trouble, he would not be an opponent.

In order to save his master Duan Yu, the South Sea Crocodile God died at the hands of his boss, Duan Yanqing.

A group of martial arts fans sighed for a while, and what happened next made them stunned and sighed that everything was wrong.

Duan Yanqing was afraid of Duan Yu, and decided to kill Duan Yu first in order to make Duan Zhengchun die, so that the throne of Dali could be passed on to him.

At the critical moment, Duan Yu's mother, Dao Baifeng, told Duan Yanqing an amazing fact in a way that only Duan Yanqing could understand.

Duan Yu's biological father is not Duan Zhengchun, but Duan Yanqing.

Back then, in order to retaliate against Duan Zhengchun, Dao Baifeng had a relationship with a beggar and gave birth to Duan Yu. That beggar was Duan Yanqing.

Knowing this amazing fact, Duan Yanqing was ecstatic, while all the martial arts fans could only be stunned.

Everything is wrong!


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