Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1668 Looking forward to the TV series

The "Journey to the West" series of films have been released one after another, and countless audiences have enjoyed it very much.

On the Internet, the "Journey to the West" series of movies has always been one of the focuses, and countless people are talking about it every day.

"Haha! It's fun, it's really fun. Watching a movie has never been so fun like this time."

"It took me a week to finish watching nearly 30 movies, which is really cool."

"I'm different from you. I've only watched 10 movies so far. I want to save a little bit and watch only one a day, so that I can watch it for a month in a row. This is the best way."

"Alas! I also want to save a little bit of reading, but I can't help it. After watching one, I want to watch another one. I've finished watching it all in a week. But, it doesn't matter, I can watch it again, like this Wonderful movie, how about just watching it once?"

"More than 20 movies, more than 20 versions of Tang Seng's master and apprentice, the story is the same but not the same, this feeling is really amazing. The birth of "Journey to the West" is really lucky for us to live in this era."

"Although the 20 movies are all wonderful, the actors are very hardworking, and they are all powerful actors, but objectively evaluation, there is a gap in the strength of each actor, which one do you think is the actor? The best performance? The most important is the performance of the Monkey King actor."

"Which actor performed the best? Everyone's answer must be different. I personally think that the best Monkey King is the Monkey King played by Liu Yue in "Havoc in Heaven". And the best Tang Monk, In "Three Beats of the White Bone Spirit", Wang Chong's Tang Seng's eyes and expressions when he finally drove away Sun Wukong were very accurate."

"The Tang monk in "Three Beats of the White Bone Spirit" is really good, but my favorite is the Tang monk in "The Kingdom of the Daughter". The last Tang monk looked back when he rode away, which shows that Tang monk really has something to do with the king of the daughter country. It's tempting. In the original novel, Tang Seng doesn't seem to be tempted at all. I think it's good to adapt it like this. But in this case, the king of the daughter country is even more regrettable. Tang Seng is obviously tempted, but she still can't Leave Tang Monk behind."

"The Story of the Girl's Country has a word 'interesting' in the title of the movie. The whole story is indeed humorous and funny, but it also makes people sigh and regret. There is no doubt that this is the most classic story in "Journey to the West". one."

"The most important character in every movie is undoubtedly Sun Wukong. In nearly 30 versions of Sun Wukong, I think the best appearance is Sun Wukong in "Stealing Ginseng Fruit", and the best performance is "Havoc in Heaven" "The Monkey King."

"No, no, the Monkey King in "The First Appearance of the Monkey King" is the best in appearance, and has the feeling of Sun Wukong the most."

"It's still the best Monkey King in "War of the Red Boys", and the appearance and performance are the best."

"I support Monkey King in "Havoc in Heaven", his appearance and performance are very good."

"It seems that everyone has different opinions. It's no wonder that there are nearly 30 versions of Sun Wukong. There are so many choices, and it's no wonder that there is no controversy. I don't know that Mr. Li Fan personally filmed the Sun Wukong in the TV series. How about it?"

"That is definitely worth looking forward to. I believe that after we watch the TV series version of Sun Wukong, there will be no more disputes about which Sun Wukong is better. Because the TV series version of Sun Wukong will definitely be recognized as the best. Sun Wukong."

"That's right, although we haven't seen the TV drama version of Monkey King yet, but I think that's the best, that's how I believe in Mr. Li Fan."

"It's not just Sun Wukong, Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Seng will also be the best in the TV series. No way, that was filmed by Mr. Li Fan himself."


Netizens are constantly discussing, and in the process of heated discussion, it is inevitable to compare more than 20 versions of Tang Seng's master and apprentice.

Some people think this version of Sun Wukong is the best, and some people think that version of Sun Wukong is the best.

Some people think that Zhu Bajie in this version is the best, and some people think that Zhu Bajie in that version is the best.

Opinions are not unified, and there are disputes, big or small.

For the same reason, Tang Seng and Sha Seng, which version is the best? There is also controversy.

This is actually very normal, and there is no right or wrong. After all, everyone has different perspectives on appreciation. You think this version is the best, but it does not mean that others also think this version is the best.

If you want others to agree with your point of view and fight for it according to reason, then other people have the same mind, and others want you to agree with his point of view.

So, no one can convince anyone.

At this time, someone said that there is no need for everyone to fight. After the TV series "Journey to the West" is broadcast, there will be no disputes.

Because, in the TV series "Journey to the West", the four masters and apprentices of Tang Seng will definitely be the best, not necessarily everyone agrees, but most people will definitely agree.

The vast majority of people agree, so naturally there is no dispute.

This statement has been unanimously recognized by everyone. Although the TV series "Journey to the West" has not yet been released, everyone has absolute trust in Li Fan.

I absolutely believe that the "Journey to the West" filmed by Li Fan himself will be the best "Journey to the West".

Therefore, after watching the "Journey to the West" series of movies, everyone has become more looking forward to the TV series version of "Journey to the West" than before!

The TV drama version of "Journey to the West" will premiere exclusively on a set of CCTV's integrated channels at 8 pm at the prime time.

This news has been confirmed by the official CCTV and Li Fan himself.

It is said that a deputy director of CCTV visited Li Fan personally and hoped that Li Fan would make "Journey to the West" premiered on CCTV.

Li Fan was not hypocritical, and directly agreed to put "Journey to the West" on CCTV's first broadcast, and the two sides negotiated very smoothly.

It's just that the specific broadcast time has not yet been determined, but it will be broadcast in the near future.

The word "recently" made everyone feel itchy.


The crew of the "Journey to the West" TV series has traveled to many provinces across the country, and many places such as the wild mountains, the Gobi desert, the deep lakes and the sea have left their footprints.

Now, the filming of the crew has come to an end, and post-production is already in progress.

All the background music is naturally performed by Li Fan himself, and all the rest of the post-production work is done by Li Fan himself.

All the voice actors were selected by Li Fan from thousands of registered voice actors.

Especially the dubbing actors of the four masters and apprentices of Tang Seng, Li Fan first went through strict selection and then personally trained them. The dubbing effects of the four masters and apprentices perfectly matched the classics in Li Fan's memory.


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