Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1762 The mystery of the murderer who shot Chao Gai

Why did Li Kui's old mother die?

After reading Shen Cong's analysis of the reasons, all the fans were thoughtful.

Perhaps, Shen Cong's analysis is indeed correct. This is really a causal cycle, which makes people very sad and regretful.

However, Li Kui's character image is also very clear because of this. Although he likes to kill, loves to kill, and kills innocent people indiscriminately, he will never be a vicious person. He will not kill people randomly for no reason. He is also one of the heroes of Liangshan. one.

All book lovers believe this.

Li Kui is undoubtedly one of the most important characters in "Water Margin", and one of the characters that the author uses the most pen and ink.

On the Internet, the voices of various discussions about Li Kui fluctuated with each other.

And the story of "Water Margin" continues.

After Song Jiang, Li Kui and others went to Liangshan, the heroes of Liangshan attacked Zhujiazhuang three times, and sent troops to rescue Chai Jin, which made Liangshan's momentum grow stronger day by day.

Then, the three-way advance of Taiwei Gao was successively defeated, and the three mountains of Taohua Mountain, Erlong Mountain and Liangshan joined together and returned to Shuibo.

However, a very unfortunate event also came soon. Chao Gai, the number one leader in Liangshan, unfortunately died of poisoned arrows.

Chao Gai led an army to attack Zengtou City. He was lured by two monks and went deep into the enemy camp. He was shot by a poisonous arrow flying in the night, and he died after returning to Liangshan.

Who was the one who shot Chao Gai? On the surface, it seems to be Shi Wengong.

Because the poisoned arrow that shot Chao Gai was engraved with the words "Shi Wengong", naturally, Shi Wengong became the murderer who shot Chao Gai.

But is that really the case?

not necessarily.

A poisoned arrow engraved with the words "Shi Wengong" can't explain anything at all, let alone prove that Shi Wengong is the murderer.

In the original text, there is no clear description that Shi Wengong shot and killed Chao Gai.

The only thing we can tell is that Chao Gai was shot by an ambush in the dark, and where did this ambush come from? Not only was it a mystery before the battle between the two sides, it was unclear during the battle, and no explanation was made after the fact.

In addition, after Chao Gai was poisoned by an arrow, he never said that Shi Wengong was the murderer. In his last words to Song Jiang, he only said that whoever caught the murderer who shot him with an arrow would take the top spot in Liangshan.

The word "Shi Wengong" was clearly engraved on the poisoned arrow, but Chao Gai did not say that Shi Wengong was the murderer. Obviously, Chao Gai had already noticed that there was another hidden reason for his arrow.

Also, Shi Wengong never showed off that he shot Chao Gai.

You must know that it was a great achievement to shoot down Liangshan's top spot, the soul of Chao Gai, and it was a matter of course and pride.

No matter what, Shi Wengong couldn't hide this matter.

Also, the arrow was poisoned. The real cause of Chao Gai's death was poisoning. Just imagine that a person like Shi Wengong who is highly skilled in martial arts and skilled in archery, if he shoots the enemy, he will definitely hit the key with one arrow. There is no need to apply poison on the arrow at all. Don't even bother to paint poison on arrows.

Therefore, the murderer who shot Chao Gai should not be Shi Wengong.

So, who is the real murderer?

This is a mystery.

Well, here comes the question.

Chao Gai, as the number one person in Liangshan and the leading figure in his soul, is so important, but he died in an unexplainable manner. The author did not explain anything to the murderer, but only made him appear to be Shi Wengong on the surface, which made people suspicious.

Logically, this should be impossible.

Then, there is only one reason that can be explained, and that is the author's metaphor, who is the real murderer?

Who is the real murderer?

Shen Cong gave a subversive answer that everyone could not believe. The real murderer was Song Jiang.

The murderer turned out to be Song Jiang, and all the fans exclaimed that this was impossible.

Chao Gai and Song Jiang are a pair of life-and-death brothers who are loyal and sincere. How could Song Jiang kill Chao Gai?

No one would think so.

In this regard, Shen Cong said that he is only speculating based on some details, which is not necessarily the real fact.

But his speculation is far from unreasonable.

After reading Shen Cong's speculation, the fans of the book all fell silent, thinking about everything.

First, Chao Gai died, and Song Jiang was the biggest beneficiary besides the government and court.

