Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1657 Unfathomable skill

As soon as the big brother appeared, he first gave everyone a little surprise.

Everyone felt a little incredible. Wang Zhe frowned slightly, and his excitement decreased slightly. He suddenly felt that this senior brother did not seem to be as reliable as he imagined.

The four bodyguards were not surprised either, thinking that the move by the senior brother was a bit self-deprecating and embarrassing.

Of course, they dare not show it on their faces.

The young mother was also very stunned. She never thought that when this senior brother came, he would come to apologize to her first. She was completely unprepared. She squeaked twice in her mouth, not knowing what to say?

And Song Xiong didn't seem to care about the young mother's reaction. After apologizing, he stood up straight and walked towards Li Fan again, no longer looking at the young mother.

Seeing Song Xiong leave, the young mother quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The whispers of the people around, this senior brother seems to be different from what he imagined.

They used to think that the senior brother should be more arrogant and indomitable than the four bodyguards, but now it seems that it is not the case.

Song Xiong walked up to Li Fan and looked at Li Fan. Li Fan smiled lightly and looked at him as well.

After a while, Song Xiong said, "You are very strong!"

Li Fan said: "It should be like this, yes."

Song Xiong said: "If that's the case, then I'm not going to shoot at ordinary people."

Li Fan said: "You can say that, you don't have to be concerned."

Song Xiong nodded and said again: "Thank you for teaching Yang Gu a lesson, he really should be punished."

The "Yang Gu" in Song Xiong's mouth was the bodyguard Wang Zhe called "Master Yang". He said this, not an irony, but a real thank you to Li Fan.

In his opinion, Yang Gu violently pushed the stroller away, which was considered a shot at a baby, which was absolutely unforgivable. Having his arms broken is a due punishment.

Li Fan naturally knew that Song Xiong's words were not ironic. He smiled lightly and said, "You're welcome, I just did it."

Yang Gu heard the previous conversation between Song Xiong and Li Fan, and his face became the bottom of the pot, but he couldn't provoke either of them, so he could only hold back his internal injuries.

Song Xiong nodded and continued: "But you broke his arms, although I no longer admit that he is my junior brother. But in fact, he is indeed my junior brother. If this matter spreads to the martial arts, I will It would be very shameless.”

Li Fan nodded, showing understanding, and said, "That's why you're here."

Song Xiong said: "So here I am, I need to break your arms."

When everyone heard this, they had a certain understanding of Song Xiong. He was a person with strong principles, clear right and wrong, and was very concerned about face.

He thanked Li Fan for breaking Yang Gu's arm. He really thanked him, because Yang Gu really deserved that kind of punishment.

But whether he admits it or not, Yang Gu is always his junior brother. His junior brother had his arm broken. If he ignores it and is known to others, he will be very shameless, so he will also break Li Fan. arm.

This sounds like there is no problem in logic, but some people can't help but wonder, since Song Xiong cares about face so much, why should he apologize to the young mother in front of so many people?

Some people understand that this is because Song Xiong's principle is very strong. If he is wrong, he is wrong. In Song Xiong's opinion, it is not a shame to apologize.

If there is a mistake and not admit it, it will be a loss of face.

Now, Song Xiong said that he would break Li Fan's arm, which made many people's hearts jump, and they were very worried about Li Fan.

Of course, there are also some people with excitement on their faces, or a look of schadenfreude, and it is finally about to start.

Wang Zhe and the four bodyguards were finally excited again, and this was the moment they were waiting for.

Li Fan looked at Song Xiong, smiled lightly, and said, "Yes, if you can do it."

Song Xiong smiled,

This is the first time he has laughed since his appearance and said, "I hope you can let me do my best."

Li Fan said: "I try my best."

After that, both of them stopped talking and seemed to be ready to go.

Everyone around also understood what the two of them meant, and knew that a dialogue between the powerhouses was about to be staged.

