Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1699 The real second weapon: confidence

The story of "Peacock Feather" continues.

Gao Li and Xiao Wu, in the process of fleeing, slowly became friends and dealt with the pursuit of "July 15th" together.

During the escape process, Gao Li told Xiao Wu that he had a woman, a very beautiful woman, and the woman's home was the only destination in his heart.

Xiao Wu wanted to see his woman, but Gao Li agreed and took Xiao Wu to his woman's house.

His woman is called Shuangshuang.

Xiao Wu saw Shuang Shuang.

It's just that Shuangshuang is not as beautiful as Gao Li said. On the contrary, Shuangshuang is not only an underdeveloped deformed child, but also a blind man.

When Xiao Wu first started, he was very incomprehensible, but when he saw Shuang Shuang's face, there was no self-pity and inferiority expression at all, but full of joy and confidence. The expression on her face was exactly the same as that of a real beauty.

Moreover, her expression is gentle and her speech is gentle.

Gao Li and Shuangshuang shared love words with each other, and they always missed each other very much in the days they were apart.

Xiao Wu suddenly felt that Shuangshuang was really beautiful.

A woman who is confident, optimistic, gentle and affectionate must be beautiful.

There is another person in Shuangshuang's family, a person who takes care of Shuangshuang's life and keeps chopping wood all day long.

This man had broken his left arm, and Gao Li had been kind to him, so he was here to take care of Shuang Shuang.

Gao Li didn't know his identity.

But Xiao Wu guessed his identity, and he also guessed Xiao Wu's identity.

It turned out that Xiao Wu and him were both people with extremely complicated identities.

He is the number one martial arts expert in the world, the Great Thunder God Jin Kaijia.

And Xiao Wu is the master of the famous Peacock Villa.

"Xiao Wu" is naturally not his real name, his real name is Qiu Fengwu.

Back then, the owner of the Peacock Villa, Qiu Fengwu's father, dueled Jin Kaijia, the number one master in the world, on the top of Mount Tai.

In the battle that shook the world and cried ghosts and gods, the final result was that the world's number one master Jin Kaijia was defeated.

The reason why Jin Kaijia was defeated was not because his martial arts was inferior to that of the owner of the Peacock Villa. His martial arts were the best in the world, and he was naturally stronger than the owner of the Peacock Villa.

He was defeated by the peacock's feather.

There is no hidden weapon in the world that is more terrifying than the peacock feather, and there is absolutely no hidden weapon that is more beautiful than the peacock steel.

No one can describe its beauty, and no one can escape its attack.

Jin Kaijia, the No. 1 master in the world, can't avoid it.

Therefore, Jin Kaijia was defeated, and because of this, he lost his left arm.

But Jin Kaijia lost convincingly. It was a fair duel. The peacock feather is also a weapon. The owner of the Peacock Villa was able to escape the attack of his weapon, but he did not escape the attack of the peacock. The Lord wins righteously.

Jin Kaijia was defeated, and Gao Li saved his life for some reasons.

Therefore, he is now chopping wood in this deep mountain.

Of course, he doesn't need to chop wood every day to take care of Shuang Shuang's life. The reason why he is chopping wood all the time is to practice the axe with his right hand.

His weapon is the axe, he uses the axe with his left hand, but now his left hand is gone, he must practice his right hand.

Gao Li invited Jin Kaijia and Qiu Fengwu to drink his and Shuangshuang's wedding wine.

Jin Kaijia and Qiu Fengwu readily agreed.

But unfortunately, this wedding meal can't be drunk.

Because, the killer of "July 15" found them again.

This time, a total of six people came, led by Ximen Yu, the leader of "July Fifteen".

Ximen Yu calculated everything, this time the killer will definitely be able to kill Gao Li and Qiu Fengwu.

But unfortunately, Ximen Yu has calculated everything, but it is absolutely impossible, the world's number one master Jin Kaijia will be here.

Therefore, their actions this time are doomed to failure.

The result was indeed the same. Jin Kaijia, Gao Li, and Qiu Fengwu easily killed the six killers, including Ximen Yu.

The result would have been perfect, but accidents always happen.

Among the six killers, one named Ma Feng did not die. He was killed by an explosion. He took Jin Kaijia and leaned over to carry his body. When he was completely unprepared, he suddenly stabbed Jin Kaijia with his sword.

Ma Feng escaped, and Jin Kaijia died.

Everyone can't escape their own destiny.

Ma Feng escaped, which meant that the place was no longer safe. Gao Li, Qiu Fengwu, and Shuangshuang had to leave this place.

Qiu Fengwu followed Jin Kaijia's dying wish and returned to Peacock Villa.

Before parting with Gao Li and Shuangshuang, Qiu Fengwu told Gao Li that if he encounters any difficulties in the future, he must go to Peacock Villa to find him.

Gao Li agreed.

Gao Li and Shuangshuang found a quiet and peaceful village to live in. Since then, they have lived a life of men farming and women weaving, working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

Gao Li has also completely turned into a peasant, with a hoe in his hands, not a murder weapon.

But the peaceful days will not be long. Two years later, Ma Feng, who fled before, found them.

Ma Feng wanted to kill Gao Li for revenge, and Gao Li was a little uneasy because of this. He was not afraid of death, but now that he has Shuang Shuang, he cannot die.

If he wants to live, he can only kill Ma Feng.

It's just that he hasn't taken a weapon for two years, and his silver gun has been covered with dust, but it hasn't rusted.

In the past two years, all he has been holding are hoes, but Ma Feng has been practicing martial arts day and night for the past two years in order to get revenge.

Gao Li didn't have the confidence to kill Ma Feng, which made him very anxious.

Ma Feng found Gao Li and said that he would kill Gao Li on the night of the full moon a week later.

Gao Li was even more uneasy. He thought of Qiu Fengwu, and he decided to borrow something from Peacock Villa.

Peacock Feather at Peacock Hills.

Peacock Villa is very beautiful, as beautiful as the fairy castle in mythology.

Gao Li met Qiu Fengwu, who had become the owner of the Peacock Villa, and expressed his intention to come.

Qiu Fengwu agreed.

He instructed Gao Li that the real mission of Peacock Ling was not to kill, but to save lives. He told Gao Li not to use Peacock Ling unless it was a last resort.

Gao Li agreed. He took the peacock feather in his hand, and his anxiety and fear were no longer in his heart. With the peacock feather in his hand, Ma Feng's life was already under his absolute control.

Gao Li returned to his and Shuangshuang's house, Ma Feng was there.

But now, Gao Li was full of energy, relaxed and confident, and he no longer took Ma Feng in his eyes.

He already has enough confidence.

In the end, Gao Li and Ma Feng started, and Gao Li easily killed Ma Feng without using the peacock feathers.

His martial arts is much higher than Ma Feng, even if he hasn't used a weapon for two years.

All his previous trepidation was because he lacked enough confidence.

Now, with Peacock Feather in his hand, he has enough confidence to kill Ma Feng easily.

When seeing this, everyone understood, what is the real second weapon?


The real second weapon is not the hidden weapon peacock feather, but confidence!

The real victory is not won with weapons, but with confidence.

No weapon, no matter how terrifying, can compare to the confidence of man.


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