Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1733 1 Sword Comes from the West, Flying Immortals from the Sky

Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue, the two most terrifying swordsmen in the world, will there be a peak battle?

I don't know the answer yet, and book fans can only hope endlessly in their hearts.

In addition to the peak battle between the two swordsmen, the case of "The Embroidery Thief" naturally also has great appeal to book fans.

In an impossible place, an impossible thing happened. The Pingnan Palace was heavily guarded, with three iron gates one foot seven inches locked, and even a treasury ant could not enter. Someone actually sneaked in and stole countless numbers Treasures, simply incredible...


With the deepening of the case, the book fans found that the whole case became more and more bizarre, and they admired the embroidery thief more and more. He was one of Lu Xiaofeng's most terrifying opponents.

Because of the investigation, Lu Xiaofeng and Ye Gucheng met and almost died under Ye Gucheng's Feifei Immortal. Based on this alone, the embroidery thief was proud of himself.

However, no matter how seamless the embroidery thief's conspiracy was, Lu XiaoFeng finally found out the truth bit by bit.

It turned out that Jin Jiuling, the chief arrester of "Six Doors", who asked Lu Xiaofeng to help solve the case by aggressive methods, was the mastermind behind the "embroidered thief" case.

The whole incident was a conspiracy planned by Jin Jiuling, including the use of aggressive tactics to ask Lu Xiaofeng to help solve the case.

Jin Jiuling, who is both the perpetrator and the investigator, has always watched the progress of the investigation of all the cases, and even set up traps to lead Lu Xiaofeng astray step by step.

It can be said that what Lu XiaoFeng is facing is not an established robbery, but a well-planned conspiracy with many traps.

This made the case extremely bizarre and complicated, and Lu Xiaofeng was like being played by Jin Jiuling.

Lu Xiaofeng worked hard, and the clues that she finally found were often fake clues that Jin Jiuling deliberately created.

Lu XiaoFeng could only spy on the real clues bit by bit among the fake clues that Jin Jiuling deliberately created.

The real clues are hidden in the fake clues, and the fake clues point out the real clues carelessly everywhere.

Book fans have been fooled by false clues more than once. Many times they thought that Lu Xiaofeng finally found the truth, but the final result was that the truth was not the real truth.

The real truth remains elusive.

When Lu Xiaofeng finally revealed the real truth, all the book fans finally realized that they had been lied to so many times, and this time they finally knew the real truth.

Looking back on the whole case, I have to sigh at the bizarreness of the case and the ingenious design of Jin Jiuling, which is enough to make people stunned.

Of course, Gu Yong is the final planner of the whole case. This case is more sophisticated and more difficult to distinguish between true and false than the "Jinpeng Dynasty" case.

In the process of reading, book fans often feel that Gu Yong is fighting their wits with them, and they are often confused. Many places have to be carefully read several times before they can truly understand. They really see it. "Too tired".

However, although they are tired, they are very excited. The more tired they are, the more excited they are.

Because the more tired they look, the more bizarre and complicated the whole case becomes.

The case becomes more and more bizarre and complicated, and naturally the more enjoyable and exciting it is to watch.

And at the end of "The Embroidered Thief", there is another sentence that excites fans apart from the truth of the case.

This sentence makes all book fans excited and excited.

"On the night of the full moon, on the top of Zijin, a sword comes from the west, and the heavens fly immortals."

Lu Xiaofeng was drunk and wanted to leave. Aunt Gongsun asked where Lu Xiaofeng was going?

Lu XiaoFeng said, "Since I'm leaving, why do you need to ask again?"

However, Aunt Gongsun said, "Actually, I don't have to ask, and you don't have to tell me, because where you go is also where I go."

Lu XiaoFeng said strangely, "Do you know where I am going?"

Aunt Gongsun said: "Three hundred years, the two most famous swordsmen in the martial arts,

It is about to duel at the top of Zijin Mountain. This battle is bound to be a sensation in the world, and it will be immortal. How could I miss it? "

Lu XiaoFeng said again, "Do you know about this?"

Aunt Gongsun said: "I also know that their duel is not the first day of the new year, but the fifteenth, the night of the full moon, the top of the purple gold, a sword coming from the west, and flying immortals from the sky."

After Aunt Gongsun said this sentence, the second unit "Embroidery Thief" ended.

However, Aunt Gongsun's words are enough to make all book fans excited and excited.

The two most famous swordsmen in martial arts are naturally Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng. The pinnacle battle that book fans had been looking forward to before was really coming, and Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng were really going to have a showdown.

On the night of the full moon, on the top of purple gold, a sword comes from the west, and the sky is flying immortals.

Two peerless and arrogant swordsmen are going to compete on the top of Zijin. This is a real peak battle.

Is Ximen Chuixue powerful? Or is Ye Gucheng powerful? This question may really have an answer.

Since "The Embroidery Thief" ends with this sentence, it is certain that the next unit story must be related to this peak battle.

For the next unit story, all book fans are extremely looking forward to it!

On the Internet, the discussion among book fans about this peak battle is very hot.

"With a sword coming from the west, the immortals will fly from the sky. I will drop a day, Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng will really have a showdown. This is really an exciting and exciting thing."

"It's definitely a real peak battle, I really can't imagine, what kind of battle would it be?"

"Two peerless and arrogant swordsmen, standing on the top of purple gold, the long swords in their hands are already unsheathed, such a picture is simply unimaginable."

"The next unit story must be related to this peak battle, and I don't know what kind of story it will be? It's really exciting!"

"Speaking of Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, why do they have to duel?"

"The reason will be explained in the next unit story. However, according to my understanding, it should be a kind of glory that belongs to the peerless swordsman. They are all extremely arrogant people, so they must fight to see who is the best. The real first swordsman?"

"So, who is more powerful, Ximen Chuixue or Ye Gucheng?"

"This... According to the plot of Lu Xiaofeng's encounter with Ye Gucheng in the Pingnan Palace, it seems that Ye Gucheng is more powerful. However, as we have analyzed before, this does not mean that Ye Gucheng will be in the Victory in a duel."

"No matter who wins or loses, all I know is that this battle is bound to be earth-shattering."

"Of course, Aunt Gongsun said that the battle will not only be a sensation in the world, but it will also be immortal."

"Looking forward! It's really exciting!"


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