Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1748 fans are very depressed

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1748 Fans are very depressed Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Peerless Divine Lord Chooses the Day, The Eternal Night King, the Great Ruler of the Sacred Ruins, the Xue Ying Lord, The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King Surprised and strange about this.

Among them, the most unexpected people belonged to the screenwriter circle. At this time, they finally knew the reason why Wang Jin did not announce the results for a long time.

It turned out that Wang Jin was really looking for another script, but the object he was looking for was not someone from their screenwriting circle, but Li Fan.

And Li Fan did not directly write the script, but a novel, and Wang Jin would definitely find someone to adapt the novel into a script at that time.

Wang Jin would rather take one more step and find Li Fan to cooperate. It seems that he is really dissatisfied with all the scripts.

After learning this fact, the mentality of the screenwriters varies.

Some people smiled bitterly and looked ashamed. There are so many excellent screenwriters in their screenwriting circle, but none of their works can satisfy Wang Jin. In the end, Li Fan has to come out. They feel very ashamed and feel a little ashamed of the screenwriter. Profession.

At the same time, they are also full of curiosity and expectation for Li Fan's upcoming work called "Water Margin".

Objectively speaking, works with the theme of "uprising", whether they are scripts or novels, are extremely difficult to create, and they are also easy to touch the minefield.

This time, none of the scripts created by everyone made Wang Jin particularly satisfied, and it was also related to the difficulty of creating works on the theme of "uprising".

What makes the screenwriters even more depressing is that this kind of subject matter is difficult to create. The key is that the audience has no interest in works of this kind of subject.

After the CCTV filming is completed and the broadcast starts, the ratings will definitely not be high.

Of course, the low ratings have nothing to do with CCTV and the screenwriters. CCTV's filming of such works is definitely not for high ratings, but for some other purpose.

For the screenwriters, they are so eager for their script to be selected because this is a TV series shot by CCTV. If the script is selected, there will be many unexpected benefits.

As for the ratings, everyone doesn't care much, and it can't be very high anyway.

Although Wang Jin has high requirements for the script, he does not expect high ratings.

So, what will be the market reaction of Li Fan's "Water Margin"?

Those screenwriters who feel very ashamed are very curious and looking forward to it. They understand that this kind of work they create is not very popular, which does not mean that this kind of work created by Li Fan is also not popular.

At the same time, they also believed that Wang Jin's decision this time was correct, and asking Li Fan to create a novel based on "uprising" was indeed the most perfect choice.

However, not all screenwriters think that way.

There are also some screenwriters who scoff at this. They think that although Li Fan is very famous, he is called an unparalleled genius, and his talent ranks first, but it does not mean how good his works on this theme will be.

They believed that Li Fan's "Water Margin" was definitely not as good as the script they created, and it was not a wise decision for Wang Jin to abandon their script this time and find Li Fan to cooperate.

Screenwriters with this mentality are led by Zhang Na, Yu Sipeng, and Wang Rui, and most of the others have a good relationship with one of these three.

Zhang Na, Yu Sipeng, and Wang Rui were very annoyed at this time. They thought that their script would definitely be selected this time, but how could they imagine such an accident would happen?

In the circle of screenwriters, Zhang Na said very unhappily, ""Water Margin"? I don't understand what the title of this book means? I think it's just that Li Fan is making a mystery there.

Deliberately make a book title that no one can understand to show that you are different. Very good, I would like to see his "Water Margin", how can it be better than my "Rise Up"? "

After Zhang Na, Yu Sipeng also said unhappily: "No way, who makes Li Fan famous? Director Wang is naturally more willing to believe his works. "Water Margin", you look at the title of the book, it is more bluffing People, we are still a long way off."

Wang Rui was naturally displeased, and said: "Works with the theme of 'uprising' are not so easy to create. If not, they will hit a minefield. I don't think Li Fan's "Water Margin" will be a masterpiece. What an excellent work. It's a pity that people are famous, what can we do?"

Seeing the three people's obviously unhappy speeches, the screenwriters who had a good relationship with the three also spoke up.

"That is, being famous doesn't mean that all types of works are well created. I think Director Wang's decision this time is a wrong one."

"'Water Margin'? What's the name? I can't understand it. I also think it's Li Fan's tricks."

"Isn't "Water Margin" serialized three days later? After a few days of "Water Margin" serialization, Director Wang should know that his decision this time was wrong."

"I think it's the same. Director Wang will know that our work is the best work. In the end, he will still make a choice among our works."


Zhang Na, Yu Sipeng, and Wang Rui, seeing so many people supporting them, finally relieved their unhappiness, and then they all snorted coldly in their hearts: "Start the serialization in three days? Very good, I want to see it. How is your "Water Margin" better than mine?"


The screenwriters are discussing, and countless netizens outside are also discussing.

They were looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally they were looking forward to Li Fan's new novel.

It's just that Li Fanxin's novels are based on the theme of "uprising", which makes them very depressed. It's not that they don't believe in Li Fan's works, but they really don't like reading works of this theme.

They absolutely believe that Li Fan's "Water Margin" will be a very wonderful work, not as classic as "Journey to the West", but it will never be worse than "Journey to the West".

It's just that they really don't like to see works of this subject matter.

No matter how classic the work is, they don't like to see works with this theme, and it's no use.

CCTV is also true, if you want to make a TV series, you just need to go to those domestic screenwriters to write the script, why should you go to Mr. Li Fan to cooperate?

With so many excellent screenwriters in China, can't they create a good script?

Why do you have to trouble Mr. Li Fan? Really.

The book fans are complaining in their hearts. They are really very depressed. After finally waiting for Li Fan's new novel, it is a subject they don't like very much. Do you think they are depressed or not?

This is purely a wasted opportunity for Li Fan to launch a new novel.

If CCTV does not seek Li Fan to cooperate this time, maybe Li Fan will launch other types of novels.

Book fans are really depressed.

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