The people who were close to them involuntarily stepped back a long way. The young mother looked at Li Fan with worry in her eyes.

Song Xiong snorted softly, and moved under his feet at a very fast speed. He used his hands to attack and defend. This was Song Xiong's first tentative attack.

Everyone exclaimed, they only felt that Song Xiong's speed was very fast, and they had already deceived Li Fan in a flash.

Excited people are more excited, and worried people are also more worried.

Li Fan nodded secretly. Song Xiong's skills were really good. Compared with the four bodyguards, he was more than ten times stronger. I think that Song Xiong was famous in the martial arts.

It's just that he doesn't know much about the things in the martial arts, and he doesn't know what the origin of Song Xiong is?

If the monkey baby is here, it will definitely be able to see one or two.

Song Xiong is very strong, but in Li Fan's eyes, he is relatively ordinary. He deftly avoided Song Xiong's attack, and then made a move, using only 10% of his strength.

He recognized Song Xiong's character quite well, so he didn't plan to make the opponent lose too ugly.

Song Xiong had already tried his tricks, nodded, and said, "Yes, you are indeed very strong, I will not be conservative anymore, you seek more blessings from yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Xiong's moves suddenly became sharper, and his movements were faster than before.

Li Fan smiled lightly, seeing the tricks and dismantling the tricks, quite unrestrained.

Everyone only felt that the figure in front of them kept shaking, and it was completely unclear how the two of them punched and kicked their legs?

However, everyone could feel that Song Xiong's fists and feet seemed to carry a thousand jins of strength, and a single punch could definitely knock an ordinary person flying far away.

Looking at Li Fan again, the power between his fists and feet seems to be far inferior to Song Xiong, but his figure is handsome and he looks very relaxed.

Who is more powerful of the two? People can't see it at all.

However, one thing is certain, that is, they are very excited and excited, and even those who were worried about Li Fan before are also very excited now.

This is a fight between two real powerhouses, and they usually don't have the chance to see it.

The only ones who could see some clues at the scene were the four bodyguards.

At this time, they were no longer excited. They could see that their senior brother had done his best, but that kid didn't seem to have done much at all.

Could it be that the kid is much more powerful than the big brother? how can that be?

The four bodyguards would never believe such a thing, but now that the matter is in front of them, they seem to have to believe it.

"Why hasn't Master Song beat that kid to the ground?" Wang Zhe asked, he couldn't see the situation between the two of them fighting.

The four bodyguards stared at the two fighting, but did not speak. They already knew that today was completely over.

The more Song Xiong fought, the more frightened he became. He had used all his strength, but he couldn't help the opponent.

Moreover, he gradually had a terrible idea that the reason why he was able to fight with the other party for so long was because the other party was deliberately giving in.

This can only show one thing, that is, the opponent's strength is far above him.

Song Xiong's shock is really no small matter, it is far above him, it is unfathomable at all, and he is so young...

"When did such an unfathomable young man appear in the martial arts? I haven't heard of it at all!" Song Xiong was shocked, but also very puzzled.

He is basically very clear about the big and small things in the martial arts. If such a powerful young man has risen, he has no reason not to know!

Suddenly, Song Xiong remembered something, or a legend that had recently circulated in martial arts.

That is the skill of Li Fan, the owner of Xianyuan Farm, which is unfathomable and the first person in the martial arts.

It's just that this is just a legend, and I don't know when it started to spread?

Also, no one knows if it's true or not.

The vast majority of martial arts people don't believe it, and Song Xiong also doesn't believe it.

The owner of the Xianyuan Farm is young, even if he has some skills, he can't be unfathomable, let alone the first person in the martial arts.

But now, Song Xiong really met a young man with unfathomable skills.

He remembered the legend circulating in the martial arts.

Could it be that he is Li Fan? Is that legend true?

Thinking of this, Song Xiong was even more shocked, his heart was in chaos, and his hands and feet were in chaos immediately.


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