Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1695 The birth of a new martial arts author

With many new wuxia fans, it's not just the former wuxia fans who are excited, but all the wuxia authors.

Although these new martial arts fans are all fans of new style martial arts novels, they are not fans of their work style, but they are also fans of martial arts.

The more martial arts fans, the bigger the martial arts market, and they are also the absolute beneficiaries.

Moreover, for some martial arts authors, those Jin martial arts fans are not their book fans now, but they are very likely to become their book fans in the future.

Because, after watching "The Sword of Longevity", they suddenly found that this style of martial arts novels seems to be more suitable for them to create.

Before, almost all of them had written many martial arts novels, but the results were still not satisfactory, at best, they could be regarded as unsatisfactory.

They were also a little disheartened at one time, thinking that they were not too suitable for writing martial arts novels. They also considered countless times, should they give up writing martial arts novels?

But they gave up on this, and they were always unwilling. They have not given up for the time being.

Today, after reading "The Sword of Longevity", they are very fortunate that they have not given up on martial arts novels.

Because they have a vague feeling that using this new writing technique to create martial arts novels, they will write better and more handy than before.

They were very excited and excited and couldn't wait to try it.

If this new writing style does work better for them, it allows them to achieve better grades than before, or even much better grades.

So, there is no doubt that Li Fan's creation this time, this new writing style, has given their creative career a new lease of life, and they will be forever grateful.

In the circle of martial arts authors, they are excited to express their excitement at this moment.

"I feel that this new writing style created by Gu Yong this time will give my creative career a new lease of life, and I am now more excited and excited than ever."

"I also have the same feeling. When I was creating before, I was always stuck, and the creation was very unsmooth. I also understand that the works produced in this way are not good. I was very depressed, thinking that I did not The choice is to create martial arts novels. However, after reading "The Sword of Longevity" today, I suddenly found that I may be more suitable for this new style of writing, and I can't wait to try it now. I am very grateful to Gu Yong has created such a new writing style."

"It's true. The new writing technique created by Guyong this time is really like what he said, opening up a new world for martial arts novels."

"It did open up a new world. However, this new writing technique, at first glance, seems quite easy, but after careful consideration, I found it extremely difficult. I want to write results through this writing technique. , it is extremely difficult!"

"It's extremely difficult, that's for sure. Isn't it also extremely difficult to use the previous writing techniques? Besides, we don't dare to expect to compare with Gu Yong, to be able to learn its shape and achieve certain results."

"That's right, writing a novel is an extremely difficult thing. Friends who did not write well before, or whose grades were not satisfactory, can try this new writing technique. Perhaps, this new writing technique , it will make you feel more at ease when creating.”

"I have to say that this new writing technique introduced by Gu Yong today can give many martial arts writers a new lease of life. Not to mention how good the results are, but they are definitely better than the previous ones."

"That's for sure. Now, the way of writing martial arts novels before Gu Yong's debut has been completely eliminated by the market, and the writing methods of martial arts novels after that are almost all imitated Gu Yong's writing method, and now Gu Yong has created a new The new writing method will affect a large number of martial arts writers. In my opinion, Gu Yong is afraid to be called the 'father of martial arts'.


"Although people are envious and jealous, I have to admit that Gu Yong does have this qualification."

"This new writing technique may affect more than just those who are already writing martial arts novels, the writers of martial arts novels."

"You mean, this new writing style will also bring a group of new people to start the creation of martial arts novels."

"It's almost certain, some people must have always had the idea of ​​​​writing martial arts novels, but they feel that they can't create them at all. Now, when this new writing method comes out, they may feel that they can create a novel. It's a martial arts novel."

"There are more writers of martial arts novels. At first glance, the competition between our authors is even greater. But in fact, more writers of martial arts novels can also drive the market of martial arts novels to become better, which is absolutely beneficial to us and not harmful. Yes. So let the number of martial arts novel writers grow even more violently."

"Martial arts novels are becoming more and more prosperous, and we are really lucky."


As the martial arts writers say, some people who have never written martial arts novels before are now eager to try and write the first martial arts novel in their lives.

Among them, some are pure newcomers who have never written novels, and some are old authors who have written some other types of works before.

For newcomers who have never written a novel, there are two situations.

One is people who have always had the idea of ​​writing martial arts novels before, but they know that they cannot write martial arts novels, and they have not started writing them for a long time.

Now, after reading "The Sword of Longevity", I know that martial arts novels can still be written in this way.

They couldn't write with the previous writing method, but now with this new writing method, they find that they seem to be able to write.

If that's the case, let's get started.

They may be for their dreams, or they may be for a certain amount of royalties, all of which are understandable.

There is another kind of person who has never thought before that one day he will also write novels.

They just came up with the idea of ​​writing a martial arts novel when they were watching "The Sword of Longevity" today, because they felt that they could also write novels with such words and methods.

As soon as this idea came out, they could no longer restrain them. The sense of accomplishment of creating a martial arts novel by themselves made them very excited, excited and looking forward to it!

That must be a wonderful feeling.

Of course, this kind of thinking is impulsive. Most people will give up because they can't stick to it, but some people will persevere enough after all.

Persevere, and they will become a real writer of martial arts novels.

For old authors who have written some other types of works before, the reason why they have the idea of ​​writing martial arts novels is that they naturally fancy the extremely prosperous market of martial arts novels.

They have always been envious and jealous of the prosperous market of martial arts novels, and they also want to write martial arts novels.

But unfortunately they couldn't write it, they could only watch the market of martial arts novels become more and more prosperous.

But now, as soon as the new writing technique came out, they found that they seemed to be able to write it.

They were surprised, excited, and excited. While grateful to Guyong in their hearts, they shouted excitedly: "The prosperous martial arts novel market, here I come!"


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