Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1760 Black Whirlwind Li Kui

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1760: Black Whirlwind Li Kui Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Rising Third Empire, Wulian Peak, Five Elements, The Gate of the Profound World .

"Wusong, will undoubtedly become one of the most classic characters in "Water Margin". His brother Wu Dalang, although not one of the heroes of Water Margin, can be said to be the most special one in the entire "Water Margin" People, his height and appearance, his experiences, encounters, etc., are all the most special existences. In this case, Wu Dalang is destined to become a classic character."

"Wu Dalang's life was tragic, but as we have analyzed before, he himself has to take some responsibility for the tragedy of his life."

"The most hateful person, I think it should be Wang Po. She is even more hateful than Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian. For a little benefit from Ximen Qing, she even proposed to poison Wu Dalang. It was really hateful, and she was finally sentenced to be executed. , is really heartwarming.”

"The story between Wu Song, Wu Dalang, Pan Jinlian, and Ximen Qing is undoubtedly a different story. I wonder if there will be more different stories in the future? It's really exciting. !"

"Twenty or thirty characters have appeared now. I wonder how many more characters will appear in the future? Quite looking forward to it!"

"Most of the characters and most of the stories are enough to become classics, worthy of being the work of Mr. Li Fan."

"Then let's continue the journey of "Water Margin". I believe that there are more characters and more exciting stories waiting for us later."

"Well said, then let's go again!"


Countless book fans are excited, they have been completely immersed in the world of "Water Margin".

The same is true for ordinary book fans, as well as for many celebrities and authors in various literary fields.

Everyone is looking forward to more characters and more exciting stories in "Water Margin".

And "Water Margin" naturally won't let them down.

As the serialization continues, wonderful characters emerge in an endless stream, as do wonderful stories.

Wu Song was sentenced to assassinate Mengzhou. On the way to Mengzhou, he passed the Shizipo Hotel, saw through the Menghan medicinal wine of the mother-in-law Sun Erniang, and fought with him. At the critical moment, Cai Yuanzi Zhang Qing arrived and persuaded the two of them.

After that, the couple became friends with Wu Song.

"The Mother Yaksha" Sun Erniang and "Caiyuanzi" Zhang Qing and their husbands appeared.

The two mentioned it when Lu Zhishen introduced himself to Yang Zhi before, and now they are officially on the stage.

After that, a series of stories, such as Wu Song's drunken beating of the Jiang Menshen, the rioting at Feiyunpu, and the blood splashing at the Mandarin Duck Tower, are still wonderful, and it is extremely enjoyable for book fans to read.

After that, Wu Song was forced to flee due to "blood splashing on the mandarin duck building", and with the help of Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang, he fell to Erlong Mountain.


On the way to Qingfeng Mountain, Song Jiang rescued the wife of Liu Gao, Zhizhai Zhizhai, who was kidnapped by Wang Ying up the mountain. Unexpectedly, Liu Gao's wife avenged her revenge, and instigated her husband to capture Song Jiang and torture him while viewing the lanterns on the Yuan night.

Hua Rong was furious when he learned of it, and rescued Song Jiang and showed his majesty with an arrow, scaring Sergeant Liu Gao away.

With superb arrow skills, "Li Guang" Hua Rong, who pierced through Yang at a hundred paces, appeared on the stage.

Lu Fang and Guo Sheng competed, and the colorful leopard tails on the two painted halberds could not be tangled, and Hua Rong shot an arrow to separate the two halberds.

A flock of geese flew by in the sky, Hua Rong said that he wanted to shoot the head of the third goose.

Hua Rong's superb archery has amazed and amazed fans.


Song Jiang was sent to Jiangzhou for killing Yan Poxi, and met Dai Zong. Dai Zong introduced a person to Song Jiang. His surname was Li and his name was Kui.

Li Kui escaped because he killed someone, met Shu You, and lived in Jiangzhou. As a small prisoner in the Jiangzhou prison, he became acquainted with Dai Zong, the dean of the Jiangzhou and Jiangzhou prisons, "Shenxing Taibao".

"Black Whirlwind" Li Kui appeared.

