Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1648 The big star is coming

The first "Journey to the West" movie, "The Monkey King Comes Out" is about to be released. Countless people are looking forward to it, and the Internet has once again set off, belonging to the high dynasty of "Journey to the West".

And this high court is destined to last for a long time.

Netizens paid attention, and major media also began to warm up and reported on it one after another.

Not only domestic media, but also many foreign media also reported.

"The "Journey to the West" series of films, which can be called a spectacle in the world's film history, is about to be officially released in China. The first film to be released is "The Monkey King First Comes Out" filmed by Yunfei Film and Television."

"The "Journey to the West" series of films is about to be released in China. It is understood that my country will introduce some film screening rights in one month."

"There are more than 20 movies with the same characters and the same but different stories. The "Journey to the West" series of movies will be officially released in China. Their release situation is destined to attract the attention of the world."


Netizens in various countries also knew the news after extensive reports by the media in various countries.

Netizens from various countries have been paying attention to the movie spectacle this time in China, and they have even gotten to know the main story of "Journey to the West" through media channels?

They also have a very strong interest in the story of "Journey to the West", and they are also very eager to see the "Journey to the West" series of movies.

It's just for copyright reasons that they want to see the movie, at least until a month later.

In this regard, they are very sorry, but very much looking forward to it!


Even foreign netizens are so looking forward to it,

Needless to say, the expectations of countless netizens in China.

And time passed slowly amid the heated discussions and expectations of netizens.

a week later.

At 10:00 this morning, "The First Appearance of the Monkey King" will be released simultaneously in major theaters across the country.

Almost all theaters have made the same decision, that is, to fill up the schedule of "The First Appearance of the Monkey King", but it is still unable to meet the needs of a large number of audiences.

There are very few people who grab the tickets on the day of the screening. Most people are only envious and jealous, and they can only choose the later schedule.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the audience who grabbed the 10 o'clock tickets in major theaters across the country couldn't wait to arrive at the theater, chatting and waiting for the movie to start.

Li Fan, Yang Jie, Liu Yu, and Lin Xin also went downstairs to the largest cinema in Shaoxing City.

The cinema is on the second floor, and downstairs is a living plaza. There are many clothing stores, accessories stores, and a lot of snacks. It is a very lively plaza.

Inside and outside the square, advertisements for the "Journey to the West" series of films can be seen everywhere, which seems to have become the main theme of the entire square.

There are many people in the square, and many of them are very obviously here for the "Monkey King First Comes Out" released today.

Because the voices of the crowd discussing "The First Appearance of the Monkey King" always kept reaching the ears of Li Fan and several others.

""The First Appearance of the Monkey King" is the opening story of "Journey to the West". It starts from the birth of Sun Wukong and ends when he goes to the Dragon Palace to obtain treasure. Although it is not the most exciting story in "Journey to the West", it is also very worth looking forward to!"

"Of course, in addition to Monkey King, there is also the highly popular Patriarch Bodhi. The birth of the Monkey King, the apprenticeship, and the treasure collection from the Dragon Palace are all very interesting. Of course, it is very worth looking forward to."

"After waiting for such a long time, it's finally here. Moreover, we also grabbed 10 points of tickets. We will be the first audience to see "Journey to the West" in the country. I don't know how many people are envious and jealous."


Listening to the constant discussions around him, Yang Jie smiled and said, "As expected of "Journey to the West", its influence is unparalleled."

Lin Xin and Liu Yu nodded hurriedly, looking very excited.

Now that the "Journey to the West" movies are so popular, the TV series "Journey to the West" shot by Li Fan himself will undoubtedly become more popular.

Li Fan smiled and was also quite happy.

At this moment, a very excited scream came, and Li Fan and the surrounding crowd all raised their heads and looked in the direction of the scream.

I can only see not far ahead, on the edge of the square. I don't know when it started, and there are a large group of people, about three or four hundred people. Except for a few boys, most of them are girls.

Many people are holding such and such things in their hands, promotional posters, highlighters, fluorescent plates, etc., with very excited and excited expressions on their faces, all of them stretched their necks and tiptoed to look at one place.

Two dozen security guards stood in two rows, separating the crowd from the middle, leaving a passage about one meter wide.

A fully armed man wearing a mask, big sunglasses, and a peaked cap was stepping down from a black car.

The situation couldn't be more obvious. The heavily armed man was obviously a star, and his destination was somewhere in this square.

The few boys and a large number of girls who were constantly shouting excitedly were obviously fans of that star. They learned that the idol would come at this time and came to greet them specially.

They were very excited and kept shouting the star's name.

Well, it should be a nickname. Anyway, Li Fan doesn't know which star they are calling "Da Ji"?

It's just that their enthusiasm did not get much response from "Daji". "Daji" was expressionless, and he couldn't tell if there was an expression, and he just walked by himself.

Four bodyguards, five big and three thick, surrounded "Daji" and did not give fans a chance to get close.

However, even so, the enthusiasm of the fans was not affected, and they were still shouting excitedly.

"Daji" walked to the middle of the passage, finally stopped, and waved to the fans on both sides.

This wave made the fans even more excited, and the shouting became louder.

This should be a group of die-hard fans.

"Da Ji? It should be the third-tier star king. It seems that there are indeed some die-hard fans who like to call him 'Da Ji'. It looks like a king. The king's card is not small." Yang Jie said.

"Three-tier star king?" Li Fan nodded. He had heard it, but he was not familiar with it.

However, the third-tier stars are indeed big stars, and it is normal to play cards, Li Fan doesn't care.

"I think he is just pretending to be cool and handsome. To be honest, I am a little surprised that he can be promoted to a third-tier star." Liu Yu said.

"People are handsome, and they can always attract those girls to like them. When their popularity is high, they will naturally be promoted. There is no way." Lin Xin said.

Listening to the tone of the two of them, it seems that they do not recognize Wang very much.

Li Fan smiled and said nothing.


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