Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1692 Put away your sword and laugh more

The story of "Sword of Longevity" continues.

Fang Longxiang successfully controlled Bai Yujing and gave Bai Yujing two choices, either join the Qinglong Club or die.

Bai Yujing would not join the Qinglong Club, so Bai Yujing could only die.

But Fang Longxiang didn't kill Bai Yujing immediately, because he still wanted to get something from Bai Yujing.

Fang Longxiang went to Yuan Zixia before and asked for the secret map of the peacock feathers that Yuan Zixia deceived from Gongsun Jing. Yuan Zixia told Fang Longxiang that she had given the secret map to Bai Yujing.

Fang Longxiang believed it.

Therefore, before killing Bai Yujing, Fang Longxiang had to get the secret map.

It's a pity that Bai Yujing doesn't have a secret map on his body, and he doesn't know where the mystery map is.

Yuan Zixia deceived Fang Longxiang.

Fang Longxiang knew that Yuan Zixia was the most deceptive, but he still believed Yuan Zixia, perhaps because he was very confident in his methods.

It is more likely that Yuan Zixia's deception is very clever, so clever that a person who clearly knows that she is the most deceptive person is still fooled by her.

However, Bai Yujing did not deny that the secret map was on him, he admitted that the secret map was indeed on him.

Poor Fang Longxiang, who thinks she is very smart, this time she has fallen for Bai Yujing again without knowing it.

Fang Longxiang asked Bai Yujing to tell where the secret map was hidden? Bai Yujing didn't say anything.

Then, with his superb acting skills, Fang Longxiang believed that the secret map was hidden in his longevity sword.

Fang Longxiang was extremely proud, picked up Bai Yujing's Longevity Sword, and found that the hilt of the Longevity Sword was indeed hollow.

He laughed and unscrewed the hilt of his sword.

However, what is hidden inside is not a secret map, but dozens of poisonous needles like ox awns.

Fang Longxiang died, under the poison needle.

Bai Yujing's heart was a little sad, Fang Longxiang used to be his friend, and he didn't want to do this.

But Bai Yujing knew that if he didn't do this, he would die, and Fang Longxiang would never let him go.

Because they are friends, Fang Longxiang betrayed him and will see him again in the future.

Then, just kill him.

Fang Longxiang died, but the acupoints on Bai Yujing's body hadn't been unlocked, and he still couldn't move.

And Fang Longxiang's movement just now has attracted other people in the inn.

Zhu Dashao, Miao Shaotian, Zhao Yidao, Baima Zhangsan, and three members of the Qinglonghui.

Several people found that Bai Yujing was under control, and they all laughed. Bai Yujing was under control, and they no longer had to be afraid of Bai Yujing's longevity sword.

They forced Bai Yujing to tell Yuan Zixia's whereabouts, because they just found out that Yuan Zixia had left the inn, where did she go?

They thought that Bai Yujing must know, but Bai Yujing said that he forgot the name of the place.

Several people were about to use other means to force Bai Yujing to tell Yuan Zixia's whereabouts, but Yuan Zixia suddenly appeared outside the door.

She came by herself.

Several people saw Yuan Zixia take the initiative to appear, and was about to rush over, but they saw Yuan Zixia holding a candle in one hand and a roll of plain paper in the other, which was the secret picture of the peacock feather.

Yuan Zixia told several people not to act rashly, otherwise they would burn the secret map of the peacock feathers.

Afterwards, Yuan Zixia smiled sweetly. She liked to laugh very much, and she smiled very nicely. Men who saw her smile would fall in love with her.

She said that she is a weak woman, and it is troublesome to hold the secret map of peacock feathers. She is willing to give the secret map to one of several people, and let them discuss on their own. Who should get the secret map she sent?

She also said that Bai Yujing was her friend and she was going to see her friend.

A few people retreated outside the room and let Yuan Zixia enter the room. They knew that Yuan Zixia couldn't unlock Bai Yujing's acupuncture point, and they were not afraid that Yuan Zixia could slip away under their noses.

Bai Yujing looked at Yuan Zixia with no expression on her face.

Yuan Zixia looked at Bai Yujing, but her expression was very complicated.

Yuan Zixia's eyes were slightly red, saying that she could have slipped away, but she came back to save him because she was worried about Bai Yujing.

This may be true,

She did have a chance to slip away just now.

Outside the door, Zhu Dashao, Miao Shaotian, Zhao Yidao, Baima Zhangsan, and three members of the Qinglong Association were discussing who should get the secret map of the peacock feathers?

The result of the discussion was that only Zhu Dashao and Zhao Yidao were left.

Everyone else died, under mutual calculations and intrigues.

Zhu Dashao and Zhao Yidao are allied, at least now and on the surface.

The two entered the room anew, three to be exact.

There is also a bodyguard who has been following behind Zhu Dashao, but the bodyguard's martial arts are far less than Zhu Dashao, and are always ignored.

As for why Zhu Dashao wanted to find a bodyguard who was far inferior to him in martial arts?

Maybe for show, maybe for some other reason, who knows?

