Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1738 The Conspiracy Behind the Peak Showdown

Ye Gucheng actually found a substitute to participate in the duel between him and Ximen Chuixue, which made the fans of the book really bewildered.

Is it really Ye Gucheng?

Has he been seriously injured? He found a substitute to join the war, in order to fulfill the agreement with Ximen Chuixue, and then let the substitute die under the sword of Ximen Chuixue. Is this his last glory as a peerless swordsman?

This possibility is not impossible, but it is very low. Ye Gucheng, as a swordsman who is famous all over the world and has unparalleled swordsmanship in the world, can't die in such a confused way.

There is also a more important reason, that is, the substitute he was looking for is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. It is impossible for Ye Gucheng's glory to die under the sword of Ximen Chuixue.

The reason why he dared to fight for Ye Gucheng was because he had absolute certainty that Ximen Chuixue would not take action against Ye Gucheng, who was seriously injured.

Therefore, he has been pretending to be seriously injured.

This is indeed the case. Ximen Chuixue did not take action, but postponed the date for another month, and then left.

All this was perfect, he deceived everyone including Ximen Chuixue and Lu Xiaofeng.

It's just that he didn't expect that Tang Tianzong would suddenly attack Ye Gucheng, and he was hit by Tang Tianzong's arsenosudden sand, which brought the matter to light.

And he came to fight for Ye Gucheng, obviously not his idea, but Ye Gucheng's idea.

So, what about the real Ye Gucheng? Where are you now? Why would he do this?

All these make fans feel very puzzled, they really can't figure out, why did Ye Gucheng do this?

While Lu XiaoFeng was stunned, he suddenly became enlightened. He finally solved all the mysteries.

It turned out that this was a conspiracy by the Prince of the Southern Prince to launch a rebellion and usurp the throne.

The Prince of Nanwang looks exactly like the current emperor, trying to kill the emperor and replace him.

Tonight, when Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng fought at the top of the Forbidden City, it was when the Prince of Nanwang and others launched a rebellion.

They have used the peak duel between the two to transfer all the inner palace guards away, so that they can easily control the emperor.

And the main messenger behind this conspiracy is Ye Gucheng.

Ye Gucheng pretended to be caught by the poison of the poisonous sand of Tang Tianyi, the eldest son of Tangmen in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, and then used the smokescreen of Li Yanbei and Du Tongxuan's gambling, and then used this decisive battle as an introduction. is his stand-in.

Ye Gucheng was not injured from beginning to end. He pretended to be injured in order to deceive everyone, including Lu Xiaofeng, so as to facilitate his secret actions.

He did succeed, he succeeded in deceiving Lu Xiaofeng, so that Lu Xiaofeng really thought that his serious injury was not healed, and he deceived everyone else.

This conspiracy to usurp the throne has been planned by Ye Gucheng for a long time, and has been going on for a long time. The eunuch Wang Zongguan and the people of the Nanwangfu have been in contact with each other. The place where they met was Ouyang Qing's brothel.

Although no one knew about this, Ye Gucheng was not at ease, because he knew that the grandson of the grandson and Ouyang Qing were not ordinary people. He always suspected that they had discovered the secret, so Ye Gucheng must kill them.

Ye Gucheng successfully killed the eldest master of the grandson of the turtle, and Ouyang Qing was also poisoned by snake venom.

Because Zhang Yingfeng, one of the "Three Yings" of the Emei faction, was eager to seek revenge for Ximen Chuixue, and found the eunuch's nest, but accidentally discovered that Ye Gucheng was also there, and was immediately killed.

The third wax figure that Zhang Yingfeng squeezed before his death was Ye Gucheng. It was because of this wax figure that the clay figurine Zhang died.

Ye Gucheng also strangled Aunt Gongsun with a ribbon, in an attempt to put the blame on Aunt Gongsun for the person who killed the grandfather Gui Sunzi and Ouyang Qing in vain.

However, it didn't work out, Lu Xiaofeng absolutely believed that the murderer was not Aunt Gongsun.

In addition, Ye Gucheng also created some fake clues, hoping that Lu Xiaofeng suspects that the main messenger behind the scenes is an honest monk.

This time,

Ye Gucheng almost succeeded. Lu Xiaofeng did once suspect that the honest monk was the main messenger behind the scenes, but in the end he still believed that the honest monk was not the main messenger behind the scenes.