Chao Gai is dead, Song Jiang will be able to sit first in Liangshan.

Chao Gai is a loyal person and attaches great importance to brotherhood, but he is not good at maneuvering and is not very suitable to be a leader.

In fact, since Song Jiang went to Liangshan, Chao Gai was the first person on the surface, but the real leader is more like Song Jiang, and Song Jiang is obviously very willing to be a leader.

But no matter what, Chao Gai is the first, Song Jiang can only be second.

If Chao Gai were dead, Song Jiang would be able to take the top spot as a matter of course.

Secondly, after Chao Gai was poisoned and returned to Liangshan, Song Jiang's reaction was quite intriguing.

Chao Gai was lying on the bed, unable to eat rice and water, and his body was swollen and swollen. Song Jiang just stayed in bed crying, and did not seek medical advice, but asked someone to diagnose and treat Chao Gai.

Later, when Song Jiang fell ill, he immediately sent Zhang Shun to invite the genius doctor An Daoquan.

The genius doctor An Daoquan also easily cured Song Jiang's disease.

Then, why didn't Song Jiang invite the genius doctor An Daoquan to diagnose and treat Chao Gai?

The reasons are intriguing.

Third, Song Jiang tampered with Chao Gai's will.

Before Chao Gai died, he told Song Jiang that whoever caught the murderer who shot him with an arrow would take the top spot in Liangshan.

However, after Chao Gai's death, Song Jiang said to everyone, "When Chao Tianwang was about to die, he instructed him that if anyone catches Shi Wengong, he will be the lord of Liangshan Park. All the leaders know this. Forgot? You never got revenge, you hate it, how can you get this position?"

It can be seen that Song Jiang directly defined the person who shot Chao Gai as Shi Wengong, and was also the first person to propose that Shi Wengong was the murderer.

Fourth, Chao Gai once entrusted a dream to Song Jiang, saying: "Now that I have things on my back, only the stars in the south of the Yangtze River can be avoided."

The next day, Song Jiang developed gangrene on his back, and he was later treated by the genius doctor An Daoquan.

Some people think that this is proof of Chao Gai and Song Jiang's brotherhood, but the truth may be the opposite. Chao Gai Tuo's dream just shows that Song Jiang has a ghost in his heart.

What Xian Chao Gai said in his dream is quite interesting, "Now the matter is on his back", Song Jiang explained it as that Chao Gai Tuo's dream pointed out the right direction for him to treat his illness.

But this sentence can also prove that some things Song Jiang did not want to be known behind his back were exposed, so Song Jiang became terrified and had sores on his back the next day.

Fifth, after Chao Gai's death, Song Jiang "leads the masses to lead the failure every day", "doesn't have the heart to manage the affairs of the cottage", and then a mess up and down the mountain.

When Wu Yong and Li Kui showed the other generals reason and pressure, and Song Jiang successfully took the first position, he immediately made great fanfare and gave orders, and the cottage had a new look.

It is impossible to see Song Jiang's excessive sadness.

Then Song Jiang said that he wanted to take revenge for Chao Gai, and Wu used the sentence "Don't move lightly in mourning...and wait for a hundred days before raising troops".

After Song Jiang heard this, he stopped taking revenge for Chao Gai because of this ridiculous reason.

Moreover, after a hundred days, Song Jiang did not go to avenge Chao Gai, but went to the capital instead.


Shen Cong gave a total of ten places for such detailed reasoning.

Fans of the book thought about it after reading it. Although the evidence given by Shen Cong is all indirect reasoning evidence, it is indeed very convincing.

This may not be able to prove 100% that Song Jiang is the real murderer of Chao Gai, but Song Jiang at least has a big suspicion.

So, here comes another question.

If Song Jiang is really the murderer, Song Jiang can't shoot Chao Gai himself, he will only send one person.

So, who was he sending?

This question also has details that can be speculated. Not saying 100% is the answer, but the possibility is not low.

This made countless book fans feel that if they did not study the details of "Water Margin" several times, they would not be able to read "Water Margin" at all.

Of course, this is also true. There are many places in "Water Margin" that are worthy of careful study.

Otherwise, you really didn't understand "Water Margin", at most it's just a lively viewing.

Even the famous writer and literary critic in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, Mr. Jin Shengtan sighed, "If you don't read "Water Margin", you don't know the wonders of the world.


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