Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1681 Will Gu Yong seal martial arts novels?

Li Fan and his party left the stream. Although the picnic by the stream was temporary, it was a little lively, and everyone was in high spirits.

Li Fan pondered in his heart that activities similar to this can be done more in the future. It is not only interesting, but also allows everyone to relax completely. It is also a big surprise for tourists.

Tourists playing in the village may encounter various surprises at any time, which is also one of the characteristics of playing in Sansheng Village. Li Fan naturally hopes to have more surprises.

Even if he is not in the village, Fengzi and Taozi can be properly organized.

Of course, if he is not there, for tourists, the surprise will be greatly reduced, but after all, it is not a surprise.

With an idea, Li Fan called Fengzi, Taozi, and Li Ru over to tell him what he had just thought.

Fengzi, Taozi, and Li Ru listened, their eyes lit up, and they nodded hurriedly, reassuring Li Fan that they knew what to do.

Li Fan is naturally very relieved. After such a long period of training, Fengzi, Taozi, Li Ru and others have long ceased to be what they used to be.

This is also the reason why Li Fan can do nothing and stay at ease all day long.


When Li Fan, Su Qing, little girl, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin returned home, their father and mother had already returned.

The mother asked Li Fan, "Wozi, are you still eating?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "I still have to eat. When Mr. Zheng and Mrs. Liang come over, I will cook."

Then, he said to the little girl, "Girl, go and ask your father and mother to come and have dinner together."

The little girl said "oh" and trotted out of the yard.

Mom said, "Okay, then make two more dishes."

Li Fan agreed, there are a lot of ingredients at home, and it is not a problem to make a large table of dishes.

After that, Li Fan was busy in the kitchen, and he didn't come back for so long. Tonight, he was going to show his hand, and his mother and Su Qing helped him.

Not long after, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng and his wife, the third uncle and Sanniang entered the yard, and today's dinner will be very lively again.

It is the summer season, and it is the longest day. At eight o'clock in the evening, when a large table of dishes is ready, it is still not dark outside.

At this time, the TV series came out again, which made people excited when they heard it, the opening song of the TV series "Journey to the West".

The third episode of "Journey to the West", which countless people have been eager to see, has finally begun.

It was really wonderful for everyone to watch the TV series "Journey to the West" while eating.

The little girl also watched it with relish. This is really a TV series suitable for people of all ages. For this alone, this TV series is enough to become a classic.

Everyone ate while watching TV. This meal was much slower than usual, and they drank a little wine until the end of the fourth episode of "Journey to the West".

After the meal was over and the TV series ended, everyone rested in the yard for a while and digested the food for a while.

Then Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng and his wife, the third uncle, the third mother, and the little girl left together.

It was getting late. When it was time to sleep, Li Fan and Su Qing went back to the room after washing up.

Li Fan hadn't slept with Su Qing for a long time, and this night was destined to be an indescribable night.


The next morning, Li Fan still got up early. After he got up, Su Qing was still sleeping lazily on the bed. Li Fan did not wake Su Qing and left the room alone.

In the early morning in the village, there was a damp mist in the air and a faint fragrance. I took a sip, and my whole body felt comfortable, as if every cell was breathing.

After walking around the village and returning home, Su Qing had already woken up, but she still looked lazy, a very charming laziness.

had breakfast,

Qin Lie and Su Yilin went out for a walk, father and mother also went out, and Su Qing went out with the little girl.

Li Fan didn't go out because he promised to do an exclusive interview this morning, an exclusive interview with Guyong.

Since the end of "Tian Long Ba Bu" last time, Gu Yong has been completely silent, no new works have been published, and Weibo has not been updated.

The outside world has been discussing this all the time. There is a general view that "Dragon Babu" is really here, the pinnacle of ancient martial arts, and of course the pinnacle of the entire martial arts world.

Not to mention other martial arts writers, it is impossible to write works that surpass "Dragon Babu", even Gu Yong himself should not be able to write works that surpass "Dragon Babu".

This is also the reason why Gu Yong has been silent since the end of "Tian Long Ba Bu".

There is a saying in the outside world, which has been supported by many people, that "Dragon Babu" should be the last martial arts work of Gu Yong.

Of course, Gu Yong will continue to launch new works, but he will no longer be martial arts, and Gu Yong will stop writing martial arts.

Of course, even if Gu Yong really has written martial arts, his status in the martial arts world will not be shaken in the slightest.

This statement is supported by many people, but also opposed by many people.

The reason is that in the last interview, Guyong said that he would create several more martial arts.

Since there will be a few more to be created, "Dragon Babu" should not be the last one.

The two sides have always been arguing, and there is only one person in this world who can solve this dispute.

That is Gu Yong. Only when Gu Yong expresses his position on this matter can this dispute be settled.

And Gu Yong has never made a statement on this on Weibo, so there is only one way to interview Gu Yong again.

Many media reporters could not find Gu Yong, but they were able to find Gu Yong's personal assistant, Rao Qianqian.

Therefore, during this period of time, reporters from many media have broken the threshold of Xiaojianghu Studio and want to make an appointment with Rao Qianqian for an exclusive written interview with Gu Yong.

They know that Guyong can only accept text interviews.

Regarding Gu Yong's unwillingness to show his face in the outside world, there are always various opinions from the outside world, some of which are even very ugly. For example, Gu Yong was so ugly that he was faceless.

Many people in the outside world were a little angry at all kinds of ugly remarks, but Gu Yong was always indifferent. No matter what the outside world said, he never responded.

The outside world is also giving up, it seems that this fellow Gu Yong is determined and will not show up.

Since it is impossible for Guyong to show up, they can only conduct text interviews.

Even if it is to make an appointment for a text interview, it is extremely difficult. Since Gu Yong's debut, he has only accepted one text interview in such a long time. The difficulty can be imagined.

The media reporters are quite complaining about this. If the guy is willing to accept more written interviews and hype it properly, his reputation will definitely be greater than it is now.

It's a pity that he doesn't seem to care about fame or anything.

The media reporters are very sorry for this.

Media reporters are striving for an exclusive interview with Guyong, and many people from all walks of life are also very concerned, especially martial arts fans. They look forward to learning about Guyong's plans for new works in the interview with Guyong.

Both sides of those disputes are naturally also very concerned, and they are always waiting for Gu Yong's answer.

Now, finally there is good news, Guyong accepted an exclusive interview with a media.

The time for the exclusive interview is at 9:00 this morning.


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