Zhu Dashao and Zhao Yidao easily took away the secret map of the peacock feather in Yuan Zixia's hand.

With the secret map in hand, the two were ready to kill Bai Yujing and Yuan Zixia.

Zhao Yidao's knife is very fast, and can cut off a person's head with one knife, which is very beautiful.

Yuan Zixia told Bai Yujing that she did not lie about some things, and she told Bai Yujing...

Before Yuan Zixia's words were finished, Zhu Dashao took the words and said that she was sincere to Bai Yujing, and because of this, he wanted to fulfill Bai Yujing and Yuan Zixia.

However, Zhu Dashao died suddenly before he could finish his words, and was killed by the bodyguard who had been following him.

It turned out that Zhu Dashao's bodyguard was one of the twelve evil spirits of the Azure Dragon Society, the Demon Sword Guard Tianying, and the three people who had been waiting for the Qinglong Society before. He had already arrived, but he was just disguised as Zhu Great bodyguard.

Zhao Yidao was shocked, and asked Yuan Zixia to quickly unlock Bai Yujing's acupuncture point. Only Bai Yujing could deal with Wei Tianying.

However, Yuan Zixia said it was too late, and then smiled at Wei Tianying and said, "Second brother, do you think it's too late now?"

It turned out that Yuan Zixia and Wei Tianying knew each other and seemed to have a good relationship.

Zhao Yidao suddenly discovered that he had fallen into a very complicated, ingenious, and terrifying trap, and he had completely lost his fighting spirit.

He honestly handed the secret map of the peacock feathers to Wei Tianying.

However, after Wei Tianying took over the secret map, he tore it to pieces without even looking at it.

This secret map of the peacock feathers is fake, Wei Tianying has long known, and Yuan Zixia has also known it for a long time.

Zhao Yidao was stunned and asked Yuan Zixia, where is the real secret map of peacock feathers that she deceived from Gongsun Jing?

Yuan Zixia said that this was the one she deceived from Gongsun Jing, and when she deceived, she knew it was fake.

It turned out that there is no real secret map of peacock feathers at all.

Zhao Yidao couldn't understand, Yuan Zixia smiled sweetly, saying that this was a trap.

The most ingenious thing about this trap is that only she and Wei Tianying knew that the secret map of the peacock feather was fake. If they didn't tell it, Zhao Yidao and others would never have thought of it.

It turned out that Wei Tianying bought the secret map of the peacock feathers and spent a lot of money, but after buying it back, he found that the secret map was fake.

Wei Tianying bought a fake secret map and went back. Qinglong would not spare him, so Yuan Zixia came up with an idea for Wei Tianying.

Yuan Zixia asked Wei Tianying to give the secret map to his subordinate Gongsun Jing, and asked Gongsun Jing to sell the secret map.

But that alone is not enough.

Because, when Gongsun Jing was trading, after careful inspection of the goods, the buyer would definitely find that the secret map was fake.

Therefore, Yuan Zixia stole the secret map.

It was not Bai Yujing who stole the secret map, but Yuan Zixia.

The reason why Yuan Zixia wanted to steal the secret map was to convince Zhao Yidao, Zhu Dashao, Miao Shaotian, Baima Zhangsan, Gongsun Jing and others that the secret map was real.

And Zhu Dashao, Miao Shaotian, Zhao Yidao, Baima Zhangsan and others did believe it.

Gongsun Jing also believed it, and knew that Yuan Zixia stole the secret map.

Therefore, he brought his wife and friends, and after disguising himself, he caught up with Yuan Zixia and wanted to get back the secret map.

Zhu Dashao, Miao Shaotian, Zhao Yidao, Baima Zhangsan and others also followed.

This brings the excitement of the inn before.

And the reason why they were able to catch up with Yuan Zixia at this inn was because Yuan Zixia deliberately let them catch up.

At this time, Zhu Dashao, Miao Shaotian, Zhao Yidao, Baima Zhangsan and others already believed that the secret map was real, and they would definitely kill each other in order to obtain the secret map.

In the end, Yuan Zixia and Wei Tianying only needed to kill the last surviving person, then they could take advantage of the fisherman and return to the Azure Dragon Society with the treasures of several people.

In this way, the matter became, they successfully sold the secret map of the peacock feather, and no one knew that the secret map was actually fake, and the Qinglong Club would not know that Wei Tianying bought the fake one. The matter of the secret map was solved perfectly.

The reason why Yuan Zixia wanted to involve Bai Yujing was because she needed Bai Yujing's longevity sword to help him kill Gongsun Jing and Fang Longxiang.

Because, for the plan to succeed, Gongsun Jing and Fang Longxiang must die. If they don't die, Zhu Dashao, Miao Shaotian, Zhao Yidao, and Baima Zhang will not be sure to grab the secret map, and they will not kill each other.

And only Bai Yujing's Longevity Sword could kill Gongsun Jing and Fang Longxiang.

Now, all the plans are very smooth, and in the end, as long as Zhao Yidao also dies, it will be fine.

And Zhao Yidao has no right to choose, he can only give himself a knife, so that his head will not hurt again from now on.

