Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1684 Guyong is on an adventure

Danzi was suddenly moved by an inexplicable feeling. In her opinion, Gu Yong is to make martial arts novels more prosperous, and he is willing to take the risk of failure and take the risk of trying.

Once it fails, Gu Yong's position in the world of martial arts novels will definitely be affected to some extent.

Gu Yong's approach and spirit are selfless in the view of Tuanzi.

She didn't know that the reason why Gu Yong said so righteously was because he had absolute certainty.

Tuanzi was very moved and said, "It is a very lucky thing to have Mr. Gu Yong in the martial arts novel world. Tuanzi is here to bless Mr. Gu Yong's attempt and achieve great success."

Gu Yong made a smiley face and said, "Thank you for the blessing of the group. With the blessing of such a cute and beautiful cute girl, I think I will succeed."

The group hurriedly said: "Well, Mr. Gu Yong will definitely succeed. So, is Mr. Gu Yong's new work ready?"

Gu Yong said: "After this period of preparation, it is indeed ready."

Tuanzi said: "Congratulations to Mr. Gu Yong, our martial arts fans will be very excited to hear this news. When is Mr. Gu Yong going to start the serialization, is it also serialized on "Laughing Rivers and Lakes"?"

Gu Yong said: "Yes, it is still serialized on "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", and it will be officially released a week later."

Tuanzi said: "This news is even more exciting. Can Mr. Gu Yong reveal the name of the new work? Is it also a full-length work?"

Gu Yong said: "The new work is not a long work, but a series of short and medium works. As for the name? This will be known in a week."

Tuanzi said: "I understand, this first work is Mr. Gu Yong's new pioneering work, so it is not a long novel, just like Mr. Gu Yong opened the mountain with the short work "The Sword of the Yue Girl" before, is it like this? "

Gu Yong said: "I have no objection to this statement."

The group said again: "Mr. Gu Yong, in your last personal interview, you revealed that you would try a new type of work in the future. Excuse me, the new type of work you mentioned earlier is this one. A martial arts work with a brand-new writing style that is about to be launched?"

Gu Yong said: "Of course not. The works I will launch next are still martial arts works, but the writing techniques are different, so they cannot be regarded as new types of works. I can say here that the new type of works I am talking about is not a new type of work. Martial arts works, but a type of work that does not exist yet."

Tuanzi said: "So it is. So, Mr. Gu Yong will launch a new type of work that is not available now, is that so?"

Gu Yong said: "That's right, that's right."

Tuanzi said: "It seems that Mr. Guyong is very adventurous."

Gu Yong sent another smiley face and said, "Adventure is a very interesting thing, do you agree with the girl?"

Tuanzi was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Gu Yong to ask her a question. After she was stunned, she quickly replied: "Yes, Tuanzi agrees. It is precisely because Mr. Gu Yong is willing to take risks that we have the opportunity to see more and better. , different works, all our readers should thank Mr. Gu Yong."

Afterwards, the group asked some other questions and interacted with the netizens who were watching.

After that, this text interview ended.

The text interview is over, and the reports from major media, as well as various heated discussions from the outside world, have only just begun.

As soon as the interview ended, many media reports have already been released.

"Heavyweight! Gu Yong personally stated that he will not write martial arts novels and will continue to create new martial arts novels."

"Gu Yong himself admitted that "Dragon Babu" is the pinnacle of his martial arts novels, and even he himself cannot create works that surpass "Dragon Babu"."

"Adventure! Guyong's new martial arts novels will be transformed,

Will create a new way of writing martial arts novels. "

"Gu Yong: If martial arts novels are to flourish and flourish, they should not be limited to one way of writing. I am willing to take this risk and open up a new world of martial arts for everyone."

""Dragon Babu" has reached the peak of martial arts novels, and Gu Yong will try martial arts novels with new writing techniques."

"Gu Yong's new way of writing martial arts novels, is it a success or a failure? Let's wait and see!"

"Expert: Guyong's attempt at a new writing style is too risky. If he fails, it will affect his status in the martial arts novel world."

"Touched! Gu Yong risked his status and opened up a new world for martial arts novels!"


Major media have reported it one after another, and people in various fields who are concerned about this matter have even discussed it.

First and foremost, this is a surprise, exciting and exciting news for martial arts fans.

They thought that Guyong would just write a martial arts novel, or at most one or two more martial arts works, and then they would be closed.

Now, since Gu Yong said that to create a new way of writing martial arts novels, at least he will have to write several more works.

Unless, Gu Yong's new writing style fails.

In theory, it is indeed possible to fail, but the vast majority of martial arts fans do not believe that Gu Yong will fail.

Although some of them don't understand, since they are all martial arts novels, what kind of new writing method can there be?

But they believe that Gu Yong, the genius of Gu Yong, is second only to Li Fan in the eyes of many people. It will certainly not be difficult for such a genius to create a new writing style.

On the Internet, martial arts fans are hotly discussing.

"A new writing style of martial arts novels, looking forward to, looking forward to, looking forward to it!"

"I said why Gu Yongda has been quiet during this time? It turned out to be researching a new writing style."

"It's really dangerous. If Gu Yong didn't develop a new writing technique, it is estimated that the pen will really be closed."

"The new work will be released in a week. Soon, soon, we will be able to read Gu Yongda's brand-new martial arts novel soon."

"A series of works composed of several short and medium works, that is to say, these stories are in the same line, but they are separate stories. It feels like a trilogy of shooting and carving, but here are short and medium works. Of course, since it is a brand new writing style, it must be very different from the Condor Shooting Trilogy. In short, it is very exciting!"

"Gu Yongda said that to open up a new world for martial arts novels, this is definitely a fearless spirit of responsibility. With Gu Yongda's position in the world of martial arts novels, there is absolutely no need to take such a risk, but Gu Yongda But it did. It is the luck of the entire martial arts novel world to have Gu Yongda."

"I believe that Gu Yongda will succeed, and I will definitely support Gu Yongda."

"That's right, we all believe and support Gu Yongda."


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