Wei Ziyun, the No. 1 master in the big inner circle, used ribbons to limit the number of heroes from all over the world entering the Forbidden City to watch the battle, so as to ensure the safety of the Forbidden City.

Ye Gucheng asked Director Wang to steal another piece of color-changing silk from the inner warehouse, dressed it as a ribbon, and handed it to the Lord of Baiyun, and asked the Lord of Baiyun to pass it on to the heroes of all corners of the world.

Therefore, the number of people who finally entered the Forbidden City to watch the battle was much more than Wei Ziyun expected.

There were more people entering the Forbidden City to watch the battle than planned, so Wei Ziyun had to transfer all the manpower to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to guard, to ensure that the spectators would not mess around.

In this way, the strength of the guards around the emperor will naturally weaken, and the success rate of the Southern Prince's rebellion will be greatly increased.

Another important reason for Ye Gucheng to find a substitute to fight for him is that he wants to personally participate in the rebellion of the Prince of the South.

This is the great conspiracy hidden behind the peak duel, and the main messenger of this conspiracy is Ye Gucheng.

Ye Gucheng would actually help the Prince of Nan to plot a rebellion, which is really incomprehensible.

At least fans of the book are still completely incomprehensible.

In the emperor's bedroom.

The eunuch Wang An, the Prince of Nanwang and others attacked the emperor, but they did not expect that there were four secret guards with extremely high martial arts beside the emperor. Seeing that they could not successfully win the emperor, Ye Gucheng suddenly appeared.

No matter how high the martial arts of the four secret guards are, in front of Ye Gucheng, it is still in vain.

Ye Gucheng's sword was very cold, his sword was aimed at the emperor, and at this critical moment, a person appeared.

Lu Xiaofeng!

Lu Xiaofeng knew Ye Gucheng's conspiracy and knew that the emperor was in trouble at the moment, so he came to rescue him specially.

Only Lu Xiaofeng could stop Ye Gucheng's impending sword.

Only Lu XiaoFeng could stop that sword flying from the sky.

Ye Gucheng sighed, he knew that since Lu Xiaofeng had come, today's plan would not be successful.

Now, he can only escape, his swordsmanship is the best in the world, and his Qinggong is naturally extremely high.

At this time, the first month is Bai Fengqing, and this place is Jinlou Yuguan. Ye Gucheng has already displayed his fastest speed, but his heart is very chaotic.

Ye Gucheng was on the run. There were many things he couldn't figure out. What mistakes and loopholes were there in this plan? How could Lu XiaoFeng find out his secret? Why did it suddenly appear? No one could answer him.

The moonlight was dreary, as if foggy.

In the shadow of the imperial city in front, there was a man standing quietly, dressed in white as snow.

He blocked Ye Gucheng's way.

Who has the qualifications and courage to stand in the way of Ye Gucheng?

Naturally, the answer can only be Ximen Chuixue.

Ximen Chuixue had a sword in his palm, and the sword was still in its sheath, but Ye Gucheng could feel an indescribable sword energy pressing down on him.

Ximen Chuixue's people are sharper and sharper than swords.

When the eyes of two people meet, it is like sharp edge strikes.

None of them moved. This static pressure was stronger and more terrifying than moving.

A fallen leaf floated over, floating between the two of them, and fell immediately, even the wind couldn't blow it.

Although this pressure is invisible, it is by no means invisible.

Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, two peerless swordsmen, once again stood against the wind at the top of the Forbidden City.

This time, Ye Gucheng was the real Ye Gucheng, and he was not injured.

"Ximen Chuixue suddenly said: 'You learn swords?'

Ye Gucheng said: 'I am the sword. ’


After a brief conversation, the two stopped talking.

The end of the road is the end of the world, and the end of words is the sword.

The sword is already in hand, and is about to be unsheathed.

At this moment, Wei Ziyun, the first master in the country, led many master guards to surround Ye Gucheng.

Even if Ye Gucheng has the best swordsmanship in the world, I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape from the Forbidden City.

Wei Ziyun asked Ye Gucheng, "The city owner is outside the sky, the sword is like a flying fairy, and the person is like a flying fairy, why bother to be demoted to the red dust and do such an unwise thing?"

This question is also a question that many book fans want to know. They also don't understand why Ye Gucheng does this?

However, Ye Gucheng said, "You don't understand this kind of thing."

Wei Ziyun really didn't understand it, and neither did all the book fans.

At least for now, they haven't figured it out yet.


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