Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1731 A Sword More Terrifying Than Ximen Chuixue's Sword

Times Literature Award Jury Office.

After watching the first unit of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", "Jinpeng Dynasty", Yang Qiming couldn't contain his joy. He liked suspense, detective, and case-solving novels very much.

Li Fan's detective work is one of his favorite works.

He also likes Gu Yong's martial arts novels very much. He believes that Gu Yong's new martial arts novel will definitely be a very classic work.

But he did not expect that Guyong would incorporate a large number of suspense detective elements into the new martial arts novels, making the new martial arts novels a unique suspense detective martial arts novel in the entire martial arts novel world.

Reading "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" feels like reading a martial arts novel and a suspenseful detective novel.

This is a huge surprise for Yang Qiming, who likes martial arts novels and suspenseful detective novels at the same time. This kind of surprise makes him excited and excited.

He had never thought that martial arts novels and suspenseful detective novels could be so perfectly integrated.

This is a brand-new reading experience, which makes Yang Qiming excited.

For the story behind "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", Yang Qiming has endless expectations in his heart, even more than before.

He said to Li Bo with joy: "Gu Yong gave me another huge surprise this time, and he once again branded his martial arts novels with a new brand of forensic coddles, and knocked down Prince Aojiao. Lu Xiaofeng, Hua Manlou, Ximen Chuixue, these are all classic martial arts characters."

Li Bo nodded and said, "That's true. Besides, as the first unit story of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", 'Jinpeng Dynasty' is very likely still Gu Yong's small test work. The stories in the following units may be better than 'The Jinpeng Dynasty' is even more exciting."

After hearing this, Yang Qiming laughed and said, "Lao Li, do you think so too? I think so too. If the previous "Jasper Sword" is regarded as an attempt, this time's 'Jinpeng Dynasty' can be called it It's a small test of a masterpiece. So, the story behind it is really exciting."

Li Bo smiled and said, "You seem to be completely addicted to it?"

Yang Qiming said: "If you want to say addicted, you are not wrong. I am not only addicted to "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", I will be addicted to the works I like. If you are not addicted, when you watch the works, you will undoubtedly Much less fun and feeling."

Lippo has no objection to this statement, just "addicted" once, which seems to have a slightly derogatory meaning. If it is replaced by "intoxicated", it seems to be much better.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan said cheerfully to Liang Sheng, "Lao Liang, how are you? The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng didn't disappoint you, did it?"

Liang Sheng was extremely happy in his heart, but he pretended to be calm on the surface, and deliberately said lightly: "Well, it's alright. It's also acceptable to incorporate the elements of a suspenseful detective into it. I ask you, "Lu Xiaofeng" "Legend", how many units of stories have you prepared in total?"

Li Fan replied, "Seven."

"Seven?" Liang Sheng's eyes brightened, and a look of surprise and excitement flashed across his face. Obviously, the seven-unit story had more room for rebirth than he imagined: the chief's military doctor's daughter-in-law.

He continued to remain calm and asked again: "So, how many units of stories have you completed now?"

Li Fan said: "Seven."

"Seven? Doesn't this mean that the entire story of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" has been created? This kid..." Liang Sheng really didn't know what to say.

No matter what type of work to create, it seems to be a very easy thing for that kid.

After Li Fan left, Liang Sheng said to Zheng Jie, "Do you think that when the kid is creating his works, will there be a situation with Kawen?"

Zheng Jie said: "It stands to reason that when any author is creating, there will be a situation in Kawen. But that kid should be an exception."

Liang Sheng nodded and said, "I think that kid is also an exception.

I really hope that the kid will have the situation of Carvin at some time, so that the kid is not always so awkward. "

Zheng Jie smiled and said, "I absolutely agree with this sentence."


Calvin? For Li Fan, it obviously does not exist at all.

Because the works he launched are all works that others have already written, how could there be a situation like Kavin?

Li Fan has already coded all the stories of the seven units of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng".

He is now preparing a work that will be released after "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng".

And "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" is still being serialized one issue at a time.

After the end of the story of the first unit "Jinpeng Dynasty", all the book fans are looking forward to my co-rental eldest lady even more for the following stories.

Everyone can basically be sure that the story behind will still be a suspenseful detective-type story.

Then, what kind of strange case will Lu Xiaofeng encounter? What kind of people will you meet? Will there be enough characters to become classics?

These questions and suspense are very attractive to book fans, making them very impatient for the story behind.

And the second unit "Embroidery Thief" officially started serialization.

It can be seen from the name of the unit that the previous guesses of the book fans are not wrong. The story of the second unit is indeed a suspenseful detective story.

Of course it is.

The 800,000 taels of gold in the Zhenyuan Security Bureau was robbed, the heavily guarded Pingnan Palace was stolen, and Jiang Chongwei, the head of the palace, was blinded by the robbers.

The embroidery thief can do so many major cases, naturally it will not be a simple person, and it will obviously not be an easy task to catch him.

It should be said that it is a very difficult thing.

Therefore, Jin Jiuling, the chief catcher of "Six Doors", was helpless.

However, Jin Jiuling knew that someone could help him solve the case, and that person was Lu Xiaofeng.

Jin Jiuling successfully invited Lu Xiaofeng to come out, and agreed to solve the case within eight days.


From the very beginning of the case, there was a strong attraction, and all the book fans were extremely excited and hooked.

And the appearance of a character made all book fans even more excited about the Valkyrie Destruction System.

In order to find out the truth of the matter, Lu Xiaofeng decided to take a risk and visit the Pingnan Palace at night.

In the Pingnan Palace, Lu Xiaofeng met a person, a person whose swordsmanship seemed to be better than Ximen Chuixue.

In the darkness, when Lu XiaoFeng was flying into the air, he suddenly found a man with a white face and a slight beard, wearing a snow-white robe, looking at him with cold eyes.

Lu XiaoFeng's heart sank, and the person sank, he could feel the fear of that person.

Lu XiaoFeng hurriedly used the skill of "a thousand gold pendants" and fell to the ground.

At this moment, he saw a flash of sword light, stabbing from the roof opposite, and the man shot.

Lu XiaoFeng had never seen such a brilliant, swift sword light. Suddenly, his whole body was enveloped by sword qi, a sword qi that could chill even the bone marrow.

The sharpness of this sword seems to be even more terrifying than Ximen Chuixue's sword, and almost no one in the world can resist this sword.

Lu XiaoFeng couldn't resist either.

When they saw this, all the book fans were shocked. They never thought that there was a sword more terrifying than Ximen Chuixue's sword on the rivers and lakes.

They always believed that the sword of the Sword God Ximen Chuixue was the most powerful and terrifying sword in the world.

So, who is this person who is more terrifying than Ximen Chuixue now?

All book lovers can't wait to know the answer.

They were not worried about Lu Xiaofeng. Lu Xiaofeng was the protagonist, so it was impossible to avoid this sword.

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