Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1683 Create a new way of writing martial arts novels

The two sides are still arguing, but fortunately this is the last dispute.

Because soon, Yong's text-only interview will begin, and the dispute between the two sides will have an answer.

Under the attention and expectation of countless people, the time finally slowly arrived at 9:00 in the morning.

The media that interviews Guyong is called Xing Duo, and it interviews reporters. She is a cute and beautiful cute girl.

Interviewing the famous but most mysterious Gu Yong, the group was a little nervous. Before the interview, she had done her homework, not only had a comprehensive understanding of Gu Yong's works, but also collected some issues on the Internet that the outside world was most concerned about. .

The text interview is in the form of qd chat, and then broadcast live on the Internet. The group has added Gu Yong's qd account. She is a little excited and looking forward to it. Carefully browse through the information of Gu Yong's qd account, hoping to find some useful information .

But the result is very regrettable. There is nothing in the qd number information of Guyong's fellow, there is not a picture, it is just an empty qd number.

The dumpling pouted and muttered a few words.

When the time arrived at 9:00 in the morning, the dumpling cheered up and sent the first sentence that had already been prepared to Gu Yong.

"Mr. Gu Yong, hello, I'm a reporter from Xingdu. I am very grateful to Mr. Gu Yong for accepting our exclusive interview request this time. Next, I will disturb Mr. Gu Yong."

Gu Yong replied quickly, "You're welcome, beautiful and lovely dumpling girl, I also thank you very much for your willingness to interview me."

Seeing Gu Yong's reply like this, the dumpling's heart suddenly relaxed and he was not so nervous. It seemed that Gu Yong was not as cold as she imagined.

Moreover, Gu Yong also said that she was a beautiful and lovely girl, and the dumplings secretly liked it, and replied: "Thank you, Mr. Gu Yong, how does Mr. Gu Yong know that I am a girl, and she is beautiful and lovely? Although it is true."

However, after sending this sentence, Tuanzi immediately called out "Ouch", and she suddenly realized that what she asked was very wrong.

But the news has already been sent. If you withdraw it, it will be even more impolite. The group is very uneasy, and is trying to think about how to remedy it?

Guyong's news was sent again soon, "Because I can feel that Tuanzi is a beautiful and lovely girl."

Gu Yong's news has been sent, and the dumplings don't need to continue to think about remedies.

Moreover, Gu Yong was obviously not displeased, and the answer did not embarrass her. The dumpling breathed a long sigh of relief, and then his face turned slightly red.

Fortunately, it was only a text interview, neither Gu Yong nor the audience could see her, otherwise she would be blushing.

In Sansheng Village, Li Fan smiled slightly, it is really rare to have such a cute reporter now.

On the Internet, countless netizens can't help laughing when they see the words of the dumplings. Is it really good for such a cute and lovely girl to be a reporter?

Tuanzi adjusted a little bit, and continued to interact with Gu Yong, because such an exclusive interview will be broadcast live on the Internet, and countless netizens will watch it, and Tuanzi also led Gu Yong to interact with netizens.

After a while of interaction, the group asked: "Mr. Gu Yong, the outside world said that "Dragon Babu" is your peak martial arts work, do you agree with this statement?"

Gu Yong replied: "This statement is not wrong, "Dragon Babu" is indeed my peak work."

Tuanzi said again: "Even Mr. Gu Yong himself, can't write works beyond "Dragon Babu"?"

Gu Yong replied: "This statement is not wrong, I really can't write it, beyond the works of "Dragon Babu"."

Gu Yong's answer made everyone who watched the interview suffocated. Although they also thought so, but now that Gu Yong said it himself, the meaning is different.

Could it be that Gu Yong is really going to seal the pen?

Tuanzi also had this question in his heart. After thinking about it, he asked again, "So, will Mr. Gu Yong continue to create martial arts?"

Gu Yong replied: "Yes,

I haven't announced the closure of Wuxia, and of course I will continue to create. "

"Uh...this..." Danzi and all the audience suffocated again, "It makes sense."

Gu Yong's answer was relaxed and casual, but the ups and downs in the hearts of the troupe and the audience were very big, and they were all thinking, "We don't think that you need to take advantage of this exclusive interview to announce the closure of martial arts."

However, Gu Yong's answer made the question that was fiercely debated by the outside world before. With the answer, Gu Yong will not close the pen on this.

Those who support Guyong who won't seal the pen are naturally excited to laugh.

"How is it? How is it? Are you dumbfounded now? Don't you give up? You won't fight with us again, will you? It's said that Gu Yong won't just write this, but you still don't believe it."

"I was still swearing, but now I finally know I'm wrong, right?"


The other party was naturally surprised and stunned.

"It's unlikely that he won't be able to seal martial arts, so how will his next martial arts work be written?"


How will Gu Yong's next martial arts work be written? This is a question that everyone is very concerned about at this time.

Tuanzi naturally understood this, so he said: "I heard Mr. Gu Yong say this, I think many people are relieved, and no one wants Mr. Gu Yong to write martial arts. However, Mr. Gu Yong, there is a problem everyone. I must be wondering now, that is your next martial arts work, how will it be written?"

Gu Yong replied: "It's very simple, write it in another style."

"Another style?" Danzi and all the audience were puzzled, "What does this other style mean?"

The group said, "Mr. Guyong, how should we understand this other style?"

Gu Yong said: "I can't explain this question in a few words. In general, it is completely different from my previous martial arts works."

Tuanzi said: "The writing is completely different? Is Mr. Gu Yong planning to re-create a brand-new martial arts creation method?"

Gu Yong said: "Yes, that's it. I have been thinking about a question recently, can there be other ways to write martial arts? Finally, I'm sure, there are other ways to write it."

Tuanzi said: "That's why Mr. Gu Yong doesn't plan to seal the pen, right?"

Gu Yong said: "You can say that."

Tuanzi said: "We all know that Mr. Gu Yong's previous martial arts has achieved extremely high achievements and is the pinnacle of martial arts. Now Mr. Gu Yong wants to abandon the previous martial arts writing style and create a new martial arts writing style, I can Do you think Mr. Guyong is taking a risk?"

Gu Yong said: "Beautiful and lovely dumpling girls, of course you can think so."

Tuanzi said: "If, I mean, if Mr. Gu Yong pioneered this time and the new martial arts creation method fails, it may affect Mr. Gu Yong's position in the martial arts world. Mr. Gu Yong thinks that this adventure, does it worth?"

Gu Yong said: "Of course it's worth it. If martial arts want to bloom and flourish, they should not be limited to one way of writing. I am willing to take this risk and open up a new world of martial arts for everyone. Even if I fail, I will not regret it. ."

Seeing Gu Yong's answer, the dumpling suddenly felt sour in his heart and moved inexplicably.


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