Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1764 Don't read

"Water Margin" is over, leaving aside the regrettable and unhappy ending for the time being, the story of the whole work is vigorous and extremely exciting.

Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen, Song Jiang, Wu Song, Li Kui, Shi Jin and other characters are also extremely distinctive.

About "Water Margin", countless book fans have been talking about it on the Internet, and many celebrities have also published relevant comments on Weibo one after another.

Shen Cong wrote: "Mr. Li Fan's "Water Margin" is over, the influence of this work is destined to be extremely far-reaching. The whole book focuses on the occurrence and development of the peasant uprising. Through the different experiences of each hero being forced to Liangshan, It describes the whole process from their individual awakening, to embarking on a small-scale joint resistance, to developing into a grand uprising team.

It expresses the inevitable law of peasant uprisings in the feudal era of "official forcing the people to rebel", shapes the group image of the leaders of peasant uprisings, and profoundly reflects the political situation and social contradictions under the background at that time.

Due to the dual nature of the leaders of the uprising and the historical limitations of their thinking, when the uprising reached its peak, he chose to compromise and recruit peace, which ultimately ruined the uprising. Through the failure of the Songjiang Uprising, the whole book objectively summarizes the experience and lessons of the failed peasant uprising in the feudal era. There is no doubt that "Water Margin" has become an absolute classic. "

Cen Geng wrote: "Water Margin is a work that combines romanticism and realism, and has very high artistic achievements. Among them, the most outstanding artistic achievement is the shaping of heroic characters. The whole work at least shapes There are twenty or thirty typical images with distinct personalities, including Song Jiang, Lu Zhishen, Lin Chong, Wu Song, Li Kui, Gongsun Sheng and so on.

These images are flesh-and-blood, vivid and vivid on the paper. Each character has a different personality. The author, Li Fan, is very good at placing characters in a real historical environment, and grasping the identities, experiences and encounters of the characters to portray their characters. "Water Margin" must be read carefully and read several times before you can discover its true charm. If you don't read "Water Margin", you don't know the wonders of the world. "

Zheng Jie wrote: "After reading "Water Margin", its ending is really regrettable and regrettable. Let's not talk about the ending for the time being. Let's talk about the whole of this work first. There is almost no specific social environment in the whole book. However, through the description of the characters of various classes and their relationships, a picture of the social life of the Northern Song Dynasty is presented to us very vividly and clearly. "Tianluo returns to the Water Margin and lifts up the Liangshan Mountains on the Earth" is the latitude and longitude that make up this historical picture."

Yu Qiu wrote: ""Water Margin", the plot twists and turns moving, the contradictions and conflicts are sharp and fierce, the unfolding of each scene, the details are not described, and the whole event is pushed step by step to the high dynasty. Here, I would like to thank Wang Jin, director of CCTV TV drama channel, if he hadn't invited Li Fan to cooperate with CCTV, we might not have the chance to see such a classic work as "Water Margin". At the same time, we are very much looking forward to CCTV TV channel, the upcoming TV series version of "Water Margin". "

Bai Yi wrote: "The structure of "Water Margin" is a criss-crossed duplex structure. The whole process of the occurrence, development and failure of the Liangshan Uprising runs through the whole book, interspersed with the main characters who are relatively independent and self-contained. Stories. These stories are structurally open and close, each with its own characteristics, and are an integral part of the entire Water Margin story. There is no doubt that this is a new creative mode. And, it is extremely successful."

Liu Yuan wrote: "When we read "Water Margin", we are not only reading the whole process of the uprising of the Liangshan heroes, but also reading one relatively independent story after another. One story after another keeps coming, and one hero after another emerges in an endless stream, which makes people dizzy. The classic characters created in the whole work are not only the heroes of Liangshan, but also characters such as Wu Dalang, Pan Jinlian, Ximen Qing, etc. Although there is not much brush and ink, they are also extremely vivid and unforgettable.”

Han Zhong wrote: "There are similar incidents in "Water Margin\

,"But while the events are similar, the plots are very different. For example, Lin Chong buys knives and Yang Zhi sells knives, Wu Song fights tigers and Li Kui kills tigers, Wu Song kills his sister-in-law and Shi Xiu kills his sister-in-law, Jiangzhou robbery field and Damingfu robbery field, and Lin Chong and Lu Junyi revolt, etc. The events are similar but completely different plots are written, which fully demonstrates the colorful life and the colorful characters of the characters. This is obviously one of the distinctive features of "Water Margin". "

Yang Qiming wrote: "There are many, many events and many, many stories in "Water Margin", these stories are ups and downs, fascinating and unforgettable forever, such as 'Fist Fighting the Town of Guanxi', 'Wusong Fighting Tiger' , 'Wusong's fight to kill Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing', 'Outsmart the birthday guide', 'Three beats Zhujiazhuang', 'Drunken Jiangmenshen', 'Fighting at Feiyunpu', 'Blood splashed in the mandarin duck building', etc. "Water Margin" is a wonderful book. I agree with Mr. Cen Geng's statement that if I don't read "Water Margin", I don't know the wonders of the world."


Numerous celebrities have published their interpretations and comments on "Water Margin".

Book fans like to read the interpretations and comments of celebrities. One is that they can understand "Water Margin" more accurately, and the other is that "Water Margin" they like has a feeling of being officially recognized.

They like and enjoy the feeling.

They were talking and talking on the Internet while watching, and they were talking and talking, and they suddenly returned to the original question.

That's the beginning of "Water Margin", why do you write some crazy stuff? Looking at the whole work, the things at the beginning seem to have nothing to do with the full text.

In addition, "Water Margin" is written as the story of Liang Sheng's heroes, but the characters at the beginning of the story are not Liangshan heroes, but the villain who runs through the whole book, the traitor Gao Qiu.

Moreover, it is not a simple writing, but a large amount of space is used to describe the history of Gao Qiu's fortune.

What is the purpose of the author Li Fan's arrangement?

Before, book fans did not understand this problem, and no celebrities came out to interpret it.

Now that "Water Margin" is over, there should be celebrities who come out to interpret these two questions, right?

Book fans think so and are looking forward to it.

And the fact is that it is.

Shen Cong and Cen Geng discussed this issue at the beginning of "Water Margin".

It was just the beginning of that time. What kind of story would "Water Margin" tell? They don't know either.

At that time, they could not answer this question either.

Now that "Water Margin" has ended, they can naturally analyze the intention of Li Fan's opening.

They share their analysis on the web.


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