Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1730 The top 2 people with talent and talent

The serialization of the first unit of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" "Jinpeng Dynasty" has ended.

Gu Yong successfully integrated the elements of suspense detective into martial arts, forming a unique suspense detective martial arts.

Moreover, this suspenseful element runs through the whole story, making the truth of the matter always confusing, until the truth is revealed at the end.

All the book fans were surprised, excited and excited, and they were also talking about it on the Internet.

"The story of the 'Jinpeng Dynasty' is over. I can only say that this is a perfect story, and this is also the beginning of Lu Xiaofeng's legendary life."

"Suspense detective martial arts, there is no doubt that this is another new creation of Gu Yongda. This style of martial arts was originally a new style of martial arts just launched by Gu Yongda, and now Gu Yongda has incorporated the elements of suspense detectives into it. It can be said to be a double innovation. It is worthy of being the leader of martial arts."

"The new style should be imitated by the author. Although it is far from the height of Gu Yong, it should still be possible to imitate its shape. Han Yuzhi should be able to control the starlight. However, if you add the elements of a suspenseful detective, I am afraid it will not be possible. People can imitate."

"Of course no one can imitate it. Apart from Gu Yongda, which martial arts writer is good at creating suspense detectives? Other writers just want to imitate, but he can't imitate them. This kind of suspense detective martial arts is destined to be the whole A unique existence in the martial arts world."

"It is indeed a unique existence. However, if there is one person who is willing to write martial arts, it may not be a unique existence."

"It's Mr. Li Fan who is talking about upstairs. That's true. Mr. Li Fan is the number one detective and case solver. Moreover, Mr. Li Fan can definitely write martial arts. Even if he can't surpass Gu Yong, the difference should not be too big. Far. Unfortunately, Mr. Li Fan obviously has no plans to write about martial arts."

"Don't tell me, if Mr. Li Fan really writes about martial arts, his achievements may not be much worse than Gu Yong, but it is impossible for Mr. Li Fan to write about martial arts."

"By the way, when will Mr. Li Fan release a new work? It's been a while since Journey to the West ended."

"Don't worry everyone, Mr. Li Fan's works are all absolute masterpieces. The three recent works, "Legend of the White Snake", "The Romance of Fengshen", and "Journey to the West" are even more shocking than the ancient world. The influence of Yongda's works is much greater, and we have to wait patiently for Mr. Li Fan's new works."

"We are very fortunate to be able to see the works of Gu Yongda and Mr. Li Fan at the same time."

"'Jinpeng Dynasty' is the first unit of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng". I don't know how many units there will be in total. I really hope the more the better."

"Since it is a legend, there should be at least five or more units. Everyone can look forward to the next unit. I hope the next unit will still be this kind of suspenseful detective martial arts."

"It should be, not only the next unit, but all units. Thinking about it, it really makes people look forward to Jiuyang God King!"


Fans are talking about it, and so are all the martial arts authors.

"Suspense detective martial arts, this should be regarded as a new type of new types. Sometimes I really think, why is Gu Yong's talent so high? God is too kind to him."

"God is indeed very kind to Gu Yong, but this can also be said to be God's care for us. It was God who made Gu Yong born and came to save our entire martial arts world. If it wasn't for Gu Yong , How can martial arts have their current glory? How can we martial arts writers be as nourished as they are now? So, this is also God’s blessing to us.”

"That's right. It's a favor for Gu Yong, and it's a favor for us. However, it's a pity that a suspenseful detective like Gu Yong is so popular with book fans, but we can't imitate it."

"We are not good at the creation of suspense detectives, and naturally we can't imitate them. It will be a work with a unique style in the entire martial arts world.

In other words, we should not be too greedy, we want to learn from and imitate everything. "

"Lu Xiaofeng, Hua Manlou, and Ximen Chuixue, these three characters will undoubtedly become classic characters in the martial arts world. As soon as Gu Yong's novel and new style of martial arts came out, he really created enough characters to become classics. Envy and jealousy."

"The first unit is only over now. I wonder if there will continue to be characters that are enough to become classics in the following units?"

"It should still appear, no way, it's Gu Yong's work."



Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Wang Yang said with emotion: "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng, Lu Xiaofeng, Hua Manlou, and Ximen Chuixue appear enough to become classic characters, and they are reborn and fascinated by Xiangjiang."

Jian Yi Shen said: "It is indeed enough to become a classic character. Moreover, I found that the names of these characters are completely different from the previous ones. They used to be Guo Jing, Yang Guo, Xiao Feng, and they were all very common names. Now But it is Hua Manlou, Ximen Chuixue, the same name as a poem. I wonder if this is intentional by Gu Yong?"

Wang Yang smiled and said: "This should be done on purpose, perhaps to distinguish it from the previous classic characters. If nothing else, the name style of the classic characters in this new style of work will be different from the previous ones. those classic characters."

Jian Yishen said helplessly: "Only Gu Yong can play like this. Also, this kind of writing style that integrates the elements of suspenseful detectives into martial arts, I am afraid that no one can learn from and imitate."

Wang Yang said: "There is one person who should be able to, but he should not plan to write about martial arts."

Jian Yi Shendao said, "The editor-in-chief said Mr. Li Fan?"

Wang Yangdao: "Of course, there is only Mr. Li Fan. In terms of talent, Mr. Li Fan is the only person above Gu Yong. If he also writes about martial arts, even if he can't surpass Gu Yong, it won't be too far behind. "

Jian Yi Shendao: "It's a pity that Mr. Li Fan has no plans to write martial arts. I don't know what type of work Mr. Li Fan's next work will be? After the end of "Journey to the West", Mr. Li Fan said that he would temporarily I won't write works of gods and demons anymore. The type of his next work will become a mystery."

Wang Yangdao: "Mr. Li Fan's works are all excellent, and the next one is definitely worth looking forward to, no matter what type it is. He and Gu Yong are the only two in the entire country. Every work is excellent, as expected. The top two in talent and talent.”

Sword One Shinto: "It is the luck that we are living in this era to be able to read the works of both of them at the same time."

Wang Yang sighed: "Yes, it is indeed our luck."

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