Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1656 Unexpected

Big brother here?

When the audience heard the conversation between Li Fan and Wang Zhe, they also understood one thing, that is, the senior brothers of the four arrogant bodyguards really came.

Everyone knew before that the four bodyguards have a senior brother who may come over to take the lead for the four bodyguards.

Now it really came, and it came so fast, everyone looked in the direction of Li Fan.

When I knew about that senior brother, when he might come over, everyone saw Li Fan with an indifferent expression.

Now that the senior brother has really come, everyone wants to see Li Fan, what is his expression now?

Well, it's still an indifferent expression, and it doesn't seem to be different from the previous expression.

Li Fan's face was indifferent, but many people in the crowd were rather worried.

Someone said: "Young man, since that senior brother is here, or else this matter is over and you leave quickly."

"That's right, young man, it's probably not easy for the senior brother, let's not fight him hard."


There are also some people with excited and excited expressions on their faces, they are excited and excited about this matter itself.

Li Fan is very powerful. Everyone already knows this. Now that the senior brother is here again. Since the four bodyguards are so confident in their senior brother, it means that the senior brother is not a simple character.

Is there going to be a dialogue between the powerful?

Those people are excited and excited, and they are full of expectations for the upcoming powerhouse dialogue!

Of course, the person they support must still be Li Fan. I hope Li Fan will show his power again and clean up those senior brothers together, and then see how arrogant they can be?

The expressions on the faces of a few people are also excited and excited, but their excitement and excitement are not the same as those of the previous ones.

Their excitement and excitement were not much different from the excitement and excitement of the four bodyguards and Wang Zhe.

This is not to say that they support the four bodyguards and Wang Zhe, they just hope that Li Fan was severely beaten by that senior brother.

Because, because they were jealous of Li Fan's appearance for such a beautiful young mother, they had long been unhappy with Li Fan.

If Li Fan was beaten by his senior brother, he would leave in a daze.

Well, this time, for the beautiful young mother, even if they fail, their mood will be refreshed.

Wang Zhe's die-hard fans, on the other hand, were gloating on their faces. That kid dared to force their Daji to apologize to the woman, but Daji almost apologized when he was forced.

Now, the big brother is here, let's see how that kid is still as majestic as before? How can you force Daji to apologize? How can you be a hero again?

Die-hard fans looked at Li Fan and gloated.

The minds of the people at the scene were different. The young mother looked at Li Fan with a worried look on her face. She wanted to say, otherwise it would be fine. She was very grateful to Li Fan and did not want Li Fan to suffer because of her. what happened.

But if she opened her mouth to say it, it showed that she also believed that Li Fan was not the opponent of that senior brother.

This is obviously inappropriate. Young mothers don't know what to do? very anxious.

Liu Dong had a puzzled look on his face, "Big brother is here? What big brother?"

Before, neither Wang Zhe's assistant nor his assistant mentioned the senior brother when he told him about the situation at the scene, so he didn't know the four bodyguards, what senior brother would come over.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "Simply put, those four guys had a senior brother who happened to be nearby. They couldn't beat me, so they called their senior brother over."

Having said that, Liu Dong understood, and then said with some concern: "If that's the case, what kind of senior brother is really capable, can you be sure, sir?"

Li Fan said: "Don't worry, there is still a certainty."

Liu Dong nodded, he believed in Li Fan.

Wang Zhe and the four bodyguards are ecstatic now,

They believed that when the senior brother arrived, he would definitely be able to clean up that kid, and all the face they had just lost could be recovered.

Hearing someone in the crowd calling Li Fan to leave quickly, all of them sneered in their hearts, "Want to leave? It's too late now."

Well, maybe it is indeed too late, because the big brother has already arrived.

A middle-aged man in his forties appeared at the periphery of the crowd. The middle-aged man was in gray clothes and gray pants. He had a medium build and had a arrogant expression, but he was not as arrogant and arrogant as the previous four bodyguards.

This middle-aged man is the big brother in the mouth of the four bodyguards. He is called Song Xiong, and he is a famous figure in the martial arts.

When the four bodyguards saw it, they hurriedly went up to them, bowed and shouted "Big Brother" with a very respectful attitude.

Song Xiong glanced at the four of them, snorted lightly, and did not speak.

The four of them were apprehensive. Even though they were showing off their might in front of ordinary people, they were quite frightened when they faced Song Xiong.

Wang Zhe hesitated for a while, then stepped forward and called out "Master Song".

Song Xiong glanced at Wang Zhe, but also did not speak, then glanced at the crowd, and soon his eyes stopped on Li Fan.

No one introduced him, but he could see that the person who broke Master Yang's arm must be the young man.

He walked slowly towards Li Fan.

The four bodyguards were excited. Wang Zhe was a little upset when Song Xiong ignored him, but he didn't dare to show it. Now seeing Song Xiong walking towards Li Fan, his unhappiness also turned into excitement.

He obviously hated Li Fan more than Song Xiong made him unhappy.

The onlookers were very quiet at this time, and they all guessed that the man in gray who just appeared was the senior brother mentioned by the four bodyguards.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Song Xiong, looking at Song Xiong's cool and arrogant look, some people were excited, some were upset, and some were gloating.

But everyone knew that the young man wanted to leave now, and it was too late.

Just when everyone was thinking about whether Song Xiong would choose to go straight to the ground or to go first with the rites and then the soldiers, Song Xiong suddenly turned around and walked towards the young mother.

Everyone was shocked, thinking that this person would not plan to vent his anger on the young mother first, right?

If that's the case, then what kind of bullshit, Senior Brother, is too shameful. Many people are angry and wonder if they should stop it?

Only Li Fan has some doubts in his heart. He can feel that Song Xiong has no ill will towards the young mother, so what is he doing?

Seeing that the young mother was afraid, Li Fan said, "Don't be afraid, he has no malice."

"No malice?" The young mother heard this, and so did the others. Just when they were all thinking about what Li Fan meant, they saw Song Xiong two or three meters away from the young mother. place stopped.

Then he bowed slightly and said, "This mother, my incompetent junior brother has caused you harm. I am very sorry, and I will apologize to you here."

"I wipe it!" Song Xiong's action completely exceeded everyone's expectations, and everyone's faces were full of incredible expressions.

Li Fan was also a little surprised, and then smiled faintly, it seems that this senior brother is a little different from what he imagined.


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