As soon as Li Kui appeared on the stage, he had a fight with Zhang Shun, the "white strip in the waves". The scene was extremely exciting, and the fans couldn't stop.

A few days later, Song Jiang wrote a poem on Xunyang Tower after drinking, and Huang Wenbing was sentenced by Wuweijun to interpret it as an anti-poem and reported to Cai Dezhang, the prefect of Cai Jiu, Jiangzhou.

Later, in order to save Song Jiang, Dai Zong went to Liangshan. Wu Yong taught Dai Zong to forge a letter from Cai Jing, but Huang Wenbing saw it.

Therefore, Dai Zong and Song Jiang were sentenced to death together and held at the crossroads to be beheaded.

In order to save the two, more than twenty heroes from Liangshan rushed to Jiangzhou under the leadership of Chao Gai, the number one leader, and robbed the temple.

Unaware of Liangshan's actions, Li Kui jumped from the upstairs where he was hiding in advance, cut down two executioners, and fought with everyone in Liangshan in the court at the same time.

After rescuing Song Jiang and Dai Zong, Li Kui, Zhang Shun and others followed Song Jiang to Liangshan.

After going up Liangshan, Song Jiang, Li Kui and others decided to leave Liangshan, and Chao Gai still took the top spot.

Li Kui thought of his mother, and in order to make his mother happy, he decided to go home to pick up his old mother to go up to Liangshan to enjoy happiness.

On the way home, he encountered a man who called himself "Black Whirlwind" Li Kui blocking the road and robbing money.

This is a fake black whirlwind meeting a real black whirlwind.

The story of "true and false Li Kui" begins.

Fake Li Kui pretending to be the real Li Kui, blocking the road and robbing money, often succeeds, because when people hear that it is a black whirlwind Li Kui, almost all of them will obediently take out the money.

But this time, he met the real Li Kui, and naturally it was impossible for him to succeed.

The fake Li Kui was called Li Gui. After being drunk by Li Kui, Li Gui cried and told his family that there was a 90-year-old mother who needed to be supported and asked Li Kui to spare his life.

Li Kui originally went back to pick up his mother, but when he learned that Li Gui also had a ninety-year-old mother at home, he released Li Gui.

Afterwards, Li Kui continued on his way. When he passed a house, he was hungry, so he knocked on the door of the house and was going to pay for some food.

It was a woman who opened the door.

After Li Kui entered the house, he heard a man say to the woman who had just opened the door that he was going to do business today, and he finally waited for someone to come, but it was really a black whirlwind Li Kui. In order to escape, he tricked Li Kui into saying that there were nine people at home. Ten-year-old mother cloud cloud.

It turned out that this family was the home of Li Gui. He said that there was a 90-year-old mother in the family, but he actually lied to Li Kui.

The woman who opened the door was Li Gui's wife.

Li Gui's wife also said that a black-faced man had just come to the house and asked Li Gui to see if it was the real Li Kui? If it was the real Li Kui, he would have been poisoned to death, taking the silver taels from him.

They didn't know, these words made Li Kui hear clearly.

When Li Gui stuck his head out to look, he was caught by Li Kui and slashed with a knife.

After beheading Li Gui, Li Kui went to look for the woman again, but seeing that the woman had already run away, Li Kui didn't bother to continue searching, so he set a fire to Li Gui's house and left.

When Li Kui returned home, he found that his mother was crying because she missed him so much that her eyes were blinded.

In order to make his mother willing to follow him to enjoy happiness, Li Kui lied that he was an official and came to pick up his mother to enjoy happiness.

Afterwards, Li Kui carried his blind mother on his back and ran to Liangshan.

When passing through Yiling on the way, his mother was thirsty and wanted to drink water, so Li Kui put down his mother and went to look for water.

However, when Li Kui came back from looking for water, he found that his mother was gone.

After looking around, I found that my mother was eaten by a tiger.

Li Kui was shocked, angry, fearful, and regretful. His muscles were trembling. In a fit of rage, he killed a litter of four tigers in a row.

However, his poor old mother could no longer survive.

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