Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1769 Hold the hand of the son, grow old with the son

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1769 Holding the Hand of the Son, Growing Old with the Son Author: In the Countryside]

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Li Fan felt the look of anticipation in the eyes of the tourists, and looked at Su Qing and Qin Yulin's two daughters again, thinking for a moment in his mind.

Perhaps, he really should have left something here?

He wants to keep the promise of love here, in this holy place of love.

Li Fan is very sure of this.

So, Li Fan nodded and said, "I did think of two sentences just now, so let's treat it as a little poem."

Hearing what Li Fan said, the tourists were slightly disappointed.

Two sentences? What kind of poem are two sentences?

Only Su Qing and Qin Yulin knew that the two words from Li Fan's mouth would soon spread throughout the Internet.

There were some subtle changes in the atmosphere at the scene. The previous couple seemed to feel the change in the atmosphere at the scene. The boy quickly said: "Mr. must be very talented in poetry. I'm afraid these two sentences are quite classic, please tell me sir. , let us have the privilege of reading it.”

After listening to all the tourists, they all laughed in their hearts, just two words, what kind of classic can it become? And everyone is lucky enough to read it. I don't know what to read?

However, everyone also understands why the boy said this. This is to make Li Fan think that everyone is looking forward to his poems.

Naturally, Li Fan felt the change in the atmosphere of the scene. He smiled lightly and said nothing.

Instead, he took Su Qing's hand and walked towards a rock next to the first bridal chamber in the world.

Su Qing took Qin Yulin's hand again, and the three walked to the rock together.

The two daughters, Su Qing and Qin Yulin, already understood Li Fan's intentions, and the rest of the tourists seemed to understand a little too.

"Could it be that he is going to write his two sentences on that rock?" All the tourists thought so in their hearts.

Is this something wrong?

Now this is the holy land of love, and if you scrawled it here, I am afraid that it will be a bit desecrating this holy land of love.

Unless, not scribbling, but writing a really classic poem about love.

In this way, not only will it not desecrate this holy place, but it will also add a good story.

Just two sentences, what kind of classic poetry can it become?

Some tourists opened their mouths, wanting to tell Li Fan not to write "poems" there, but to another place.

such as a little further away.

It's just that they are still hesitating whether to say it or not? Li Fan has found a small piece of suitable stone and started writing on the rock.

"It's too late." The tourists all thought so in their hearts.

Afterwards, everyone slowly gathered around. Although they all thought that the two sentences in Li Fan's mouth were not poetry, they were also quite curious.

As for Li Fan's "poem" written here, will it desecrate this holy place of love? I can't think about it anymore.

"Death and life are bound together." Li Fan has finished writing four words.

What do these four words mean?

The tourists seem to understand a little, but they don't seem to understand.

And that's not the point, the point is that the tourists were shocked to discover that these words were deeply etched, as if they were carved on a stone with some kind of lettering tool.

Just by handwriting, and it seems to be an understatement, can you write so deeply?

How powerful is this Nima?

They saw that Li Fan's body was not very strong, how could he have such great strength?

There is another important point, that is, these words are vigorous and powerful,

Arbitrary and unrestrained, extremely beautiful, even people who don't know anything about calligraphy will think that these four characters are very well written.

What's up with this Nima? How could he write so well?

Is he a calligrapher? It's just that calligraphy is so young.

All the tourists were thinking about these two questions in their hearts, and before they could understand, Li Fan had already finished writing four words.

"Talk to Zicheng."

What do these four words mean? It still seems a little unclear.

The attention of tourists turned to their understanding of the content of the text itself.

Then they found that they didn't quite understand what it meant?

And Li Fan continued to write below.

"Hold your hand and grow old with your son."

When Li Fan finished writing these eight words, the scene suddenly became silent.

After a while, they heard these eight words murmured in their mouths, "hold the hand of the son, grow old together with the son."

"Death and life are mutually exclusive, talk to Zicheng." What does that mean? Tourists are a little confused.

But the meaning of "hold the hand of the son, grow old with the son", everyone can understand at the first time.

It is precisely because of this that the scene suddenly became silent, and everyone muttered these eight words in their mouths.

After writing the sixteen words, Li Fan could clearly feel that Su Qing took his hand and pulled his hand even tighter, even trembling slightly.

He also held Su Qing's hand even tighter.

Holding the hand of the child, growing old together with the child, the hand that the two have held tighter than before is worth a thousand words.

Qin Yulin's eyes were a little blurry, what did he murmur in his mouth?

After that, the three of them held hands and slowly withdrew from the crowd. The tourists were still muttering those eight words, but they did not notice the departure of the three of Li Fan.

Retiring to the periphery of the crowd, Li Fan said to the two women, "Let's go, we're going to the next place."

Su Qing was still holding Li Fan's hand, she nodded slightly after hearing this, Qin Yulin said, "Brother-in-law, where do we go next?"

Li Fandao: "Go to the top of the real Huashan, that is, the top of Nanfeng."

As for here, they have seen the first bridal chamber in the world, and left a poem destined to cause a sensation, which is enough.

"Death and life are bound together, and I talk with Zicheng. Holding my hand, I grow old with him." The words of the previous life "Book of Songs Beifeng Beating the Drum".

"Death and life are bound together, and the child becomes happy" means that no matter life or death, I will make a promise with you.

This was originally a mutual agreement between warriors, but later, it was used more for the eternal commitment to love.

Regardless of life or death, I make a promise with you.

What agreement did you make?

Holding the hand of the son, the promise to grow old together with the son.

To engrave such a poem on the rock next to the first bridal chamber in the world is Li Fan's commitment to his love and a wish to all lovers in the world.


After Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin left, the tourists gradually recovered.

"Hold the hand of the son, grow old with the son." These simple eight words seem to have endless power, so that the hands of the lovers on the scene are tightly clasped together, and there is no power to separate them.

This is the promise of love, simple but most moving.


Here in the countryside, I wish all lovers to "hold the hand of the son and grow old with the son"!

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