Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1635 Intense unease

Duan Yu broke his inner demon and was no longer as obsessed with Wang Yuyan as before.

A group of martial arts fans sighed in their hearts that among the several women, Mu Wanqing's love for Duan Yu was the most unforgettable, she truly loved Duan Yu, and could sacrifice her life for Duan Yu.

"Duan Yu's marriage to Mu Wanqing may be the most correct choice." All the martial arts fans thought so in their hearts.

At the beginning, they thought that Duan Yu had been infatuated with Wang Yuyan for so long, and in the end the beauty he was able to hug finally returned, but it was a pity and a pity not to marry her.

But thinking about it carefully, the reason why Duan Yu is so infatuated with Wang Yuyan is because he regards Wang Yuyan as the fairy sister in the Infinite Cave.

Rather than saying that Duan Yu is infatuated with Wang Yuyan, it is better to say that he is infatuated with the fairy sister in the Boundless Cave.

Now, since Duan Yu has slowly broken his heart, he no longer regards Wang Yuyan as a fairy sister in the Boundless Cave, and he is no longer infatuated as before.

And Wang Yuyan doesn't actually have that deep affection for Duan Yu. She does like Duan Yu and is willing to marry Duan Yu, but this kind of love is far less unforgettable than Mu Wanqing's.

After learning that he could not marry Duan Yu, he was not heartbroken, but felt very regretful and pity.

In Wang Yuyan's heart, the person she deeply loves is her cousin Murong Fu.

Wang Yuyan has always been infatuated with Murong Fu since she was a child, and it is a real infatuation. It is impossible to completely forget about Murong Fu and instead fall in love with Duan Yu wholeheartedly.

Thinking about these, martial arts fans will not feel regret and pity.

If they were Duan Yu themselves, facing Mu Wanqing and Wang Yuyan,

Who would they prefer to marry?

After thinking for a while, most people gave Mu Wanqing the answer.

Although Mu Wanqing is not as beautiful as Wang Yuyan, she is also a rare beauty.

Since they are all beautiful women, it is natural to marry the one who loves them unforgettable, even if she is not as beautiful as the other one.

Duan Yu's heart is broken gradually, Wang Yuyan's love for Duan Yu is not so unforgettable, less fairy-tale beauty, but more real, and the ending is more beautiful.

Mu Wanqing had been infatuated with Duan Yu for so long, and she was finally able to marry Duan Yu, which also made up for the regrets in many people's hearts.

The lovers of Duan Yu, Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing, Wang Yuyan, Duan Zhengchun, Duan Yanqing, and Duan Zhengchun, this series of characters, a group of martial arts fans sighed in their hearts for a long time, and continued to read the story behind.

Seeing this, all the martial arts fans had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Xiao Feng returned to the Liao Kingdom and continued to be the king of the Southern Academy.

One day, the Liao Emperor Yelu Hongji went to Shangjing, where Xiao Feng was, and went hunting with Xiao Feng. Because Yelu Hongji did not encounter any large prey, Yelu Hongji was in despair. In front of Yelu Hongji.

Yelu Hongji was overjoyed when he saw it, and he shot ten Song people to death one by one with a bow and arrow, and he was in a good mood.

Xiao Feng couldn't bear it. He could have shot down the arrows shot by Yelu Hongji and saved the lives of the ten Song people, but doing so in front of the army would undoubtedly cut Yelu Hongji's face. Xiao Feng couldn't do that.

This is only a small matter, but all the martial arts fans feel a little uneasy. The contradiction between the Liao Kingdom and the Song Dynasty cannot be reconciled. What should Xiao Feng choose?

Then, A Zi suddenly appeared, her eyes had regained her sight.

It turned out that Xu Zhu used the magical medical skills of the Vulture Palace to help A Zi change his eyes, and the person who voluntarily changed his eyes to A Zi was officially infatuated with her You Tanzhi.

The hearts of all martial arts fans are awe-inspiring, You Tanzhi loves A Zi, and he has already loved him to such an extent that he is the most infatuated person in the whole work.

After Azi's eyes regained his sight, he left You Tanzhi, who was already blind, to find Xiao Feng, which made the hearts of martial arts fans fluctuate.

Should he reprimand A Zi for being ruthless towards You Tanzhi, or should he lament A Zi's infatuation with Xiao Feng?

It's both, the martial arts fans sigh, they watch "Dragon Babu", and the sigh seems to be there at any time.