Zhao Yidao died, leaving only Bai Yujing.

Wei Tianying handed Zhao Yidao's knife to Yuan Zixia, and asked Yuan Zixia to cut Bai Yujing's head with one stroke, helping Bai Yujing also cure the headache.

Yuan Zixia held up the knife, looked at Bai Yujing, and said that the second brother asked her to kill, and she had to kill her, so she could only be sorry.

Bai Yujing said, it doesn't matter.

However, Yuan Zixia suddenly turned around and slashed at Wei Tianying with a knife, very fast, she could also use a knife.

It's just that Wei Tianying's eyes were full of mocking smiles. He knew that Yuan Zixia would slash at her, and he was ready to catch Yuan Zixia's knife with ease.

It turned out that Wei Tianying also wanted to kill Yuan Zixia and swallow the treasure.

The reason why he handed the knife to Yuan Zixia was to let Yuan Zixia kill him first, and then he could kill Yuan Zixia without any guilt.

However, Yuan Zixia said that the reason why he wanted to kill Wei Tianying was not to swallow the treasure, but to save Bai Yujing.

This may indeed be true, Yuan Zixia should indeed have a genuine affection for Bai Yujing.

Wei Tianying said, unfortunately, she failed to save Bai Yujing, and Bai Yujing couldn't save her either.

However, when Wei Tianying finished saying this, he died and was killed by Bai Yujing's Longevity Sword.

It turned out that Bai Yujing had already unblocked the acupuncture points on his own, but he just pretended that he hadn't unblocked it yet.

Bai Yujing asked Yuan Zixia, did she know that his acupuncture point had already been untied, so she didn't kill him?

Yuan Zixia didn't answer, she smiled sweetly and let Bai Yujing guess.

Bai Yujing said that he would never guess, Yuan Zixia said softly, one day Bai Yujing would know.

Afterwards, Bai Yujing shouted sternly, saying that he was the youngest of the red flags among the twelve evil spirits of Qinglong, and that he wanted to bring Yuan Zixia back to Qinglong to accept punishment.

Bai Yujing naturally wanted to deceive Yuan Zixia. He had been deceived by Yuan Zixia so many times, and he wanted to deceive him once to come back.

However, Yuan Zixia smiled and bent over and said, "If you are the youngest of Hongqi, who am I?"

It turned out that Yuan Zixia was the real one, the youngest of the red flags among the twelve evil spirits of Qinglong.

She told Bai Yujing that Wei Tianying was addicted to gambling and lost 300,000 taels, but deliberately said that he bought a fake picture of a peacock. Gongsun Jing was lecherous and raped many women from good families. Fang Longxiang was greedy for money and devoured 160,000 taels of public accounts.

The boss of the Azure Dragon Society already knew about these things, so she specially asked her to clean up the portal.

It turned out that this is the real truth of the matter. The so-called Wei Tianying bought a fake secret map, which is fake, and Yuan Zixia helped Wei Tianying to come up with ideas, which is also fake.

It's a pity that Wei Tianying didn't know the real truth when he died.

Bai Yujing was stunned, Yuan Zixia's martial arts was not high, but she dared to clean up the door by herself.

You must know that Gongsun Jing, Fang Longxiang, Wei Tianying and others are all top experts in the arena.

Yuan Zixia said that he has always had only one person to do things, and one person is enough.

Bai Yujing said again, but your martial arts...

Yuan Zixia said: "As long as a person knows how to use his strengths, he doesn't have to use martial arts at all, and he can knock down people just as well."

Bai Yujing asked Yuan Zixia what is her strength?

This time, Yuan Zixia didn't answer, but smiled sweetly, very beautiful, very beautiful...

Obviously, her strength is "laughing".

"You lied to me so many times, and I wanted to lie to you once. It made you anxious, but you still exposed it."

"When have I lied to you?"

"you have not?"

"If I lied to you, why should I run away with you now, not even the youngest member of the Blue Dragon Society?"

"Maybe you're not the real Red Flag boss at all."


"Are you really?"

"Guess what?"

This was a conversation between Bai Yujing and Yuan Zixia, and Yuan Zixia asked Bai Yujing to guess.

And Bai Yujing knew that he would never guess the answer, but it didn't matter.

The important thing is that Yuan Zixia is by his side and will never leave him again.

That's enough.

"That's the first story I tell, the first weapon.

The lesson of this story is that no sword, no matter how sharp, can match that charming smile.

So the first weapon I mentioned is not the sword, but laughter. Only laughter can truly conquer people's hearts.

So when you understand this truth, you should put away your sword and smile more! "

So far, the ending of "Longevity Sword".

It turned out that the first weapon was not a sword, but a laugh.

Everyone in the arena is afraid of Bai Yujing and Bai Yujing's longevity sword, but when Bai Yujing is in danger, he will also brush past the god of death.

But Yuan Zixia's smile made her accomplish a seemingly incredible event.

Obviously, Yuan Zixia's smile was a more powerful weapon than Bai Yujing's Longevity Sword.


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