Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1766 Love Mountain

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1766, Love Mountain Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Great Journey Through the Age of Wulian Peak Five Elements, The Gate of the Profound Realm, Selecting the Heavens, King of the Evernight, Reverse Scale, Lord of the Holy Ruins, Lord of Xue Ying, A Thought of the Legend of the Eternal Dragon King Huashan, one of the most famous peaks in China, is also one of the five mountains highest mountain.

Now is the time of communication between summer and autumn, the weather has been relatively pleasant, and countless tourists have come to Huashan for tourism.

Qin Yulin kept clamoring to come to Huashan to play, and while Su Qing had a few days off, Li Fan accompanied the two daughters to Huashan.

Li Fan also wants to come to Huashan to see the famous mountains and rivers in China, Li Fan wants to go and see, to feel the great mountains and rivers of the motherland, and to follow the footprints of ancient poets.

At the foot of Mount Hua, Qin Yulin suddenly said mysteriously to Su Qing, "Sister, let me ask you, what is Mount Hua called?"

Su Qing smiled slightly and said, "If you want to test me, you don't ask a difficult question. I naturally know such a simple question. Huashan is also called Xiyue, Taishan, or Taihuashan."

Qin Yulin smiled and shook his head: "Your answer is correct, but it's not the answer I want."

"Oh?" Su Qing was a little surprised and said, "Then tell me, what is your answer?"

Qin Yulin didn't answer, turned to look at Li Fan, and asked, "Brother-in-law, did you know?"

Li Fan also smiled and said, "Huashan is also called ** Qingshan. This is the answer you want, right?"

Qin Yulin's eyes lit up and said, "Brother-in-law really knows everything."

Li Fan said proudly, "That's natural."

"Love Mountain?" Su Qing was a little puzzled, "Is Huashan also called **Qingshan? It's the first time I've heard of it. Why is it called **Qingshan?"

Qin Yulin smiled again, and said, "This... I only know that Huashan is also called Qingshan, but I don't know why? Brother-in-law, you must know, tell us."

The last sentence was addressed to Li Fan.

Li Fan looked at Qin Yulin amusingly, it turned out that this girl only knew the truth, but not the reason.

However, it is not bad to know that Huashan is also called Qingshan.

Many people do not know this, including many people who have traveled to Huashan, do not know.

Su Qing turned her head to look at Li Fan, her big eyes blinked, Li Fan laughed and said, "Because on the west peak of Mount Hua, there is a scenic spot called 'the first wedding room in the world', we often say 'the wedding room with candle night', then It's from this. The first bridal chamber in the world, you should know about it, right?"

Su Qing nodded and said, "Well, I know, although I haven't been there yet, but I know that there is indeed the 'best bridal chamber in the world' on the west peak of Mount Hua."

Qin Yulin also said that she also knew this, and then said: "What does this world's first bridal chamber have to do with Love Mountain?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Of course it does matter. The reason why Huashan is also called Qingshan is precisely because of this 'the best bridal chamber in the world'."

"Why?" Su Qing and Qin Yulin asked at the same time.

Li Fandao: "Because of a beautiful love legend."

"Beautiful love legend?" Su Qing and Qin Yulin both had bright eyes, urging Li Fan to continue.

Li Fan looked at the two girls with a smile and continued talking.

According to legend, during the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Mu of Qin had a daughter named Nongyu, who was beautiful, incomparably smart, liked the rhythm and was good at playing the sheng.

She blew the jade sheng with a sound like the cry of a phoenix.

One night, Nongyu sat in the Fenglou again, playing sheng to the stars in the sky.

It was quiet at night, and the soft and melodious Sheng sound was like a wisp of smoke, drifting to the horizon and echoing gently in the starry sky.

Vaguely, Nongyu suddenly felt that he was not playing solo.

Because, she seems to be able to hear, there is a whistle in the starry sky,

It was in chorus with her own Shengsheng.

That night, Nongyu had a dream while sleeping.

In the dream, there was a handsome young man playing a flute and flying over on a colorful phoenix.

The boy said to Nongyu, "My name is Xiao Shi! I live in Huashan. I like flute very much, because when I hear your sheng, I still want to mingle with you."

After speaking, the young man who called himself Xiao Shi started to play the flute again. The flute sound was so beautiful that Yufang's heart was moved, so he took out the sheng ensemble.

One Xiao and one Sheng, the ensemble produced the most beautiful music in the world.

The next morning, when Nongyu woke up, she recalled the scene in her dream and remembered the young man named Xiao Shi.

Later, Duke Mu of Qin knew what was on his daughter's mind and sent someone to Huashan to find a young man named Xiao Shi.

I never thought that I really found a young man named Xiao Shi, and he was good at blowing flute.

In this way, Nongyu saw Xiao Shi, and it really looked like the boy in his dream.

Xiao Shi told Nongyu that he was a practitioner, and the place of cultivation was above Mount Hua.

After that, Nongyu followed Xiao Shi to Mount Hua. The two chose a place on the west peak of Mount Hua, dug a cave, and then lit candles in the cave to get married.

The term "bridal chamber" was born.

The cave that Xiao Shi and Nongyu dug up is now the "best cave in the world" on the west peak of Mount Hua.

Because of the beautiful love story of the two, Huashan is called the Mountain of Love, the mountain of witnesses of love.

After hearing this beautiful love legend, Su Qing looked at Li Fan with infinite tenderness in her eyes.

Qin Yulin deliberately coughed twice, then leaned into Su Qing's ear and said something softly.

Su Qing's face flushed slightly after hearing this, and she pinched Qin Yulin's waist. Qin Yulin grinned and avoided, Su Qing chased after him again, and the two girls quarreled for a while.

Li Fan looked at the two girls and smiled slightly. He was happy.

"I'm sorry, may I ask, is the legend you just said true? Is Huashan really called "Love Mountain?" A voice came from behind.

Li Fan turned his head, and behind him was a couple holding hands. Both of them looked at Li Fan, and it was the boy who just asked the question.

Obviously, they just heard what Li Fan told Su Qing and Qin Yulin about the beautiful love legend of Xiao Shi and Nongyu.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "There is indeed such a legend, and Huashan is indeed called the Mountain of Love."

After the couple listened, there was a hint of excitement on their faces, and their hands were obviously pulled even tighter.

The boy said again: "Thank you, sir, thank you for telling that beautiful legend just now. We really didn't know about it before. Huashan is also called Qingshan. We originally wanted to go to Mount Tai this time. Go to the top of Mount Tai and have a look. Mr. Li Fan's famous song "Wang Yue" is the real work. But because of some unexpected factors, we came to Huashan. Originally, we still have some regrets, but just heard what Mr. said about the beautiful Legend has it that after knowing that Huashan is also called 'Love Mountain', we suddenly found out that our visit to Huashan this time was predestined by heaven, and God wanted to witness our love. Thank you very much."

After the boy finished speaking, the girl also expressed her gratitude to Li Fan with the same excitement.

Li Fan smiled and said, "You don't have to thank me, I didn't tell you at all."

The boy said again: "No, sir, although you didn't say it to us, but we heard it, we should thank you."

This time Li Fan nodded and said, "I wish you happiness, this mountain of love will surely witness your love."

The boy and the girl nodded solemnly at the same time, and at the same time expressed their thanks to Li Fan again, and then left hand in hand.

After the two left, the words continued to enter Li Fan's ears, all of which were expressions of their excitement now, and they also said that they must go to the first bridal chamber in the world to see.

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