Continuing to read, the most worrying thing for all martial arts fans has finally happened.

Yelu Hongji named Azi the "Princess of Pingnan", and Xiao Feng Jin Jue was the king of Song, thinking that the Grand Marshal of Pingnan would lead the three armies, and let Xiao Feng be the first army to drive southward directly to Bianliang. In the palace of the Song emperor.

Yelu Hongji finally officially decided to attack Song in the south, and let Xiao Feng lead the three armies and drive Bianliang directly.

Xiao Feng was shocked after hearing this, and tried his best to dissuade Yelu Hongji, so that Yelu Hongji gave up his plan to attack Song for the sake of thousands of souls in the two countries.

However, Yelu Hongji had made up his mind, and he had to go south, so Xiao Feng didn't have to persuade him any more.

Xiao Feng knew that it was irreversible, but he absolutely did not want to lead the army south, so he proposed to Yelu Hongji the idea of ​​resigning.

This is expected by all martial arts fans. Since Xiao Feng can't stop Yelu Hongji from marching in the south, then he should resign and become an idle cloud and wild crane.

This is also the wish of all martial arts fans. Instead of being an official in the Liao Kingdom, it is better to be an idle cloud and a wild crane and be at ease.

However, it is not so easy for Xiao Feng to resign.

Yelu Hongji saw Xiao Feng strongly discouraged him from marching south, and said that he was going to resign. He was angry and wanted to kill, but in the end because of Xiao Feng’s martial arts and their friendship, they gave up the killing in their hearts and just let Xiao Feng Go back and think about it.

Xiao Feng failed to resign, and there was already a conflict with Yelu Hongji, and the uneasy feeling in the hearts of all martial arts fans was born again.

Xiao Feng took Azi back to the Prince’s Mansion in the South Courtyard, and Azi was then recruited by Yelu Hongji for an interview.

Xiao Feng was thinking alone, asking him to lead troops to slaughter thousands of Song people, he was absolutely unwilling, but if he blindly resisted the decree, it would be disloyal to the emperor of Liao and his love for Jin Lan. It's not righteous, but if you go south to attack and kill the people, it's not benevolent, and it's not filial to go against your father's will...

The king of the South Court, Xiao Feng couldn't do it no matter what.

Since Yelu Hongji did not agree with Xiao Feng's resignation, Xiao Feng decided to hang up the seal library and leave without saying goodbye.

Xiao Feng had already made up his mind. After A Zi came back, he would leave with A Zi, go to Misty Peak and take a look at the Xuzhu place.

And Yelu Hongji, who was in the imperial tent of the Liao Emperor, got a secret report from a spy, saying that Xiao Feng had already put a seal on the seal and knew that Xiao Feng would probably leave without saying goodbye.

This made Yelu Hongji very angry and disturbed.

What was annoyed was that Xiao Feng was so ignorant. He promised so many high-ranking officials, but Xiao Feng still refused to go south.

What's uneasy is that he is worried that Xiao Feng will fall in love with Da Song, and he will be relying on Da Song. Xiao Feng knew a lot of Liao's military secrets, and his martial arts was extremely high. Once he reached the Song Dynasty, he would be a serious trouble for Liao's confidants.

Yelu Hongji urgently mobilized troops and horses to prevent Xiao Feng from leaving privately. One of his concubine Mu Guifei had a plan, saying that Xiao Feng could not leave.

Her plan was to use A Zi. She knew that A Zi was infatuated with Xiao Feng, so she lied to A Zi that she had a bottle of holy water. If A Zi asked Xiao Feng to drink it, Xiao Feng would give up on A Zi after that. This method made the Liao Emperor give up on her.

A Zi had been under the sect of the Constellation School since she was a child, and she believed in such demagogic methods. In addition, she wanted to marry Xiao Feng, so she really believed in Concubine Mu Gui, and took the holy water back to the Prince’s Mansion in the South Courtyard.

The hearts of the martial arts fans jumped wildly. They knew that the holy water was either a poison that penetrates the intestines, or a drug that would make Xiao Feng temporarily lose his resistance.

Xiao Feng must not drink this thing, otherwise he might not be able to leave.

Many martial arts fans are praying in their hearts, but unfortunately, their prayers have no effect.

A Zi mixed the holy water into the wine and let Xiao Feng drink it before leaving. Xiao Feng did not doubt and drank the wine directly.

"It's over!"

There was a strong unease in the hearts of all the martial arts fans.


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