Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1728 Lu Xiaofeng with 4 eyebrows

Hua Manlou, with a poetic name, unfathomable martial arts, loves life and life, and is always full of gratitude and gratitude for everything, he is elegant, elegant, handsome, and he has all the beautiful things in him.

However, such a perfect man is a blind man, and the world is always dark in his eyes.

All book fans don't quite understand, why did Gu Yong make such a perfect man a blind man?

Is it because he is too perfect?

Of course, it's not unacceptable for book fans. Hua Manlou is a blind man. They are just surprised, very surprised!

It is not only unexpected that Gu Yong wants to make Hua Manlou blind, but also that Hua Manlou is blind.

According to the previous description, no one would have thought that Hua Manlou was blind.

Because, in everyone's subconscious mind, if a blind man does not complain about God's injustice, he is already in a very good state of mind, and how can he be grateful to God for giving him life.

How can a blind man be as optimistic about life and future as Hua Manlou?

Therefore, no one would have thought that Hua Manlou turned out to be a blind doctor and a small farmer.

Fans of books are not only accidental, but also accidental.

However, as Hua Manlou himself said, "What kind of people do you want to look like a blind man?"

This sentence made all book fans think, and they were all thinking about this sentence of Hua Manlou.

And Hua Manlou also said that although he could not see, he could hear the sound of snowflakes falling on the roof, and he could also feel the flower buds slowly opening in the spring breeze, and he could also feel that the autumn wind often carried them. Plant the fragrance of leaves from the distant mountains.

In addition, Hua Manlou said: "As long as you are willing to appreciate it, you will find how lovely life is, and there are many delights in every season that can make you forget all your troubles. Can you live happily? The question is not whether you are blind? It is whether you really care about your own life? Do you really want to live happily?"

Although Hua Manlou's eyes are invisible, he is always able to discover all kinds of beauty in life, and he discovers more than people with normal eyes.

Therefore, he is always grateful to God for giving him so many beautiful things.

Hua Manlou's words, word by word, reverberated in the minds of all book fans, and vaguely, they could feel their hearts trembling slightly.

They suddenly found that they opened their big eyes every day and saw many colors and many things, but they also ignored many beautiful things.

Those things may be invisible to the eyes, only to be felt with the heart.

It's just that their eyes can see, so they ignore it, or they don't want to feel those beautiful things with their hearts.

Maybe they should close their eyes a little more, and then feel with their hearts those beautiful things that they usually ignore.

In that case, a person's life and life may be more beautiful.

All the book fans are suddenly full of gratitude to Hua Manlou. It was Hua Manlou who made them wake up suddenly, and it was Hua Manlou who let them know that they had neglected many beautiful things in life before.

Fortunately, it is still too late to wake up now, they still have a lot of time to make up for the regrets they missed before.

Therefore, they are so grateful to Hua Manlou.

Huamanlou, they remembered the name and will never forget it.

Shangguan Feiyan must also remember the name of Hua Manlou forever.

Shangguan Feiyan asked Huamanlou, what else is there besides snow in winter and flowers in spring?

Hua Manlou replied that there are many things here, and that he has a very good friend.

Shangguan Feiyan asked Hua Manlou's friend again.

Hua Manlou said that his friend's name was Lu Xiaofeng, and although his name was "Xiaofeng", he was an uncompromising man.

Lu XiaoFeng is an odd person because not only does he have two pairs of eyes and two ears,

Three hands and four eyebrows.

Shangguan Feiyan and all the fans were taken aback, what does this mean?

After that, they were connected a little bit. Two pairs of eyes and two ears should mean that he could see and hear more than others.

Three hands should mean that his hands are faster and more flexible than anyone else.

But what do four eyebrows mean?

Shangguan Feiyan didn't understand it, and neither did all the book fans.

Shangguan Feiyan decided that in the future, she must think of something to see Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows.

And all the book fans are also eager to take a look, why does Lu Xiaofeng have four eyebrows?

At this time, the fans did not forget that Lu Xiaofeng was the protagonist of this work.

Now, Gu Yong used Hua Manlou's mouth to say Lu Xiaofeng's name.

With the four characters of Grandma Xiong, Honest Monk, Ximen Chuixue, and Hua Manlou, book fans are looking forward to the protagonist Lu Xiaofeng even more.

And then, it was obviously time for the protagonist Lu Xiaofeng to appear.

The Tsing Yi Building is a very large and mysterious organization on the rivers and lakes. On the first floor of the Tsing Yi Building, there are two portraits of two figures, the iron-faced judge and the soul-hooker who are chasing one person.

The person they were chasing was called Lu Xiaofeng.

They chased for a long time and finally caught up with Lu Xiaofeng.

To be precise, Lu XiaoFeng was waiting for them and made them catch up on purpose.

They wanted to invite Lu Xiaofeng to the Tsing Yi Building, but Lu Xiaofeng did not agree, because the Iron Faced Judge and the Soul Seducer were already dead.

It was not Lu Xiaofeng who killed them, but the other three, Liu Yuhen, Xiao Qiuyu, and Dugufang.

The reason why these three people killed the Iron Faced Judge and the Soul Enchanter was because one of them wanted to ask Lu Xiaofeng for a favor.

A woman, a very beautiful woman, and a princess.

A dynasty that has been destroyed, the princess of the Jinpeng Dynasty, Shangguan Danfeng.

Shangguan Danfeng wanted to ask Lu Xiaofeng a favor, a very troublesome one, Liu Yuhen, Xiao Qiuyu, and Dugu Fang, who were also masters of seiyuu development by Shangguan Danfeng.

In addition, Shangguan Danfeng also invited Lu Xiaofeng's friend, Hua Manlou.

Lu Xiaofeng didn't intend to accept the invitation at first, but due to the reason of Huamanlou, he accepted the invitation and went with Shangguan Danfeng to meet Shangguan Danfeng's father, King Dajinpeng.

King Jinpeng told Lu Xiaofeng that before their Jinpeng dynasty was destroyed, his father, the previous King Jinpeng, asked him to come to Middle-earth in order to preserve his strength and seek rejuvenation in the future, and divided the wealth of the treasury into four parts. , and handed it over to four confidants, asking them to help him come to Middle-earth.

However, three of the four important ministers betrayed the Dajin Dynasty and started their own lives in Middle-earth with the wealth of the Dajin Dynasty.

King Dajinpeng has already checked it out, and the current identities of those three people are all famous people who move the world.

The three people were Yan Tieshan, the owner of the Jewelry Pavilion, the head of Emei, Dugu Yihe, the owner of the Tsing Yi Building, and Huo Xiu, the richest man in the world.

What the Great Jinpeng King wanted to ask Lu Xiaofeng to do was to find these three people and ask them to return the wealth they brought from the Jinpeng Dynasty to the Jinpeng Dynasty, and to personally go to the deceased king's spiritual seat to repent of their mistakes.

This is almost an impossible task. Lu XiaoFeng didn't want to agree at first, but in the end, due to some reasons, he finally agreed.

And the whole story, when it gets here, is officially started to develop.

At this time, fans of the book finally know why Lu Xiaofeng has four eyebrows?

It turned out that it was because Lu Xiaofeng's beard was exactly the same as his eyebrows, it looked like he had four eyebrows.

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