Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1774 no interest

On the top of Mount Huashan, the scene of the Poetry Contest.

The tourists around Su Qing and Qin Yulin's two daughters frowned slightly again.

One of the slightly fat middle-aged tourists said: "This girl, the poem "Wangnan Peak" is naturally far from being comparable to Mr. Li Fan's poems, but it is not an exaggeration to say that this poem is somewhat of Mr. Li Fan's style. ."

Qin Yulin's eyes widened, just as he was about to refute, Su Qing hurriedly pinched her waist lightly, the meaning was obvious, let that girl not argue.

Qin Yulin naturally understood what Su Qing meant. He curled his lips and muttered in a low voice, "Of course it's an exaggeration. It doesn't have Mr. Li Fan's style at all."

Qin Yulin's voice was low, but the fat tourist heard it and said, "This girl, do you mean that this poem is bad? Does it mean that so many of us are inaccurate?"

After Qin Yulin heard it, he snorted lightly and said, "This poem is not too bad, it's not bad, it's just average, and I can barely get it, but it's not a short distance to say that it has the style of Mr. Li Fan. Your evaluation is indeed not very accurate."

Before the slightly fat tourist could speak, a tall and thin tourist next to him became unhappy and said, "How can you know any poetry as a girl? It's uncertain whether you can understand this poem or not, and you dare to say that other people's evaluations are inaccurate."

Su Qing had a headache. Seeing what Qin Yulin wanted to say, she quickly said, "I'm very sorry, we shouldn't judge ourselves. It's normal for different people to have different comments on a poem. already."

Hearing Su Qing's words, Qin Yulin couldn't say anything more, but gave the tall and thin tourist an angry look.

Afterwards, Su Qing pulled Qin Yulin back to Li Fan's side.

Li Fan looked at Qin Yulin, reached out and touched Qin Yulin's head, the girl's puffed up look was quite cute.

"Okay! Don't be arrogant. Everyone has their own evaluations, and their evaluations are not wrong. The poems are indeed pretty good. To be able to write such poems, you already have a certain level of poetry. , can barely be regarded as a professional poet." Li Fan said.

After Qin Yulin heard it, he pouted, "Oh", and he was no longer angry.

It's just that things often don't end like this.

A slightly mocking voice sounded in the ears of the three of them, "Could you be considered a professional poet? This gentleman has a very high vision."

Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw a young man around 30 years old, looking at them with a sarcastic expression on his face.

Obviously, what he just said was what he said.

Before Li Fan could speak, Qin Yulin rolled his eyes and said, "Who are you? What do you mean?"

The young man snorted softly and said, "I just heard what you said over there. Although you are beautiful, it doesn't mean that you know how to appreciate poetry. If you don't understand, it's better not to judge yourself."

Qin Yulin looked at the young man and said, "Are you the author of the poem "Wangnan Peak"?"

The young man said: "That's Brother Lin's poem. The boy is not talented, but he is the author of the poem "The Peak". The girl of "Forgetting the South Peak" doesn't even care about my "Peak of the Mountain". Can't get into the girl's eyes."

The young man's name is Wang Lun, a professional poet. He came to the top of Mount Huashan today to participate in the poetry discussion competition held by the Floating Cloud Poetry Society.

"Top of the Mountain" is his proud work, and the comments from the onlookers are also very good.

The author of "Wangnan Peak" is called Lin Rufeng, who is also a professional poet and has some intersection with Wang Lun.

The two of them were in the crowd just now, listening to the comments of the people around them on the two poems "Wangnan Peak" and "Top of the Mountain", almost full of praise, secretly complacent and complacent.

They are professional poets, wouldn't it be a piece of cake to participate in this level of poetry competition?

Especially when people say that their poems are quite like Li Fan,

It makes them proud, which is a very high evaluation.

Just listening and listening, they heard the conversation between Qin Yulin and a few tourists, which made them a little unhappy. If it wasn't for Qin Yulin's beauty, they would definitely make a few words of ridicule.

Afterwards, they watched Qin Yulin and Su Qing return to Li Fan's side, and also saw Li Fan touching Qin Yulin's head, a rather intimate gesture.

It turned out that the two beauties have already "owned".

Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng were both envious and jealous of Li Fan, and they were even more upset when they remembered Qin Yulin's comment on the poem "Wang Nanfeng" just now.

"Brother Lin, wait for me to ridicule them. If you dare to comment on Brother Lin's "Looking to the South Peak", you simply don't understand poetry." Wang Lun said to Lin Rufeng.

Then, they approached Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin calmly.

But never, as soon as he approached, he heard what Li Fan said to Qin Yulin.

"Could you be regarded as a professional poet? What a big tone." Wang Lun thought of this in his heart, and then he couldn't help but say the previous sentence.

The scene after that is as described above.

Qin Yulin listened to Wang Lun's words and said lightly: "Since you are the author of "The Peak", I didn't say how about your poems? What are you doing here?"

"This..." Wang Lun was at a loss for words, Qin Yulin's answer was completely different from what he imagined.

Su Qing gave a "puchi" smile, this girl said it best.

Li Fan also smiled slightly. As for the sarcastic look on Wang Lun's face before, he didn't feel relieved at all, and he didn't intend to ignore it.

Qin Yulin looked at the other party's speechless, and was quite proud for a while, and glanced at Li Fan somewhat asking for credit.

Wang Lun was at a loss for words for a while, and his face was a little uneasy, and he snorted quickly to cover up his speech.

Then, suddenly remembering what Li Fan had said to Qin Yulin before, his eyes lit up, and he quickly turned his head towards Li Fan and said, "This gentleman just said, Brother Lin Rufeng, the author of "Wang Nan Feng", is barely a professional poet. Your eyes are very high."

Li Fan glanced at Wang Lun and said lightly, "It's not that he has high vision, it's just an objective evaluation of seeking truth from facts."

"Oh? Really?" Wang Lun's face showed a faint hint of malicious smile, and continued: "So, Mr. is also quite good at poetry."

Li Fan was naturally able to capture the sly smile on Wang Lun's face, but he remained calm and said lightly, "I did write some poems in the past."

"Oh? Is that so?" Wang Lun's smile became more obvious, and he continued: "It seems that Mr. is indeed a master of poetry. Since this is the case, this is just a poetry contest, why don't you write a poem on the spot? Also, let us appreciate Mr. Ichiban's masterpiece."

Li Fan was not surprised by Wang Lun's words, but he was not very interested in it now.

So he smiled slightly and replied, "I'm sorry, I don't have that interest right now."


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