Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1655 The big brother is here

The assistant was completely stunned, he didn't expect Liu Dong to say such a thing.

When he wanted to come, Liu Dong heard that they wanted to cancel today's arrangement, he would definitely cooperate fully in panic, and he would settle the matter no matter what.

But how could he have imagined that Liu Dong would have such a respectful attitude.

After being stunned, the assistant said, "If that's the case, I hope Boss Liu won't regret it. I'll go and tell us what Boss Liu means."

Liu Dong snorted lightly and said nothing.

Seeing that his threat had no effect, the assistant snorted and walked straight towards Wang Zhe.

Since the assistant and Liu Dong came back, Li Fan has been watching from the sidelines. Through the dialogue between the assistant and Liu Dong, Li Fan already knew the identity of Liu Dong.

What is the purpose of Wang Zhe and his assistant to find Liu Dong? Of course he understood.

He looked at him coldly, planning to see what Liu Dong would do?

Now, Liu Dong made a choice, and the result of his choice made Li Fan nodded secretly.

Some onlookers who were close by also heard the conversation between the assistant and Liu Dong, and naturally also knew Liu Dong's identity, and Liu Dong's choice also made them feel good.

They whispered with the people around them, and a small group of people passed on a small group of people, Liu Dong's identity, the intentions of Wang Zhe and his assistant, and Liu Dong's final decision, quickly spread among the crowd.

With the exception of a few who scoffed, most were full of praise.

In the crowd, a young man walked up to Liu Dong and said something to Liu Dong. Liu Dong nodded while listening.

The young man was Liu Dong's assistant. He was in the team of Wang Zhe and his party before, and he came to greet Wang Zhe.

Seeing Liu Dong's arrival, he told Liu Dong the details of what happened.

After listening, Liu Dong nodded. The incident was similar to what the assistant said before, but the assistant didn't add fuel to it.

Afterwards, Liu Dong walked straight towards Li Fan, he knew that Wang Zhe and the arrogant bodyguard were in this situation because of Li Fan's relationship.

He admired Li Fan's approach and ability very much, and decided to go over to say hello.

Walking up to Li Fan, Liu Dong smiled and said, "Hello sir, it is admirable that you can teach that bodyguard a lesson."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Liu would rather Wang Zhe cancel today's event than do something against his conscience, which is equally commendable."

Listening to Li Fan calling out his surname, Liu Dong was not surprised. He should have heard the conversation between him and his assistant.

Waving his hand, Liu Dong said, "Compared with my husband, it's not worth mentioning at all. Many people will make the same choice as me."

Li Fan smiled and said, "If Wang Zhe really cancels today's arrangement, the impact on Mr. Liu's shopping malls will not be small."

Liu Dong nodded and said: "To be honest, the impact will indeed be not small. There is a large-scale promotion in our shopping mall today, and it has been announced in advance that Wang Zhe is a special guest. Many people are here for him. If he cannot attend, The impact is indeed not small. However, I do not regret my choice, as Mr. said, I am not willing to do something against my conscience."

Li Fan pondered for a moment and said, "Meeting Mr. Liu today under such circumstances is also a privilege. Well, I reluctantly dabble in calligraphy. If Wang Zhe really cancels the event later, Liu If the husband does not dislike it, I will write a few words to Mr. Liu, as a way to thank Mr. Liu for the young mother."

After hearing this, Liu Dong was overjoyed. He admired Li Fan very much. If he could get Li Fan's calligraphy, it would be great.

Although Liu Dong sees Li Fan's young age, he doesn't think that Li Fan can have deep knowledge in calligraphy, but as long as it is written by Li Fan himself, this is a special meaning.

At least the level of calligraphy attainment is actually not important.

Liu Dong said: "I just did a small thing, and I don't need the thanks of the young mother.

However, I have a lot of admiration for Mr. Mr., if I am fortunate enough to get a pair of calligraphy from Mr., it would be my great honor. "

Li Fan shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not a calligraphy treasure, it's just fine if Mr. Liu doesn't dislike it."

Then, Li Fan looked at Wang Zhe again and said, "I said what Wang Zhe, give you another minute, if you don't act, I will take measures."

Wang Zhe's heart jumped after hearing this. After the assistant came over and told him about Liu Dong's choice, he kept looking at Liu Dong with a dark face. When he saw Liu Dong walking over to talk to Li Fan, his face became even darker. .

Then I prayed in my heart that Li Fan would not stare at him again, and it was best to delay the arrival of the four bodyguards.

But he never thought that Li Fan was still eyeing him again soon, and this time he also set a time.

For a minute, I'm afraid I can't delay it any longer. Do you really want to apologize to that woman?

Wang Zhe stared at Li Fan angrily, struggling in his heart. He already felt that everyone on the scene was staring at him, and he felt that his face and dignity had all fallen to the ground.

He stared at Liu Dong angrily again, he had already decided not to attend Liu Dong's promotion today, he wanted to let Liu Dong know that without him attending the promotion, the promotion would definitely end in haste. Let Liu Dong regret it.

He said to Liu Dong angrily: "Boss Liu, are you sure you won't regret it?"

Liu Dong snorted lightly and didn't speak, he didn't want to talk to Wang Zhe anymore.

Wang Zhe gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, very good!"

After that, he gritted his teeth and was about to go to apologize to the young mother. Li Fan had already given an ultimatum, and it would definitely be impossible not to go.

He didn't doubt Li Fan's words. If he didn't go, Li Fan would definitely take measures. Rather than suffer the pain of means, he would rather choose to lose face.

However, just as he took a step, the flat-headed bodyguard suddenly grabbed his side and whispered a word in his ear.

After he heard it, a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face, he stopped immediately, and then looked at Li Fan.

After watching it for a while, he said cheerfully: "You asked me to apologize to her, but I didn't go, what can you do?"

"Oh?" Li Fan looked at Wang Zhe, who was suddenly arrogant again, and said lightly, "You suddenly have confidence again, that can only be one reason, what that stupid big man said in your ear just now, isn't it? Said that their senior brother has arrived? It came faster than I thought."

After listening to Li Fan guessing the reason, Wang Zhe felt that his pretense was uncomfortable, and hummed softly: "Since you already know, why don't you hurry up and get out of the way, and want the senior brother to give you a ride?"

Li Fan smiled lightly: "No hurry, no hurry, since people came here in such a hurry, why don't you have to meet and then leave?"

Wang Zhe sneered: "You just want to leave, but now it's too late."


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