Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1718 Looking forward to the last weapon

Sansheng Village.

After seeing Yang Qiming's Weibo, Liang Sheng couldn't help nodding his head and said, "Mr. Yang is right, he must have worked hard, that kid can play this hand well, which is obviously better than just pointing the question at the end. "

Zheng Jie said with a smile: "The effect is really good. Moreover, although 'desperately' has been recognized by most people now, as long as the boy doesn't express his position on this, there will always be disputes. There will be topics when there are disputes. It is even more unlikely that everyone will forget "Seven Weapons", this is indeed a clever method."

Liang Sheng added: "The method is indeed brilliant, but I'm thinking about a question. This method is used on the last weapon, and the effect seems to be the best. Why did the boy use the sixth weapon? ?"

Zheng Jie said: "Theoretically speaking, it should be used for the last weapon. That kid is now using the sixth weapon. Does he have a better idea for the last weapon?"

Liang Sheng said: "It should be, that kid is always mysterious."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Qin Lie smiled and said, "You two are guessing here, why don't you just ask the kid directly, who just happened to be here."

Liang Sheng and Zheng Jie looked up and saw Li Fan walking towards them.

Liang Sheng shouted, "Boy, come here, come here, and ask you a question."

Although he knew that the kid might not be willing to say it, Liang Sheng decided to ask. He was really curious.

Li Fan heard Liang Sheng call him, walked over, and said with a smile, "Elder Liang, what's the matter? I'm still busy."

Liang Sheng stared and said, "Let me ask you, why don't you use this method of letting readers understand what the real weapon is? Why don't you use it on the last weapon? If you use it on the last weapon, the effect is not better. okay?"

"So that's what happened." Li Fan nodded and said somewhat mysteriously: "This is the last weapon."

"What?" Liang Sheng, Zheng Jie, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin were stunned at the same time, "Is this the last weapon?"

Although the four of them are not ordinary people, this time they did not react. The parting hook is obviously the sixth weapon, why is it the last weapon?

Liang Sheng wondered: "Boy, what do you mean? The work is called "Seven Weapons" instead of "Six Weapons". Why is the parting hook the last weapon?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's true that it's called "Seven Weapons".

But I only prepared the story of six weapons. Because the seventh weapon doesn't need a story. "

"You don't need a story?" Liang Sheng, Zheng Jie, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin were once again stunned.

After that, they all thought in their hearts, what did Li Fan mean?

Although they always like to complain about Li Fan, they know that since Li Fan said that the seventh weapon does not need a story, he must have his intentions and reasons.

The seventh weapon doesn't need a story, which is to say that there is no seventh weapon, or that the seventh weapon is "none."

"None" is also a weapon? The four were thoughtful.

Li Fan laughed and said, "There is a saying that no move wins, there are moves, a few old men, I'll go first."

"There is no way to win?" The eyes of the old men suddenly lit up, and suddenly they seemed to be about to grasp a very crucial point.

Zheng Jie made a "go go" gesture towards Li Fan, which meant to let Li Fan go quickly and not disturb their thoughts.

Li Fan smiled and walked away on his own.

After Li Fan left, Liang Sheng suddenly clapped his hands, his eyes brightened, and his expression was very excited and excited, and said, "Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! No tricks are better than tricks, no weapons are better than weapons, it's really wonderful!"

Zheng Jie, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin also thought of a certain point, and their eyes brightened.

Zheng Jie said: "It is called "Seven Weapons", but in reality it only writes stories about six weapons. The last weapon becomes nothingness, and 'nothingness' can be regarded as the last weapon. There are two interpretations of this, one is It is the highest level of human martial arts, that no weapon is better than a weapon. Martial arts are born from the heart, and you can defeat any opponent without a weapon. Another understanding is that the last weapon can be regarded as a weapon. Any weapon, any weapon that happens to be able to counter the opponent's weapon."

Qin Lie said: "Also, the seventh weapon can also be understood as, let the readers understand and comprehend the last weapon, everyone has a most powerful weapon in their hearts, do you think the last weapon is what, what it is."

Su Yilin said: "In other words, there are really seven kinds of weapons, but the last weapon is in the hearts of every reader. The last weapon in each reader's heart is different."

Liang Sheng nodded and said, "That's true, it's really wonderful, I really don't know how that kid came up with it?"

Zheng Jie said with emotion: "That kid can always surprise and surprise people, and he is indeed far more extraordinary."

Qin Lie and Su Yilin shook their heads, they no longer knew what to say.


Liang Sheng and Zheng Jie knew that there was no last weapon, but the rest of the world didn't know it yet.

Everyone is still very interested in discussing the content of "The Farewell Hook", as well as the true sixth weapon symbolized by the Farewell Hook, desperately!

Although 'Desperate' as the real sixth weapon, there is still some controversy, but now there is no better answer than 'Desperate', everyone regards 'Desperate' as the real sixth weapon.

Book fans are discussing, martial arts masters, and celebrities are also reading on their respective Weibo.

Leaves Silent wrote on Weibo: "I want to talk about the character Di Qinglin. He is a hereditary first-class prince, the world's most romantic young man, and in the eyes of others, he is perfect. But the real him is not. It is a great evil, but his badness is not hated, but admired. It is a kind of badness that is close to its true nature. He kills friends, lovers, and masters because in his heart, there is no Friends, lovers and masters, he only has himself in his heart. Although "The Parting Hook" is a short and medium work, the character Di Qinglin is extremely successful in portraying it. Gu Yong is the only one who can have this power in the martial arts world. Now, I'm really looking forward to the last weapon!"

Wolong, a famous martial arts master in Hong Kong, wrote: "Why do you use a parting hook? It's to not part with your loved one. If the name is good, the meaning is even better. The parting hook and the amorous ring are the names of my two favorite weapons. Yang Zheng didn't intend to use the parting hook at first, and planned to keep the parting hook in the dust, but now that he has a lover, in order not to part with his lover, he took out the parting hook. The name is parting, but it is actually for reunion. Thank you Mr. Guyong Bringing us such a great story, looking forward to the last weapon!"

In addition to Silent Leaves and Wolong, many famous martial arts masters, such as Dali Bushi, Meniscus, Qin Sheng, Jian Yishen, Sima, Qingyun, Ni Ge, etc., also published various interpretations on their Weibo.

While interpreting, the famous martial arts masters expressed the same expectation, looking forward to the last weapon in "Seven Weapons".


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